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Everything posted by Berta

  1. Any snow. But, they closed the other day because of the threat of snow. We didn't get a single snowflake until 7pm. Yesterday we got about 2 inches and everything was closed... even McDonalds.
  2. My daughter takes karate and I see lots of kids that are taking it for that exact same reason. Karate teaches them how to channel their energy/anger/aggression in a healthy way.
  3. Same here! I'm in SC and forgot to let my faucet drip and now today we have no water. I am praying our pipes don't burst, I can't afford a repair bill.
  4. We school year round and take a lot of time off in the fall and spring. We live in the South and it's just too hot to do anything during the afternoon hours. My kids have never complained about school in the summer.
  5. You might need a 2010 install disk. I'm trying to remember how we did it. I think as long as you have that year install disk or older you are good. If you need a 2010 install disk I can mail you one.
  6. We live in the South and fleas are awful here. I have used Pet Armor from Walmart for the past three years and have not had a single flea on my dogs or in my house.
  7. I have a fairly common (for being born 48 yrs ago) name but the spelling is different by one letter. NO one can spell it correctly, and for some reason my two syllable name is pronounced with one syllable.
  8. To confuse everyone more.... my daughters name is Lia, pronounced Lee-uh.
  9. My daughter is 8 and is the same way as your daughter. She does not like being read to, she doesn't like sharing a book with me, she wants to read by herself. She can read very well and her comprehension is to be MUCH better when she sits alone with a book. I had to change our entire curriculum this year for this very reason.
  10. We switched from MUS to CLE, then this past year I decided to try Teaching Textbooks. My older DD used TT and loved it, my younger daughter hated it. We went back to CLE.
  11. What I wouldn't do to be flat chested! I'm HUGE! My daughter was huge too but she had a b00ks reduction done the end of November. She is the perfect size now. I keep telling DH that if I lose enough weight to be a candidate for the reduction surgery (and find the nerve) that I'm just going to have them take everything off.
  12. My daughter wears her bracelet 24/7 with the exception of when she is doing Jiu Jitsu at karate. I"m afraid it's going to break so I hold it til her class is over, then it goes right back on her wrist.
  13. I just want to say that, thanks to this forum, I too found Starline Press and my daughter absolutely LOVES it. I love it too... so much so that I am an authorized dealer now for Starline Press. I sell it for a lot less than their website and also less than Rainbow Resources.
  14. I had to google "farm sink" because I really didn't know what you were talking about. I don't like the look of the farm sinks. That said, I don't like double sinks, even deep ones. Give me one big, deep normal sink and I'd be happy.
  15. I am tired of my messy "school room" and decided to clean it up and make better use of the space. Today I moved everything around.. desks, book shelves, clutter. Now I have more of a mess than when I started.
  16. We have all of Jim Weiss' audio book CD's that we listen to in the car. My daughter loves them.
  17. I got my daughters at www.laurenshope.com. Lots of really cute/pretty bracelets on their page. She chose the blue glow in the dark bracelet. http://www.laurenshope.com/products/259/glow-in-the-dark-medical-id-bracelets
  18. We took ours down on New Years Day. But, all the Rubbermaid buckets that hold the decorations are still in the livingroom. The buckets are green and red.. .does that count as decorations still out/up????
  19. I bought Orthaheel for a trip to Disney and have not worn anything since. They are amazing! I bought a pair for my daughter and she loves them too. She has a high arch and I have flat feet. They fit well on both of us.
  20. After 5 yrs and tons of wasted money on curriculum that didn't work, I found what did work. Now I am afraid to look at anything else because I still have the urge to want to buy it.
  21. I love them but can't seem to keep them alive. I had a huge potted snake plant that my mom had for years and years. She gave it to me when she moved and my cat used it as a litter box! I couldn't keep her out of it!
  22. I found tons of cute stuff at Dollar Tree. I had posters with phonics, alphabet, numbers, daily and weather calendars, addition/subtraction/multiplication facts posters etc. They also have borders for chalk boards. Die cut outs of books, bibles, apples and a bunch of other stuff.
  23. First pregnancy: If the window wasn't bolted shut I would have jumped out of it, or thrown my DH out of it. Worst pain I had ever felt. Just when you thought there was no worse pain.... Second pregnancy: Cord was tied around my sons thigh and he could not extend his leg. He got hung up on my pelvic bone and the Dr literally had to cut me from one end to the other to get him out. I begged him to stitch me completely SHUT because that orifice was never going to be put to use again. Hence my third and fourth children are adopted.
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