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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I have no restrictions ;) I cannot function in silence and musoc makes me want to dance, the noise of a movie or tv show I have seen a million times helps me focus. DH cannot watch thongs repeatedly, however, and it drives me nuts. I try to limit the kids. Somedays I fail....more now that I am pregnant :)
  2. We do the CWP after we finish the text and workbook. We alternate with the IP. He has done as many as 10 problems in a sitting. Usually, it is more like 4-6. We will not do every problem in the book. He really gets the addition problems, so we are not doing thoae or the weights and measures. I am focusing o. The multiplication and division.
  3. I dont remember everything from 9th grade, bit I know we had summer reading with a test on day one of school, 4 novels, a Greek tragedy, Julius Caesar, Illiad and the Odyssey, short stories, at least one novel that we read aloud in class, vocabulary, grammar review, several papers, weekly tests on grammar and vocabulary, plus all the stiff I can't remember. I would do one credit.
  4. The kids had swine flu last year (thanks to cousins at a birthday party :tongue_smilie: basically the whole family had it...6/7 siblings amd spouses, 15/17 kids.) DH and I did not get hot too bad, bit the kids were down for 10 days. After three I took them to the doctor, she looked at them and said - "flu." They were.lethargic and had no appetite for days. It was awful. I don't know how many bottles of motrin we went through! I did het some pediasure shakes to feed them and a.good vitamin. The pediasure have them some energy, it was all they ate for two days, then we ate soup. I hope you all feel better soon!
  5. The 7th graders in pre algebra here cannot do multiplication or ling division. They use everyday math and know lattice and calculators. She should funs out what curriculun they use and see how far behind he really is. He has 4-5 months to catch up. That is plenty of time. My experience is that they don't do much real history until 7th grade anyway. We did us history in 7th and that was our first history class.
  6. My doctors used it as a baseline. I had been at a 2 for two weeks. I had been having real labor contractions less than five minutes apart for a little over an hour, I went to the hospital and they monitored the co.tractions and checked....after several hours of regular contractions nothing had changed still a two. They sent me home when i still made no progress with walking off and on over an hour. Next day, doctor checked and still at a two after 24 hours.of labor. He gave me a choice and I chose to go home. Another 24 hours...still a two. I was exhausted and agreed to let them break my water. I think they knew something was wrong but were trying to avoid a c-section. I had a slowing labor after that, but eventually got to a ten, pushed once, baby's heart rate stopped until I stopped pushing. I was in the OR and my son was out in minutes. The cord was wrapped so tight around his neck and body that Jr could not move down. When I tried to push it put him in extreme distress. Because they knew how long I had been a two, they were ready for a problem. I only wish I would have requested an ultrasound when nothing was happening, but it was my first baby and I was young. I know better now. I totally understand why it is done.
  7. I also thought you meant it was a fake organization/scam.
  8. I found a great set of flash cards at a teacher supply store. I used those to review the more complex vowel sounds. We spent some time going over each sound, then just flipped theough the cards for a week or two. It was cheap and easy to do.
  9. Mine does that too! It is getting really bad with this pregnancy. I will have to look into this more.
  10. Right now, we do everything aloud. I read some and Ds reads some. As he gets older he will tale over most of his reading on his own. He will narrate or we will discuss and eventually, he will write narrations. Learning from what you read is an important skill. I think that by 5th or 6th grade he should be reading his core subjects to himself. **I have SOTW on CD so I don't actually read that ;)
  11. We are doing minimal Latin this year and I hope to add more in the next couple of years. I do not have an aptitude for languages. I took 7 years of Spanish and 3 of French....I have devent pronunciation and cam read some, I cannot converse or wrote without my dictionary. My kids will he required to study Spanish at some point, but if they want to study another language for a couple of years, I am willing to let them pick. They have little say in amything else, why not let them pick a language they find interesting.
  12. Grammar and writing : Rod and Staff 3 Spelling: Spelling Plus continuing where we leave off this year Literature: What Your Second Grader Needs to Know for a starting point, then we will add to it from our book collection Math: SM 3a and 3b with IP and CWP Handwriting: from dictation for spelling plus History: SOTW Middle ages Bible: finish Studying God's Word a and start b, maybe use who is God from Apologia Foreign language.......Ds wanted to learn Mandarin, then Japanese- I want Spanish, Latin, or Greek.....I have a few months to decide.... Forgot science: RS4K Chemistry and Physics CC on our own, cycle two. We do part of the memory work.
