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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. If they get used to undies with tights and leos, it is hard to take the undies off for recital. They don't like the way it feels.
  2. The childrens program was a big part of how we picked a church. It is.more Imprtant to me that my kids are learning Bible lessons they can understand than for them to learn to sit in church and color or draw. The message is service is over the head of my oldest. When je is old enough to understand the sermon and not be bored, he will stau with us. Our church has a great program and the children's classes are where our kids make a lot of their friends.
  3. We are Christian, we use R&S. Some, not all, lessons say things like "God wants us to do good things, like write in complete sentences." (Not an exact quote). For the most part, any Bible references in exercises are Bible stories. Some don't mention God, so if you don't read the Bible, your child won't know it is a Bible story. As far as, too much writting, I bought the work sheets this year. It is cutting down on some work. If there is a work sheet, we use that; if not, we do as much as we can orally.
  4. No and no....I have one drawer for both, I just dump them all in it.
  5. We start between 9&10 and we are done with everything by noon at the latest. We have extracurriculars and I have dance xlasses to teach. I want some down time and time to play.
  6. I have eaten lunch meat during all my pregnancies. I even feed it to my kids! We are all fine ;) we dont live on lunchmeat.
  7. One week before Matthew was born, I started having weird pain in my right foot. It is a sharp shooting pain if I twist my ankle a certain way. I also have pain across the top of my foot and toes. It feels like my skin is being pulled. The foot was slightly swollen. In the hospital, I asked about it and the Dr said I may have sprained it in the last few days of pregnancy and not realized. I have rested and cared for it. It is not better. Now I have the same.pain in my left foot. I think it may be a nerve. I had a pinched nerve in my back after my oldest was born. It caused foot pain and eventually a tingling and numbness of two toes. One trip to the chiropractor and it was all better. Any ideas? The pain is on the outside of my ankle and foot.
  8. I like to start between 9&10 so we are done by lunch. Then we can eat and play before I head to the studio or any other activities. Today, baby had a Dr appt, so we started at 10:30. Amazingly....we still finished before lunch! I am not inflexible with start times.
  9. I use them for the poetry and literature selections. I used it as our core for kindergarten. I would find more easy reader books in the topics in the book. It was a great year and very easy. We used that and a math book. This year, we will read the lit selections and cover the science topics when we finish our science text. I may read the us history selections to DS as well. If we don't get through it all....oh well. I do like them as a resource.
  10. It took 30 minutes today, and he wad being slow. I try to stick with short lessons as much as possible. He seems to retain more when each subject is 20 minutes or less each day. We can typically get through oral lessons, manipulatives if needed and 1-2 written exercises (2-4 pgs) in 20 minutes. He is my mathy child.
  11. Yes, it is a right guaranteed in the state constitution. If your kids have never been in a school here, you don't have to do a thing to start homeschooling. You only do a letter when you pull them from school and it does not even have to stayed you will be homeschooling. You have to provide an education comparable to the PS. That means 180 days or 1080 hours. You are supposed to cover OK history for high school credit. There is no reporting. The only real requirements that are checked out are when you apply for college. You just have to be sure you meet the college requirements for admission.
  12. I did the same thing with my sin last year. He did it in his head and we wrote it out if he missed it. He felt like he failed if he had to write it out. It took a lot to convince him it was okay!
  13. My seven year old is explaining Tue bemefits of homeschooling vs public schooling to the baby!! It is too sweet! It includes things like being able to be home with him more :). I love my kids!
  14. I lived on black beans and steak for the end of my pregnancy with dd :). I was anemic for 6 months after. I took iron regularly for 4 years between pregnancies so I would not have the same problem.
  15. Very common. One of two things may have happened: 1) they picked the show and had an actor lined up for the part already. The peraon was cast before the show was put on the schedule, or at least before auditions happened. This happened with guest performers and popular local performers. 2) the actor was unable to attend auditions, they submitted a tape or scheduled a private audition. It happens all the time.
  16. I plan to ease into it, then when the kids are excited and want to do more, our day is great as opposed to not getting through everuthing I had planned.
  17. We did everything planned with just one minor issue. We did more than I intended, DS and DD were ready to go. I planned to start with 4 subjects...math, Bible, reading, and grammar....we also did history and science! The only subjects we did not hit were spelling and Latin....but we did some spelling review with our McGuffey reading lesson. :)
  18. Yeah! We had a great first day, too! It started rough because DS would not do his reading from McGuffey's....it was silly and he did not want to be silly. But, he did it! We managed math, grammar (2 lessons), reading, history, chemistry, and Bible in 1.5 hours with DS and DD finished 4 workbooks that we started last week. She was begging for more! It was a challenge with the baby, but we made it!
  19. Pregnancy!! In the newborn stage, you get to snuggle, but you can put the extra weight down when you need to and getting dressed is easier ;)
  20. Studying modern can be beneficial in a dancers training. It helps with strength and posture. Contemporary is a style, not a separate technique. You don't need either for a professional ballet career.
  21. We really like Stouffer's frozen lasagna. I would love an easy homemade recipe though.
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