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Everything posted by Berta

  1. Opening the door for a would be attacker just makes it easier for them to get into your home. They will push right past you, strong arm you or point a weapon at you.
  2. A lot of times bad guys WILL knock or ring the bell. They will even look for your name on your mailbox and try to find your phone number to call and see if anyone is home. I live very rural and people don't just drop by. We don't get any mail or deliveries to our house either. I do not answer my door unless I am expecting someone. I have two dogs and a driveway alarm that will alert me to anyone on my property and I am normally armed. I don't think it's strange that you don't answer the door, but I would be a little concerned with the anxiety.
  3. TT saved my relationship with my daughter. She struggled with every math program before finding TT. She used it for all four years of high school. My younger daughter is the total opposite. She is not a computer person and she prefers the workbooks. She is still using TT4, but very sporadically. I'm a little sad because I love TT. I might be selling the TT4 if she quits using it all together.
  4. I did this once. I had a cleaning lady come once every other week. I wound up busting my butt cleaning up the night before because I didn't want her to think we were slobs. She didn't last long.
  5. A goat- Never happen, the chickens almost threw DH over the edge. A working oven- It broke three years ago and we haven't replaced it yet. Rehome my mother-in-law. She moved here almost 2 yrs ago after being dumped in assisted living by BIL. I now see why.
  6. It is a video camera that mounts in the windshield. It videos your entire trip from the front and also inside the car (if you want it to). I have one for my car and I love it. It records and stores the video on a micro SD card. It's similar to what police have in their cars. It can prove yourself innocent (or guilty!) if you are in an accident, road rage, police stops etc. http://www.amazon.com/BOOMYOURS-270%C2%B0Rotating-Vehicle-Blackbox-G-sensor/dp/B008GAMNBK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1386549108&sr=8-5&keywords=dash+cam
  7. Very inappropriate: My daughter does not play with or own any dolls or barbies. I have one collector barbie that is a New York Yankees barbie. I took her off her pedestal to involve her in these very inappropriate acts. My DH was thrilled because he hates the NY Yankees.
  8. My DH's birthday is Christmas eve (and son's is xmas day!) so I get to shop for both. For his birthday I got him a heated foot massager thingy. He is always coming home from work stressed and I think it will help him relax. I also got him a dashcam for his car. For Christmas I got him car ramps and wheel chucks he has been wanting and a GC to the gun shop.
  9. My daughter didn't see these: (if only she knew what her elf does when she goes to bed!) After making snow angels in flour, the elf had white powder all over his face and my DH said it looked like he had been snorting cocaine. That is why I did the one of him with the sugar on a mirror.
  10. LOL! He sliced up Babe the pig for bacon. He barbequed the Chick Fil A cow Got caught snorting sugar off a mirror Had "relations" with barbie
  11. Our elf has a split personality. My daughter gets to see the G-rated version and my husband gets the R or X rated version texted to him in the AM. G-rated: Elf made snow angels on the counter with flour. Drew mustaches, beards and horns on our family photos (with white board markers). Cleaned out the cat litter box. Got into a bag of chocolates. Gathered my daughters stuffed animals and played a card game.
  12. I'd say a curling iron and lots of hair spray. I'm another full Curly Girl, so I don't really have experience with curling straight hair.. yet. My 8 yr old has very straight hair but she hasn't asked for curls yet.
  13. I feel this way too, BUT... my daughter doesn't. We started out this year (my 5th yr homeschooling) using Trail Guide To Learning: Paths of Exploration. I LOVED it, my daughter did not. She is a workbook kind of kid and it really bothered her to have to sit at the table and listen to me teach/direct/read. Looking back at K, 1st and 2nd grade I should have realized that her learning style is totally different then my other kids. We switched to ACE workbooks and she is as happy as a clam. We do experiments and supplements together and our days are MUCH nicer together.
  14. We started using ACE Paces for 3rd grade. It's not my favorite, but it is my daughters favorite. She likes that it's workbook based and pretty much hands-off for me. We started out the year using something else (that I loved) but didn't fit her learning style. She is very independent and likes the ACE approach. It is intended to be used by the child with no adult help but we don't use it that way. I help her as needed, and I do all the checking and correcting. It's also very easy for a child to figure out how to cheat. My daughter doesn't, but if it were my son he would have cheated from day 1. I know a lot of people don't ACE, but it's working for us. We use CLE for math. It is also workbook based and after 1st grade the child can work independently.
  15. My DH lived in a "planned community" with an HOA when I first met him. He was not allowed to hang towels on his deck and he had to special order the wooden swingset because the standard canvas cover came in three primary colors, which wasn't allowed. Only green was allowed. He got an exorbitant bill for FLOWERS. The ones that had been planted died and they had to replant them. This was in addition to his HOA fees. He also got a huge bill for snow removal because it snowed more than expected. He sold that house because I wouldn't move in with him after we got married. I absolutely refuse to live anywhere that has an HOA. There was also something that had to do with sewers and they were charging everyone almost 10k, paid over a certain amount of time. But that happened after he sold it. I would definitely go with the right to access the sun's rays to dry your clothes.
  16. Unpopular opinion: We use ACE and we love it! I put off buying it for a long time because of all the negative reviews but we are loving it. I supplement where needed (most of what we have used in the past needed supplements too) but my daughter loves it and she is learning and retaining tons.
  17. I have never watched or read it either! Another unpopular opinion: I love our elf. I am having more fun staging it in R and X rated positions for my DH then I am for my daughter. If my daughter only knew what her elf does once she goes to bed lol.. ;) .
  18. Twenty two pages and I still don't know what LOTR means. I think white cars are ugly.
  19. For those Downtown Abby fans (I have never heard of the show til this thread!). Amazon has their Deal of the Day.. Up to 60% Off "Downton Abbey: Seasons 1, 2 & 3 Deluxe Limited Edition" http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=gbsl_tit_l-1_4142_ff987757?ie=UTF8&node=8096670011&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_s=left-new-1&pf_rd_r=1BEWS405BHJ97RN8SPJP&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_p=1671394142
  20. I have about 12 pairs of Zenni glasses and I have never had a problem with any of them. I have sunglasses and some of my regular glasses have the photocromatic (sp?) stuff on them that makes them darken in sunlight. LOVE my Zenni glasses!
  21. LOL Due to medical issues I had to switch to cloth wipes. My kids are fine with it, but DH is clinging to his TP. Now I'm so used to it that using TP feels awful.
  22. OMG, I cannot type YES large enough! I will be hanging my Christmas lights in 70 degree weather tomorrow! If it comes from the sea, it's not allowed in my kitchen. I hate cartoons.... all of them. I hate high heels. I don't think ANYONE looks good in a bikini. Some things are just meant not to be seen by the entire world. My most unpopular opinion is that I don't think "every life matters". I have a friend that posts this every.single.day on FB. Sorry, there are some horrible people that have done horrible things and don't deserve to be breathing. >>>ducking for cover<<<<
  23. We moved out of NJ and went from paying $8k + in taxes to paying less than $600 per year. Our mortgage also went from over $2k a month to $427 a month.
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