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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. To answer the op... Adolf Cordelia .. I tried, but dh would have none of it. Gladys Bertha Hortense Prudence Floyd Honoria
  2. My daughter's name is Dorothy...we love that name. It's been in the family for several generations. My youngest dd best friend is also named Dorothy. Neither are shortened. I'm sorry your mom doesn't like it.
  3. my husband suffered a concussion last year in a car accident. He was unconscious and still doesn't remember anything. He is still dealing with some symptoms (forgetfulness & short-fuse when tired). I would make your son rest through the weekend, absolutely. One thing that is important is that repeated concussions are really bad. When our son (8 or 9 at the time) was hit by a baseball in the head - not too hard, but he did get a mild concussion - the doctor said that for a year he had to be extra careful. If he got another concussion to go directly to the ER for monitoring. I would recommend you be extra vigilant over the next year. Kids can be such risk takers and not think a "little" bang on the head is a big deal.
  4. continuing to pray. I'm sure it's so hard to keep yourself composed with everything so up and down. Hoping for a positive diagnosis soon.
  5. I'm appreciating all the responses...but I wanted to come back and say that aging also is a factor. As we age we are less able to handle stress like we could when we were younger. I know I've noticed this in my parents/grandparents as they aged. Plus, as we age we experience more disappointments and sadness throughout the years. I think it just adds up, and after awhile it's hard to keep that steady disposition we had when the world seemed simpler and full of possibilities. Does that makes sense?
  6. I don't know, but if you figure it out please let me know. :bigear:
  7. hoping you got the earlier flight and that things are better for your son.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Intubation is awful... my mom went downhill very rapidly we she went in for what we thought was a kidney infection. We were thankful that she was clear, while intubated, that she wanted off and she understood the implications. It can be such a hard call. But I do want to put in a word for your uncle's perspective. Saying goodbye to a sibling or loved one is important. And it is very sad he was not able to have that closure. Sometimes it cannot be helped, but that doesn't mean his sadness and disappointment is wrong either. Give him some time to grieve..maybe someone can reach out to him and see if there's something that can be done to elevate some of his feelings of loss. Yes, he does need to put on his big boy pants too...I'm sure everyone in the family is reeling and shocked from the sudden loss.
  9. We're currently in Delaware inland from Rehoboth beach. It's supposed to rain all day.
  10. I agree... the other annoying thing is the unasked for "motherly" advice.... ya know. those poster things that remind us not to leave our pets in cars, or that our pets (or now Vets) don't like fireworks... yeah, it's not that I want to be insensitive- but I just find those things annoying. I've already got a busy body in real life- I don't need FB doing it too.
  11. I was just having a conversation about unrealistic buyer demands yesterday with friends.. I think shows like that make it harder for sellers. Buyers seem to want a brand new house when they look at existing homes, and then chop down the price if their "eye candy" isn't there already. I'm all for replacing ratty things (carpeting, roofs, broken cabinets), but I hate this attitude that someone *must* have granite or they'll look somewhere else.
  12. I can imagine that would help the healing for sure. Congratulations.
  13. :lol: that's hilarious!!! And great discovery too. I love Jon Pertwee's Dr. Who and enjoyed Cadfael- never made the family connection at the time.
  14. congratulations! I'm sorry I don't have any advice either, but praying for a sticky baby.
  15. my 13yr old wants to watch reruns of Endurance. He remembers his older siblings watching it. I can't find it at Netflix or Amazon live-streaming. Does anyone know if it ever comes back in reruns? Or, is there some equivalent show currently on? Thanks!
  16. I read before going to bed. I have screens off - but not 2full hours before. I've never done that (if we're including TV screens). I usually take a warm bath before going to bed and read in the tub, then read in bed. But, like I said, it's not getting to sleep that is my problem...it's sleeping a full 7-8hrs, which is ideal for me. I know part is because the sun comes up earlier. When winter comes I will have less an issue. I have room darkening curtains, however we also have a semi-circle window above the reg. windows. It has some kind of sheer covering that came with the house. It lets in light. I usually have something over my eyes (although not a mask as the feeling bothers me all night long). I had my Vit. D checked around Easter and I was fine. I'm probably getting more now that it's sunnier than it was in April. I was also told to go off my B Complex as my B was high at that time. graceteacher - it depends. Usually the sleep issue comes first and then I start needing a nap to function.. Two weeks ago I was doing so well. Sleeping through the night and staying asleep until 6:30-7am (Have my grandson 3xper week and have to get up at 6:20 on those days).
  17. no, I don't. I chase after an active 1yr old 3x a week.
  18. I needs some help with my messed up sleep cycle. I'm back to not getting a full night of sleep and I'm tired of living my life feeling like I'm in a sleep deprived stupor. I don't usually have too much trouble getting to sleep, unless I've taken too long a nap. My newest issue is that I'm waking up far too early. I took a nap yesterday and went to sleep around 11.30 last night, but I still woke up about 5.15. I finally gave up trying to get back to sleep at 5.45. I wouldn't mind the early hour as I do enjoy this quiet time to myself, but I just feel lethargic and half asleep all day. It's been like this for about 2 weeks. Each night I take 500 mg of magnesium and that has helped me get to sleep and with my restless leg. I have found that I don't wake up in the middle of the night like I used to. I also take a natural sleep aid on occasion..it has valerian and passion flower. caffeine doesn't seem to help me. I feel jittery, but still mentally foggy and sleepy. Help.
  19. This is a series, and not humorous, but I found them wonderful and addicting. Tales from the Green Valley. Here's the first episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X3WCur-Bmk There's 12 in all.
  20. grew up in the US and that is what we learned too.
  21. I agree... just do it and don't over think it. If she gets in a huff is that really the kind of person you want to be friends with on FB anyway?
  22. I agree with sparkly... I don't think the weight melted off. When I want to eat carefully and watch my carbs the best way I know is the track everything I put in my mouth. Initially, all I do is track what I eat and how many carbs. Later I may add tracking calories and carbs (because I think they do matter - esp. now that I'm 50). Have you found lowcarbfriends ? It's a great site for LCers.
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