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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. My son loves Reading Eggs. However, I don't use it to teach him reading. I use it as a fun supplement to reinforce his reading skills. I do the same with my 4 y/o day care boys. It's to reinforce what is already being/been taught.
  2. Looks good. We do spelling everyday, even if it's only review and a few dictations. And, yes, don't do two spellings. AAS is plenty on its own.
  3. I agree. And only do the writing portion as he's ready.
  4. I agree. It would be a lot easier to add extensions to Bigger, if needed, than it would be to lighten Preparing. As for the differences, I think Preparing is a big jump in writing. --and independent work.
  5. HOD and AAS. ETA: Blessed to have used from the beginning-- HWT and MUS. With oldest ds, wish I'd started TT sooner.
  6. If AAR is out of your $ range, I'd start with AAS 1 and add the reader Cobweb the Cat.
  7. This is us. AAR 1 wasn't available when I found AAS. Now that it is he's more at an AAR level 2 and it isn't ready yet. I thought I had decided not use AAS/R because of 2 not being ready. After some other frustrations, I decided to go ahead with AAS even if AAR 2 wasn't ready. We're now going through AAS 1 very quickly for review. We'll start AAS 2 next week with the added readers. If you have a choice, I'd do both as they are scheduled.
  8. IDK. We use a plastic recipe box to hold ours.
  9. His Bible and sometimes non-fiction/magazines. Never a novel.
  10. DH- Batman Me-Jesus ;-) Ok, Iron Man Oldest ds- Iron Man Youngest ds- Spiderman
  11. We're on unit 20 of Beyond and love it! Can't wait for Bigger in the fall. And I'm already collecting books for Preparing. :D
  12. Good to know. We lost an o the very first day. :001_huh:
  13. Keep practicing. At the very least they'll recognize the sound when you say it and choose the right letter.
  14. I adore and used Truthquest for 4+ years, BUT I wouldn't use it and HOD. Pick the history you want and stick with it. For older kids in high school, I think the TQ guides can be great just for reading the commentary. Younger kids, however, either do HOD or do TQ. And, honestly, if you drop the history and science in HOD, I see no reason to use HOD. For an advanced reader, I'd add the extension books, plus more, if needed. I also wouldn't skip the verses if you continue with HOD. They're there to connect to the rest of the week. You can always add more verses, longer passages, etc, but I wouldn't skip any. If you don't like reciting a prayer, just have her pray. .02
  15. I'll respectfully disagree with the above. I think ETC and AAS can be used for phonics. I prefer ETC used alongside a phonics program, but I know many that used it as a stand alone program. That said, I'd pick AAS over ETC for "my" ds. It's just how his brain works. If you go with AAS make sure to start with level 1 (even if it's review) and use the letter tiles.
  16. I have a second grader this year. It would be too much for him to do every day. We switch off on handwriting/copywork, he does one or the other. Narration is mostly oral at this point. Grammar is only on Fridays, with reminders/discussions as he works. He also reads to me everyday, usually 2-3 times broke up over the day.
  17. We're on week 19 day 4 of Beyond. We LOVE it! I don't think my ds has felt stuck on "pilgrims" because we've learned a lot of different things about them. I feel the same and have even learned some things. I have zero complaints. We're both looking forward to Bigger.
  18. I've been a certified child passenger safety tech for over 10 years. It's a passion I deeply believe in. I've also been a sponsor of Missionettes at our church for 11 years. It is such a blessing and joy to see the girls growing in their knowledge and relationship with Jesus. :D I knit and crochet too, but not as much as I'd like, and I digiscrap (too much probably).
  19. Our ds wanted to go to art school. $45,000/year. Even after scholarships, grants, etc he'd have to come up with about $25,000 plus living expenses. He chose to do 2 years of community college in his field. He'll be 100% debt free when he graduates. At that time, he said he'll re-eval what to do to get his bachelor's. It may be just taking a class or two at a time, or it may be him getting in debt. He knows that is his choice. He has always known that his dad and I would not finance college. Our support is a home while he works and goes to school and any small supplementing he needs. I think because we've always been clear about our involvement, he's never expected us to go into debt for his education.
  20. I recommend All About Spelling too. Great program that helps with spelling and reading.
  21. I hear ya. :D I can't wait to get my Bigger guide next month.
  22. My oldest used Lifepacs a bit in high school. My only real complaint about them was sometimes the info wasn't given for a question. He'd look, I'd look, and the answer couldn't be found. He also didn't like the upper math at.all. Loved TT for math. This is ACE, not AOP Lifepacs, jsyk.
  23. My oldest did a schedule very similar to HOD that I pieced together (8th-12th). I don't think it was too much. BUT, he loves to read. I think that's a major factor.
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