  13. When DS was almost 2, I left DH asleep and went to take a shower. DS was also asleep. While still in the shower DH came in the bathroom with DS. A woman had just rung the door bell because she had found him in the street! He undid a latch and two locks to get out of the house! We never knew he was missing, but the panic of what could have happened.....plus waoting for DHS to show up at our door - no one ever came....but we thought for sure someone would be followong up on that one.
  14. :iagree: Most schools in our area do vocabulary/spelling, lit, grammar and composition as one English class. Elective credits at my high school included creative writing, comparative analysos of books with movies made from them, some schools do speed reading, I am teaching a Shakespeare class at coop(could be a half credit in depth Shakespeare study), and other schools offer specific lit studies. If you do something in depth, it could be an elective.
  15. We use all four books. We do the text and workbook together. At first I tried to mesh the IP and CWP with that....but it was a pain and too much repetition at once. He got bored quickly. This semester, with 2b, we did the text and wbk alone and went quickly. Now, I assign him a few problems from CWP or some IP pages. Some he does on his own and some we have to work through together. We do enough to do 20 minutes a day. We should finish most of the problems by the end of this month, when we are done for the year.
  16. I love RS4K. It gets really mixed reviews, some are really bad, but my son has learned so much from it!! He loves the pictures. It works great for us as a fun addition to the three r's.
  17. I have only sold one curriculum item. It did not work for my son, but it also did not work for me. I could not teach the curriculum! We tried a couple lessons and I wanted to pull my hair out! I bought something new and loved it and it worked for my son so I sold the first one. If it just did not work for one child, I would keep it in case it worked for another child. I have limited space, but I will make room for good deals on curriculum ;)
  18. Our boggest theatre is off a food court at the mall. You can buy whatever you want at the food court and take it in. I would take a plastic reusable wayer bottle amd fill it at the water fountain at that theatre, bit the others say no outside food or drink so I would not. I do however generally buy food at the theatre.
  19. My best friend has a daughter with allergies to scents and my cousin has a son with peanut allergies. When I cook for a meal/party my cousin attends, I watch for products with nuts. When I visit my friend, I don't spray my body splash. But I don't live with allergies daily, I don't always think about it. If someone tells me about an allergy, I will be conscious of it. But, I do carry peanut butter crackers as snacks for my kids. We eat pbj and then go out in public. Maybe the people know it is possible, but don't know it actually affects someone in the church. If the church leadership jas never been notifoed of the problem, they cannot tell the congregation. Most people do not change their day to day habits because someone might be allergic, but are happy to if they know there is someone with a severe allergy.
  20. I don't think the way you handled It was appropriate. Just get up and move, then contact the chirch amd request a scent free zone. Do it nicely though. Many places are very accomodating for people with food allergies. Maybe your church leadership has no idea this is an issue. It is like people who pass a smoker outside and cough loudly as they go by. I do not like it when smokers stand to close to a building entrance, but I hold my breath and walk quickly if I have to pass one. If they blew ot in my face purposely, I would say something. But the people in your church are not doing it to you on purpose. Ask, maybe your church will make the balcony scent free.
  21. Sinus rinse and warm salt water. Some good hot tea helps too.
  22. My son was reading at a second grade level, doing two digit addition and subtraction, spelling out loud and they wanted to put him in prek. He would have been bored. We own a business with a crazy schedule. It is easier to have him home as WWE juggle the business schedule. Plus, we get more family time. He asked to be home schooled.
  23. I dont ever feel obligated to go. I enjoy going to church, but I am mote likely to skip on Christmas and Easter. It is so crowded! This year DH is out of town, I was not up to the crowd pregnant with two kids. We read John 20, talked about the whole story, had lunch with my parents, colored eggs, ate chocolate bunnies, I took a nap, and now we are in the back yard relaxing.
  24. I would not do more than 30 minutes of structured time a day. My dd will sit and color for hours. I just have to keep enough sheets for for to color. We do about 10 minutes of phonics and maybe some number review. She is not really interested in learning other than reading though. We also do some matching and mazes in her workbook. I don't push. When she asks, we do. When I push, she rejects anything I try to teach. She also watches leap frog videos. Every day or so.
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