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Everything posted by Berta

  1. I LOVE my chickens! I have babies that are hatching today.. three are out, 11 still waiting. Go to backyardchickens.com. Spend some time reading and you will learn tons. Does your town have any restrictions on how many you can have, or if you can have roosters? Six is a good number to start with. This gives you some room if some get sick or die. Chickens are social creatures and keeping one or two makes for sad chickens. DH and I agreed to get four (4) hens. A yr and a half later I have close to sixty (60!), no including the ones hatching today. I also advise going bigger then you think coop wise. I was going to start out with a 4x6 coop, but then saw the 6x8 wasn't much more $, but wait... the 10x12 will hold XXXX chickens. I ended up with a 10x16 :) Chickens are VERY easy to take care of and require minimal work. Clean water and feed daily, and collect your eggs. The entertainment value of keeping chickens is priceless. They are so much fun to watch. Every so often you get the one or two that have personalities that really shine. I have several that will follow me around and one that pecks me because she wants to be picked up.
  2. I live rural, about 10 miles from anything and on a dead end dirt road. My property is a "flag" lot, which means my house sits behind my neighbors house. We have four acres, and you cannot see my house from the road. My driveway runs along the property line of my front neighbor. She is a 70+ yr old woman and she just adores my family. We moved here three years ago, but for the first year it was just myself and our two daughters and we would stay for about 2 months, then go back to visit my DH 600 miles away for 2 months and so on. The second year my daughters and I moved here, and my DH followed last year after our other house finally sold. I hired a lawn service to cut the grass while we were away and the guy called me and said he was able to do the job, no problem. He also told me that I had a very nice neighbor who was looking out for me. Apparently she stopped him as he was going down my very long driveway with a shotgun in her hand and asked him what he was doing at my house! She keeps her shotgun by the door, and I have seen her confront anyone that comes down our road that she doesn't know. If someone makes it to my driveway, she will call me to tell me someone is on their way down to my house. I have also seen her walking like a sentry around her own property, shotgun on her shoulder. And.. everyone on my street (approx 20 houses) is related to someone else on the street.
  3. It's a year later and we DID go homework free after the first marking period. I sent a note to the teacher and told her that due to our family situation we will not be completing daily homework, other than projects and reports. The teacher sent me back my note with a smiley face on it, but no comment. My daughter got straight 100's on her first report card. Not doing the homework brought her grades down to 98's and 97's. I can live with that! This year we are back to homeschooling. I was able to quit my job and now she is back home. We won't be doing public school again.
  4. I'm going on 6 weeks now using the CG method. I am really in need of a Deva cut but the closest is over an hour away from me. My hair is still pretty short at the moment due to the big chop I did when I first started CG. In 6 weeks I am shocked at how soft my hair has become and how I never have any frizz. I have been using the following products: As I Am Co-wash Cure Care conditioner Shea Moisture deep conditioning mask once a week. (This stuff is awesome!) After I wash and condition I use Catwalk Curl Amplifier. (This does have a C-Cone in it, but it's the water soluable kind.) I scrunch out my hair to get excess water out and then I use the Deva Curl light ANgel. LOVE this stuff! I scrunch my hair again and then try not to touch it til it's dry. Then I scrunch out the crunch (not much but a little) and I'm good to go. I also have the Deva Curl no-poo and conditioner and I alternate with the Cure Care and As I Am. I was able to buy the Cure Care by the gallon at Sallys for about $8.
  5. What a beautiful girl! I have a few Buff Orpingtons and they are one of my favorite, sweetest breeds. I'm glad she is doing so much better.
  6. Another with no advice but also want to say you have beautiful children. We adopted our 8 yr old from China (JiangXi) when she was 20 months old.
  7. We had a Chick Fil A open up in June. They also had numerous applications, my older daughter was not one of the ones chosen. My youngest daughter had her birthday party there, we had booked it before they opened up their doors. I asked them how many applications they rec'd and I don't remember the number, but it was outrageous. They are right in the center of town, next to a Rush's Chicken place and across the street from Zaxby's chicken place. They are always packed and the drive-thru lines are always long.
  8. Well that makes sense! I wonder why they don't include it in with the set since it's a beginners set. Ouch, it's an additional $40.
  9. Nope. I don't see any options other then replay, go back etc. Nothing that shows the English translation. This is supposed to be for beginners that have no prior experience. I must be missing something.
