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Everything posted by Berta

  1. I pronounce it exactly as described above. They do not have the same sound.
  2. I was just going to post this same exact thing! I don't do anything low-fat or fat free.
  3. Same here, I'm from New Jersey. Sometimes a "t" is added just for the heck of it lol.... as in "He went accrost the street."
  4. These have three different sounds to me. Same here. "twunny-wun" and "thurdy-ate".
  5. Not here. There isn't a doctors office that I have called that had it. The only place that has it is the Health Dept, and they will not give it to adults.
  6. I'd be sooo tempted to show up for Christmas dinner in a long denim dress, bun and hairy legs.
  7. You CAN get the flu from inhaling airborne particles. It's just not as likely as it does not STAY airborne. The particles are too heavy to stay airborne. If someone coughs or sneezes around you, then yes you can catch it. But those particles are going to fall and land on something and LIVE on that something for quite some time. This is why you are more likely to catch it from touching something than from breathing it in.
  8. Although you can get sick if someone sneezes or coughs on you, you are much more likely to get it from touching something and then touching your nose, eyes or mouth then from airborne particles. Most people don't realize how often they touch their face. When you are out somewhere, sit and watch people and see how often they will touch their faces in a short amount of time. I had a three hour wait in DMV once and I watched to see how often people do this and boy was it eye opening. Washing your hands IS a very good way to protect against flu. So is staying away from people that sick. But keep in mind, even if you wash your hands, the minute you touch a handrail, door knob, keyboard or phone, you could become contaminated again. This is why NOT touching your face is the most important thing you can do to keep from getting the flu.
  9. Good luck finding the flu mist. Yes, it is available in some places but not in a lot of places. Around here they will only give it to children, not adults. A flu shot doesn't mean she won't get the flu. It's a shot in the dark if they have the right strains in there and this year a LOT of people that have gotten the shot got the flu anyway. If you daughter is an adult then respect her wishes. As the parent of three adult children, I would never insist my adult children get a flu shot in order to live in my house or be on my insurance. There are certain boundaries a parent of an adult child need to respect, this is one of them.
  10. This situation is why I learned to say "Why do you ask?" if I am unsure of the questioners intent. I've gotten pretty good at reading most people. There are those who I am not sure about and this response usually tells me if they are curious because they are on the same path or being nosy.
  11. I don't mind questions regarding adoption, especially if I can tell the person has a child that is obviously adopted. I love to discuss with other adoptive parents or prospective adoptive parents. It's the people that are just plain nosy that annoy me. I really would like to ask them rude questions on how their children were conceived... were you on top? did you stand on your head? etc.
  12. I have four kids, two by birth and two by adoption. Our family portraits look like you took six complete strangers and put them together. My sons have a Hispanic background and one is dark haired and the other is light haired. My older daughter is light skinned and my youngest is Chinese. It's not obvious with my older daughter that she is adopted, but with my youngest it is. When I was out with all four of them I got asked once if they were ALL adopted. My answer was "some of them, but I don't remember which ones". My other favorite question asked was "is her father Chinese?" of my full Chinese daughter. I didn't think of a response until I got home, and I'm waiting for the next time someone asks me this to respond "I don't know, it was dark and I didn't get a good look at him". I've gotten to the point where I can tell if someone is seriously inquiring about adoption or because they are just nosy. Serious inquiries get serious answers, rude inquiries get snarky responses.
  13. Sounds like Jui Jitsu. My daughter is in competition training for it.
  14. We preferred to give our daughter a parent issued diploma and also ordered our diploma from Homeschooldiploma.com. We customized it with her favorite bible verse and surprised her with it on her graduation day. http://www.homeschooldiploma.com/high-school-diploma-for-homeschool-standard-diploma-1.html
  15. I have become a very bad germaphobe. It started after I had the swine flu in 2009. I thought I was going to die, literally. We have not been to the library in over a month. I download books onto my kindle. Once flu season is over we will go back to paper books, but not before. I carry clorox wipes and hand sanitizer in my purse and keep a can of Lysol spray in my car. (I spray down the entire shopping cart, not just the handle!) I may look silly, and it might not make any difference, but I don't care lol.. I'm disinfecting everything that I possibly can.
  16. Definitely sounds like a dominance thing. I have a pit bull mixed (75% Pit, 25% Rhodesian Ridgeback). When he was a pup I caught him going through the garbage and he growled at me. My first thought was to back up but instead I went towards him telling him NO, and then put him on a leash and made him obey me. It worked. He never again showed his teeth and has been an awesome dog. It was explained to me that this is their pack mentality. He was trying to establish himself as the pack leader. I had to show him that I am the pack leader in this house.
  17. I don't do portion control at all. I take in around 2200 calories a day and will not gain weight as long as my carbs are around 40 per day. I find that a good size portion is enough to keep the hungries away and feel full. A typical day...Three eggs and sausage in the AM, holds me well into the afternoon. Double cheese burgers on an oopsie roll and a big green salad with chicken for dinner. I find that snacking is very limited.
  18. I'm in Kershaw County, we use PACESC as our 3rd Option Assoc. Very low fees and very non-intrusive.
  19. Cocoa Crack! 1/2 cup Coconut oil 1 1/3 cup Cocoa Powder 6 packets Stevia (to taste) 1/4 cup slivered Almonds Mix it all up, pour it on a parchment covered pie tin, throw it in the freezer for about 30 mins... crack and eat!
  20. We found that park hopping is a good and needed rest between parks. We don't take the car, we use the monorail. You can get to all the different parks by monorail except I believe Animal Kingdom. I think you need to take the bus for that park. After walking around a park for hours, sitting on the monorail and taking in the sights was an enjoyable 20 min or so break. When my kids were little we used to ride the monorail for over an hour, just to let them get some needed rest. We always go for the Disney Homeschool days and get park hoppers very cheap.
  21. Epcot has always been my kids favorite park, mine too. I would do Magic Kingdom first, Epcot second, Hollywood Studios (especially if your kid is a Disney movie nut) and then go back to Epcot a second time. We were just there in October. The countries in Epcot is something you should not miss. I counted it as a school day! Some of their rides are very educational, The Living Seas, Universe of Energy, Starship Earth (the big ball)... all educational and should not be missed. The World Showcase can take you half the day going from country to county. Taste the different ethnic foods, see the shows.. so much fun! Animal Kingdom is also our least favorite. My daughter loves the A Bugs Life show, so went back there this last trip just for that... and to eat at Rainforest Cafe.
  22. Have you tried CLE? It doesn't have color and is not distracting.
  23. I worked in a daycare/preschool and my job was with infants 6 weeks to 1 yr old. I was given a boxed "curriculum". It contained a hand puppet and index card sized cards that had activities on them. It would say to take the elephant puppet and stroke babies cheeks and sing this verse, point to babies nose and say "nose", etc.. I was shocked. I said to my boss that this is ridiculous, what parent doesn't do that? She said I would be surprised at how many children do not get the proper stimulation as infants. I still can't understand how it isn't instinctual to interact with your children.
  24. We do this with all of our subjects. We do a several lessons per day of just 2 or three subjects. By the end of the week my planner is complete and all subjects have been done. We had a problem getting all of it done each week, somehow science and history took a back seat. Now it all gets done weekly.
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