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Everything posted by Berta

  1. Can I get an Amen?? Your right to own a gun, speak your opinion and guard your privacy is protected by our CONSTITUTION and not consenting to a search of person or property does not mean you have something to hide.
  2. We switched just about all of our curriculum about a month ago. We were using Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration but it just wasn't a good fit with my daughter. I loved it, she loved the content but not the approach. I had bought only a little of ACE to see is she liked it and she loves it. I ordered the rest of the workbooks for this year and next year, so we are pretty set. We are sticking with CLE math, so I'm on the lookout for grade 4.
  3. I value my privacy. It's no ones business what I have in my car, purse or house. I would NOT be okay with anyone thinking they can rifle through my belongings for no good reason. Would you mind me going through your car? What if I came to your house and started going through your nightstand, dressers drawers, closets? When I am done pulling all that apart I will go through your purse and wallet. I might even put my hands in your pants pockets to see what you have in there too. You most likely are not hiding anything, but it SHOULD bother you to have someone invading your privacy.
  4. I wanted a new sewing machine. My old one was a real dinosaur that I got off Craigslist years ago. I picked one out on Amazon and we had reward cash from a credit card that I put towards it. It came in 2 days and me being very impatient have been catching up on my sewing all week.
  5. We pay $65 a month with the homeschool discount. Regular price is $99 a month for two classes per week. My daughter is in the Black Belt Club, which is a one time fee of $125. That includes the special BBC uniform, unlimited regular weekly classes, two BBC-only classes per month and requires her to assist in one class per month. She is in training for competition which includes an additional specialized/intense class every Saturday. Belt fees are $7, but are free if you are in the BBC. She averages 9-11 hrs per week. Her Shihan is a black belt, 8th dan. The Sempai is black belt 3rd Dan. The assistant instructors are black belt. My daughter is 8 yrs old and is 3rd degree orange belt and she does Shotokan karate.
  6. Cars are bought legally but somehow they manage to get stolen. If someone hits and kills someone with a stolen car are you going to hold the legal car owner responsible for that death or the person who actually stole the car? We need to severely punish those who break the law, not those who abide by the law. I do not know the answer to that question.
  7. Are most schools Gun Free zones? Look it up, I assure you most are GFZ's.
  8. See, we agree on something. The current laws and enforcement against ILLEGAL firearms is inadequate. Someone caught with an illegal firearm deserves serious jail time. The key word here is ILLEGAL. Current gun control laws target LEGAL, law abiding citizens and not ILLEGAL guns in the hands of criminals. And no, I have never bought a gun illegally off the black market. Thanks to a criminal ex-inlaw I do know how easily they can be obtained. But trust me when I say it is a heck of a lot easier, faster and cheaper than buying one legally.
  9. Do you think this shooter would have walked into that school if he knew someone was armed? I don't. If that was the case he would have engaged the armed resource officer in a shoot-out. Instead, he turned the gun on himself. That is what cowards do when met with resistance. He went into that school because statistically, schools are Gun Free Zones.
  10. This killer got his gun at a gun store after going through expanded background checks in a state with newly enacted stricter gun control laws. No one can prevent a deranged person from wanting to kill innocent people. But good people, armed, can stop them in their tracks as the resource officer did in this school shooting. It is very sad that one child was shot, but THANK GOD it was only one child. If that resource officer had not been there, with a firearm, it could very well had been several children shot.
  11. School killings happen because some sick dude decided to he wanted to kill. I have yet to see any of my firearms decide to get up, load up and kill on their own. And I have owned them for a LONG time.
  12. LOL. The highlighted text made me laugh out loud. I could leave my house right now and be back in less than an hour with an illegally bought gun. Black market means cash in hand=illegal gun in hand. No waiting period, no background checks. A lot of times they can be had for a lot LESS then what it would cost to buy one legally. I don't know what makes you think it is riskier, more expensive or time consuming. Please explain the illegal channels it takes to buy an illegal gun? Lets see.. to get a LEGAL gun I had to be finger printed, have a background check (with EACH AND EVERY gun), pay a fee for the pleasure of the PD doing the search and then WAIT. How is that easier then obtaining an illegal gun, which takes less than an hour and a few bucks.. .no questions asked? I used to live next to a detective that worked in Camden NJ. If you have never heard of it, look it up. It's consistently ranked in the top five dangerous cities in America. He could tell you stories that would blow your theory (risky, expensive and time consuming) right out of the water.