  10. I don't think they have the 2014 dates published yet. We are going in October and my kids are SO excited!
  11. Can someone help me out?? I ordered the Better Chinese, My First Reader set along with the with CD rom. The books are all in Chinese! This sounds like a big DUH, but there is no English translation. How do I know WHAT it is if there is no translation??
  12. I don't think it's the initial offer of help that is perceived as intrusive, it's everything that followed up afterwards that is intrusive. I think what you have described would describe what most people would do. But to go around and try to round up other neighbors (and then thinking they are lazy or lying) and then insist or beg the neighbor to stop what they are doing and wait til the next day to finish up when it's better for you and your DH is intrusive.
  13. Honestly, I think I would avoid you in the future if you were my neighbor. Insisting that I stop what I'm doing to wait for your DH to help tomorrow? That right there would tick me off. Someone I don't know dictating when and how to move MY stuff wouldn't sit right with me. You referred to neighbors as lazy and lying because they didn't drop what they were doing and help when you put them on the spot. I don't think you have any right to judge what someone does on their days off. Help all you want, but to go around asking for people to give up their time is wrong. If they wanted to help, they would have offered on their own.
  14. How come none of those friends came to help you out? I would definitely find it creepy if someone we didn't know started unloading my moving truck. I have introduced myself to a new neighbor, but never touched their stuff.
  15. Well, according to Diane Feinstein it is legal to hunt humans :) http://gunssavelives.net/blog/gun-laws/video-dianne-feinstein-its-legal-to-hunt-people-with-hi-cap-magazines-what/ I always have a firearm in my holster so any boy coming to our house would most likely see it. They also would probably already know that my daughter herself shoots. We go to the range every week for "ladies day" and there are targets hanging in our back entrance hallway. She is only 17 so she is not old enough to own/carry, but I know the day she is old enough and gets her permit to carry, she will.
  16. My daughter is a rising 3rd grader although we have already started our year. We have been using Christian Light Education Bible and it has always been her favorite subject. I bought it again for 3rd grade and she all of a sudden does not want to do it. She says the stories are boring. She reads very well and does not want me reading any of it to her. Can someone recommend a different Bible curriculum that might be a little more interesting?
  17. Definitely CD's. We listen to them in the car just about every day.
  18. It really is a use it or lose it language. My son lives in China 6 months out of the year and is fluent in Mandarin. He lives 600 miles away from us when he is in the States and it's sporadic that he can teach it to my 8 yr old. We adopted our daughter from China at the age of 20 months old. She spoke Mandarin (as much as a 20 month old does) and at this point remembers very little other than phrases my son has taught her. I have been wanting to start her on a language but Mandarin is so hard (to me) if you don't have a native speaker and are not consistent with practicing. I actually bought Spanish to start her on this year.
  19. I was at a beach wedding and the bride and bridal party wore something similar made out of three strands of pearls and rhinestones. It looked very nice, but I don't know if I would wear those anywhere else, especially to a mall. I'm way to much of a germaphobe.
  20. I have a vinyl Christmas table cloth with a gold colored cloth on top of it. I don't have a table pad and I don't want the wood ruined by spilled drinks. The only vinyl one I had has xmas on it. I waited 20+ years to actually HAVE a dining room table and I don't want it totally destroyed. I do have two candle lamps and place mats down that normally look nice. But on top of those I have school books and a lovely and large birds nest that I pulled out of my bbq grill. We have been waiting for the babies to fly the coop and they finally have, so we removed the nest from the grill (which made DH happy) and now it's on the dining room table so we can finish up our baby bird watching project.
  21. My state requires that I keep a planner. I don't plan ahead though, I just keep track of what we do each day as we do it. My state also requires 180 days, so my planner is just that... day 1 up to day 180. I write the date on each day and what we accomplished under each subject. It's very easy, and it's nice to look back on at the end of the year.
  22. I'd say it depends on your child. My older daughter LOVED TT. She used it for all four years of high school. My youngest is a rising 3rd grader and had been using CLE starting in 1st grade. A few months ago I switched her to TT and she liked it, but she much prefers the workbooks in CLE. She actually does both now. Her main math is CLE, and then she will do a lesson in TT 4 if she feels like it. So far, so good.
  23. I have always pronounced it "draw". I know it's not supposed to be pronounced like that because I have been told my entire adult life that it isn't. lol I also pronounce "across" like it has a "t" on the end... "acrosst", or "acrossed".
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