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Everything posted by Socalimom

  1. I broil chicken with Lawry's seasoned salt. Dh and kids love it! I use party wings, just season it with Lawry's, and broil. Super easy and quick!
  2. I'm all about BIG purses! I only buy Marc Jacobs. It is pricey, but I buy a new one every 3-4 years. I love MJ's style and it's real leather so it's sturdy and holds everything: small diaper bag/pad, extra clothes for my youngest, water bottle, snacks, wallet! This week I'll be getting MJ's Classic Q Francesca in Bordeaux or black. (I so wish I can link it but still newbie status and slowly trying to find my way here.)
  3. Happy Birthday, Jesus! Thank you, Lord, for your greatest gift!
  4. This will be my first year in many to shop the day after Christmas. I need to return 3 big purchases to Costco. My DD5 is in desperate need of casual shoes. (She had to wear her Jordans with her Christmas dress yesterday.) And we also need milk!
  5. This is our first year homeschooling, but our favorite hands down is Alpha-phonics. Short and sweet, no fluff, get-er done, and we're seeing immediate success. We also use the readers that accompany it which my dd loves to read. In addition, the Bob books and the Nora Gaydos readers are a big hit too!
  6. Yes, I do keep a set of clothes (top, bottom, underwear, and socks) for each of my 4 kids in the car. It's all stored in a child's size backpack, so I can just throw it in the stroller or easily grab it to transfer it to another car. Just last week I had to use the change of clothes for my ds4. We were ice skating, and he has a tendency to hold it in if he wants to play and not be interrupted. The change of clothes are not the nicest but not ugly either. Right now they are just long sleeve solid shirts and knit pants. I change the clothes in the backpack when seasons change.
  7. I had a thick mustache from junior high through high school. I didn't do anything about until I was in college. (My Mom was just not into nails, hair, girl stuff. She was highly upset when I started shaving my legs in 8th grade.) Amyhow, I first used the Nair cream as someone has already mentioned. It has an odor to it but it goes away once washed off. (I was willing to tolerate anything at that point just to get rid of my stache.) I now wax it off myself with my own waxing kit i bought at a local beauty supply store. Pain is tolerable and only last for a few seconds. There is a local nail salon that waxes facial hair for less than $10. My youngest daughter is only 2, and she already has a light mustache. If she wanted to do something about it at age 10 or 11 or whenever, you bet your bottom dollar I will do something about it. The teasing and the self-consciousness associated with facial hair is not worth it. Btw, I have jet black hair with very light complexion.
  8. My dd5 was very gassy when we put her on formula at 10 months. She was even flatulent while sleeping. Our dr suggested lactose-free formula and her gassiness became minimal. We tried regular cow's milk at 12 months and the flatulence returned. So she's been on lactaid milk since and no problems. My dh is also LI. He has stomachaches and cramps when having any dairy. Though he can drink lactaid too. For him, white cheese has less side effects than if he were to have yellow cheese.
  9. I'm terrible at high school science particularly chemistry and physics. I even get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about my high school science experience. I already know that I'm going to have to pay someone to teach these subjects to my dc when the time comes and my oldest is only 5!
  10. I was involved with a co-op that required parents to teach and/or provide childcare. I made friends with 3 of the moms, but, honestly, I wouldn't do it again. Took too much time planning and getting the materials for 12 students. However, I do pay for my daughter's enrichment classes which she and I both love! I can volunteer to help if I want. She's currently taking ballet, choir, and tumbling. Next year I'll enroll her in sign language. She's also doing Upward Cheer and American Heritage Girls. So, no, I will not be doing a co-op where parent requirements have to be met. I have enough on my plate with teaching the 3 R's and keeping with my dd's enrichment classes.
  11. We drink Lactaid milk here. My dh and oldest dd are lactose-intolerant. We have to have milk. They are both big cereal eaters. My kids will eat dry cereal too.
  12. Horizons Math K was not doing well here too. So, I switched my dd to Mathematical Reasoning. We just do two pages a day. If my dd wants to do more then we do more. It's a gentle introduction to math, I say. We do go over the 100 chart and skip count by 10. We'll be working on skip counting by 2 next. After Mathematical Reasoning K we do plan to go straight to CLE 1.
  13. Garbage is picked up every Monday. Recycle and green waste are every other week.
  14. I use a good 'ole tea kettle over the stovetop. Trader Joe's chai tea and Twining's tea with milk and sugar are the only teas I drink. I'm not into herbal or fruit-flavored teas.
  15. I'll be having a Tea Party for my dd's 6th bday party next year! I'll have the guests dress in their Sunday best. We have a small gazebo in our backyard which I'll be decorating with lights. You'll get some great ideas for activities, decorations, and food if you google "tea party girls birthday."
  16. I wear my wedding band and engagement rings. But I'm thinking of just wearing my engagement ring, less bling-bling for me.
  17. I wear black yoga pants until I fit into my Pre-pregnancy jeans. They're comfy and go with almost anything.
  18. Pancakes and chocolate cake at four years old! I don't know if it's "cooking," but currently my dd loves to make top ramen with lots of egg, chicken, and baby bak choy.
  19. Yes, my dh is a RN. As for myself, I do use both of my degrees daily in teaching. I was a ps teacher before having my own children.
  20. Nope, I don't answer phone calls. IF the phone happens to be next to me during school time and someone texts, then I'll read it but I won't respond. But usually my mobile is not near me. I don't have a land line.
  21. My dh's insurance covers twice/year, so we do go to maximize his benefits. However for dental work that's not covered, it is as needed.
  22. Black yoga pants. However, I love my jeggings too! Stretchy, comfy and goes with anything!
  23. I know my DH and Mom are not completely on board with my decision to homeschool, but they won't say so. Probably because I have taught in a public school and have a bachelor's in liberal studies and master's in childhood/elementary education, they won't/can't say anything. :001_smile: Though, it would be super nice to have that support system.
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