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Everything posted by craftyerin

  1. I have my oldest in K this year, and we are doing FIAR plus 3Rs. FIAR is basically read aloud plus a quick activity based off of the book--one activity per day. We also do a lot of other (kid chosen) reading aloud, play board games, do art and fine motor activities, play outside, go to the park, etc. We're pretty gentle, and it's been so fun so far!
  2. My son was placed at 3 weeks old. We adopted through the foster care system.
  3. Do you have an account on Ravelry.com? It's a free join, with an awesome pattern database. I just looked and I came up with 153 free crochet patterns for pot holders. Might be a good place to see if anything calls to you.
  4. I adore my 07 Toyota Sienna. My mom has had wonderful luck with her old (no clue how old, but OLD) Subaru Forrester. I have rented the Kia minivan several times on trips where we flew and have been very happy with it as well.
  5. I have two lower ones. I love them. The corners they are in would be useless in my kitchen without them.
  6. I bit mine for 34 years. There was NOTHING anyone could do to make me stop as a child. Any admonition just made me hide it more. I had to WANT to.
  7. Every day. I get twitchy if we stay in all the time. My kids are very young, too (4 and 5) so we meet friends at the park, go to the library, run to Target, whatever. Usually in the late morning, after we've done our 90min or so of structured school stuff, and then we have rest and play time in the afternoons.
  8. My 4 and 5yos did these for DH and the grandpas for Father's Day, and they're the most well-loved homemade gift we've ever given. http://lookwhaterinmade.blogspot.com/2012/06/fathers-day-2012.html
  9. I loved a ring sling for lots of ages--great for a tummy to tummy snuggle with a newborn and then as a hip carrier for bigger babies and smaller toddlers. My favorite ring slings were from Sleeping Baby.
  10. I've not noticed, but apparently flat. When started to curl the brim of DS's new hat the other day, my husband informed me they don't do that anymore. :lol:
  11. I have "Irish triplets"--twins and a singleton less than a year apart, and we're homeschooling them all together as a group. We are having a BLAST! We spend ~1.5 hours in the morning on school stuff, but most of our day is full of the fun things of childhood. They play inside with toys and outside in the yard. We ride bikes and scooters. We play board games, play doh, and do art (painting, stamping, stenciling, sidewalk chalk). We have a good in-our-rooms-playing-quietly rest time every afternoon. We take a music class and a homeschool PE class. We meet friends at the park or go to the zoo or aquarium. We run our errands and keep our house in (decent) order. It's really so nice to have so much free time. Do it! I don't think you'll regret it! :D
  12. I'm currently wearing braces. I didn't eat ANYthing but mashed potatoes and milkshakes for days (like 5) after they were first put on. Very painful. Looks like kids may handle it better, so I hope that's the case for your daughter! I'd definitely make sure you have soft foods available to her, though.
  13. I have two rugs that I love, one each from Overstock.com and one from World Market. I also looked at TJMaxx/HomeGoods (depending on what you have where you live) and Tuesday Morning. They had good options, just not exactly what I was looking for.
  14. Have you read books 4-7 yourself? I get the feeling from your post that maybe you haven't? I would do that first, if that's the case. Get a sense of how much they change. I read them all as an adult, as they came out, and I was surprised at how much book four changes course from books 1-3. I would hesitate to let an 8yo read the rest of the series.
  15. This is so sad, but unfortunately, not uncommon. Yes, my parents divorced after 30 years.
  16. My kids are younger (5, 4, 4) but we have similar riddles in AAR pre-level 1, although they're done orally. My twins can handle them no problem, but my 5yo cannot. He does, however, get them correct more often if I reword them for him without the I pronoun. "This is something that is green or brown. It lives near the water, and likes to sit on lily pads. It says ribbit. It is a fr____." With the "I" statements, he can't remove himself from the answers.
  17. Bobas are newer than my days wearing soft structured carriers, but I preferred my Ergos to my Becos. Yes, I had multiples of both--see ages/spacing of my kids. :lol: My husband and I each LIVED with someone on our backs.
  18. I am in my 4th year of MOPs and LOVE it, but this is my last year. My group doesn't provide childcare if you have children above kindergarten, and next year I"ll have a homeschooled 1st grader, so I'll be out. I'm ready, though. I have wonderful friends in there, but most of them are still in the baby stages and we are long past that. I'll be ready to "graduate" in May. ;)
  19. Mine is here, pics from June. Still looks pretty much the same. Kindergarten here, too! My doesn't look that "school"-y, but that was sort of my intent.
  20. I have been ordering them through Amazon. We have prime, so it's just SO easy. They used to be part of a 4-for-3 promotion, too, but aren't right now.
  21. My 4yo girlie is wearing these. http://www.target.com/p/toddler-s-converse-one-star-2-strap-oxford-pink/-/A-11152334
  22. ISFJ my S can be an N depending on test, mood, etc.
  23. I had three reflux babies, and all slept on their tummies after the swaddling stage (for sure by 3 mos or so).
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