  13. This! Because the shooter ran up against armed resistance the entire incident ended in less than 2 mins. If you want to see an end to school shootings then have armed guards, administrators and faculty in EVERY school. Criminals look for a target rich environment where there will be no resistance. Gun Free Zones are the problem.
  14. Exactly. If the officer had probable cause he wouldn't be asking for permission to search. This is one of the many reasons why I have a dashcam ( http://www.amazon.com/BOOMYOURS-270%C2%B0Rotating-Vehicle-Blackbox-G-sensor/dp/B008GAMNBK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1387123741&sr=8-5&keywords=dash+cam ) running in my car if I am in it. It's fairly obvious that there is a dashcam in play, and might make the officer think twice about violating your rights. It also takes away the "he said, she said" argument. There is audio and video, even a blinker can be heard on the recording. I won't drive my car without it.
  15. Same thing happened here with my daughter. We adopted her at age 9 and had a lot of the same issues. Taking tangible things that she valued most is the only thing that worked with her. If it required batteries or electricity they would be taken. Grounding her never worked because she is very much an introvert and liked being by herself. Talking to her and getting to the bottom of the reason why she would cheat or lie never worked because she hadn't begun to trust us (took years!) enough to open up. Action/consequence is what worked for us. And most importantly letting her know ahead of time what the consequences for XX would be, and STICKING to it. If I said XX was going to be lost, I had better follow through with it and be consistent.
  16. I'd tell him too bad, suck it up Buttercup. It's only for a week. I would also put them somewhere that he can see them, as a reminder of what he lost.
  17. I don't have a working oven either and cook it in either my solar oven or the crock pot. Comes out moist and sooo good. I'm going to try that first recipe with the brown sugar in the bottom of the pan. I was planning on making meatloaf tomorrow.
  18. I have a 3rd grader this year too. We started the year with Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration, which I loved but my daughter was in tears. I made an unpopular switch to ACE. She absolutely loves it. She is using the ACE Literature and Creative Writing as well as Science, Social Studies, Word Building and English. She is the type that likes to sit down with workbooks and work by herself, which is why TGL wasn't working out for us. I would highly recommend the TGL POS if your kids like to work with you. It's awesome and has lots of hands on activities. It's history based and includes all subjects except for math.
  19. My stainless steel cookware came with a new dinner bell.... the smoke alarm. I seem to burn everything when I use it. I prefer cast iron or basic non stick pans.
  20. I caught our Elf watching P o r n on my DH's computer. My DH is really ticked off because now he has a virus on his laptop ... oops.
  21. I consider my chickens to be my hobby. They not only provide us with food, but they are also very entertaining. They can be as inexpensive or expensive as you want. I went a little over the top with it and my DH teases me that I am going to have to get a job to help support my habbit hobby. They are also very calming for me and I consider it my therapy too. When I get stressed, I go sit outside and watch them.
  22. Headbands are not an option for me. I must have a weird shaped head because they slip right up the back and don't last more than 10 mins. I also can't wear the hard U shaped kind. I wear hearing aids and glasses which make them uncomfortable and they just don't sit right.
  23. Wow, that is small. I'd go through that in a day trying to make my gray blend in lol...
  24. I'm paying attention to this post because have been wanting to just go gray for about a year. I am tired of coloring my hair and want to use less chemicals on it. I do the curly girl method and don't use sulfates at all. I have gone as long as 4 four months at a time without coloring my hair and I always break down and grab the hair color. I just colored it last week because my kids are coming for Christmas and I don't want the half gray, multi colored hair in the pictures. There is a mom that goes to karate that has gorgeous gray hair, but it really looks awful on me.
  25. As a person who has had an extended family member murdered by opening the door, I can tell you they never once watched Fox news, Glen Beck and I'm pretty certain they had no clue about what/who ALEC. I come from a family of Democrats who would not be caught dead watching those shows. Not all robbers are out for jewels and gold. If that was the case, there would be no robberies in the ghettos and lower/middle class neighborhoods. Those types of robbers are looking for drugs. Legal drugs as in prescriptions, which is something most of us have in our homes. While the odds are low, no one is immune from break-ins, home invasions and robberies.
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