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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Where are you getting these confirmation numbers? I am following the ones on the Johns Hopkins link but they haven't been updated in several hours.
  2. I bought this for the loom project because I have other items I want to begin working on. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OJWLNMO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I usually use those sponge sandpaper but I was watching Mary at White Cottage Company on YouTube and she rec. that electric sander. It has worked like a charm... and I plan to use it with future projects. Otherwise, the hand-held ones that are shaped like a kitchen sponge work great for flat surfaces. https://www.amazon.com/Sackorange-Different-Specifications-Assortment-Washable/dp/B07HHQS67P/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=brick+sander&qid=1580315273&s=hi&sr=1-10
  3. I would sand and then poly... no stain. The poly does offer a slight color or darkening of the wood - not much. I think it depends on the wood though too. I have done this with a loom bench and now I'm working on a different brand loom. the coloration is slightly different: Here's some photos and you can see. I sanded down as far to the bare wood as I could. Then poly. with Minwax Fast-Drying Poly Clear Satin. Both were in similar condition as your table top so the old finish came off really easily. First one is the bench in a different room than the loom pictures.
  4. It is super easy to sand and refinish, especially a flat surface. I've been working on refinishing a loom and it's not been as big of a deal as I feared... and I am NO expert. I would say for a table top with children in the house maybe give it 3 coats of poly instead of the traditional 2. And the cool thing is if you get scratches, just lightly sand the whole thing and give it another coat of poly! You can do it!!
  5. Totally shocked. May he rest in peace.
  6. no, I did not. I knew about the ferritin levels being affected but not about the genetic component. Interesting. I'll have to ask my dd about it. She's a geneticist and has a high probability of getting it since both myself and my mother (and grandmother and my sister) have it.
  7. I usually can't read or do computer when I'm sick. Generally I lay on the couch and watch light tv... Generally things like Dr. Pol or Yukon Vet or Secret Life of the Zoo or an old movie. It's usually something I can sleep intermittently with. I can usually tell when I'm starting to feel better because I just can't stand anymore TV. Hope you feel better.
  8. I would encourage this child not to set anything in stone. He may very well be incredibly stressed and I would hate for him to start a narrative in his own head that may change. I remember having female crushes at that age (on older kids or teachers). I don't think it's necessarily uncommon to same-sex crushes - or really like/admire someone when you're young. Especially at an age when the opposite sex is "yucky" or has "cooties", if you KWIM. It's not the same as romantic/sexual attraction, but at that age it's hard for them to understand. When I was a 9yr old being gay wasn't even on my radar, so I never thought anything about it. I agree with Slache, given his family history, I would encourage him to keep quiet until he's older.
  9. just wanted to clarify because I misunderstood what you wrote. The US is preparing to evacuate US citizens and diplomats from Wuhan. I assume it is the same for France and other countries.
  10. can you go back and get re-tested since the dr. thought it was the flu? My son also had flu-like symptoms about 2-3weeks ago. He tested negative for the flu so they figured it was viral. I'm sorry you're sick.
  11. I'm getting snuggles from my Philly granddaughter. I drove up to visit yesterday and will stay through the day today. DIL is Chinese American and they decided not to do the big family celebration this year. It requires driving 2+hrs one way celebrating all day and 2hrs home with a 6mo old. So they invited me to come visit instead. Happy Chinese New Year.
  12. I saw it when it first hit the news, but didn't post here. May he rest in peace. The ITV interview with Michael Palin is heartbreaking. It must be so hard to lose your closest friends.
  13. I would be suspicious of information about a possible health crisis written in The Daily Mail. I read it too, but I know the source. Here is a helpful article from NPR: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/01/24/798661901/wuhan-coronavirus-101-what-we-do-and-dont-know-about-a-newly-identified-disease and The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/jan/24/what-is-the-coronavirus-wuhan-china-virus-symptoms
  14. Squeal!!!!! She is beautiful. Congratulations grandma.
  15. Lysol and bleach to clean the actual areas he stood/sat in. For odor I found that putting little cups or small plates of baking soda out helped me a lot. Another good deoderizer is white vinegar. Also put a pan of water with orange slices or cinnamon on to simmer. or a couple of cups of apple juice with cinnamon/oranges. That will help cover the smell nicely.
  16. I did recently cut up an old ratty towel to make little rags.. It's been nice because some of them are one use and throw away (oily messes). Others are easy to throw in the laundry for re-use. I like that I'm getting more uses out of old towels. I still have too many towels though. I had new jersey type sheet set I bought but I never use the pillow cases (king sized) I cut them up and they make nice soft make up remover cloths. I've reused them for several months and now they look pretty awful (waterproof mascara doesn't seem to come off in the washing machine 😄).
  17. I came across this 60 Minutes Australia show on aging and thought of this thread. It is more about aging than dementia. I found several of the finding very interesting. The most interesting is that they are finding that the development of high blood pressure in old age protects people from dementia.
  18. I have a 3 season sunroom which we have converted into a 4 season room. I really enjoy having the extra space when I want it. We put in a gas stove and we have a window air conditioner we put in for the summer (it's hot and muggy here in the summer). Its part of the house (set up with a large dining table and couch/chairs) but the heating/air conditioning is separate. Of course, yours would be smaller and it would be quicker to heat. So my negative is that since it is so big I feel like I need an excuse to heat the room up... such as a party or guests for dinner. Otherwise, the room stays closed off. But, I love seeing the outside. We have friends who have a small screened in porch. They love it and wanted access to it in winter. So they added fold down plastic similar to what is used for outdoor wedding tents and he put in a propane heater. He says it holds in the heat quite nicely for the hour or so a day he uses it. He did it to see how much he'd like and use the space without spending the money required to make it a proper 3 season room first. They may convert at a later time after saving up money, but they may find that they're happy with it the way it is.
  19. So today we did some purging putting away that had nothing to do with my original goals. LOL This was precipitated by our priest coming tomorrow for a house blessing. So some purging and a lot of putting away and hanging most of my paintings. I had kept them off the walls since we moved here because of our plan to re-do the kitchen (and lose a wall) and repaint several rooms. They've been leaning up against the bookcases in my bedroom and hallway for 2 yrs!!! I purged Christmas stuff I didn't use or don't really like anymore. Plus just general going through stuff and throwing out. Our Master Bedroom had become a dumping ground and it needed a major purge. My give-away pile is bigger today! The kids have both cleaned their rooms too. Our trash was sky high when they came to take it this morning. dh is vacuuming as we speak. Whoot!
  20. I didn't post last night because I saw you were getting good advice. I'm glad he went to the ER and that he's now got some marching orders.
  21. I also do a teriyaki marinade. Soy, lemon juice, ginger, brown sugar, garlic. Then we grill it. That is my family's favorite way to eat salmon. The other thing I like is The Gourmet Collection spices for fish I find this at Marshals, or HomeGoods, or Tuesday Morning for 1/3 of that price. I usually sprinkle a generous amount on the fish and then wrap it up in foil so that it steam bakes the salmon. Comes out very moist.
  22. Thank you. I definitely didn't mean to offend. I wish I had come up with a better word. 😟
  23. no my dh wouldn't do that. The only person I've ever heard do that was an Iranian man living here in the US.. and married to an American. He would often opine about how much better the food was in Iran. Especially the fruits and veggies. So much better than bland American fruits and veggies. He would say this every time we ate with him. We thought it was sweet. He was nostalgic for his own country and we suspected he was probably right. American store-bought fruits and veggies probably are less flavorful than what you can buy in Iranian markets.
  24. oh no. I'm sorry. Hope it doesn't get any worse.
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