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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We see it here in The DC metro area too...although less so since the recession. I have rarely liked the new house.
  2. thanks... it's SO nice to have people who understand. Really. My dh is an extrovert and when I tell him the news he'll say, "Great!! More people to party with." And he will.not.get that I find it disappointing and rude. He'll think I'm being non-social.
  3. I don't generally have a problem with strangers, unless it's really, really rude (like the water dumped on the laptop lady) -- it's easier to think perhaps they've had a bad day or something. It's the people I *know* that make it hard to see the best in. I wish I knew what worked... except I fall and get up and fall and get up again.
  4. thanks for understanding guys. I knew you all would.
  5. no, I think my niece probably did the self-inviting. I really don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure that's how it happened.
  6. I'm so sorry...why are people like that. I swear it seems like society is becoming ruder all the time.
  7. Or rather, why I hate that being an introvert makes me out to be the bad guy. Sigh. My sister (who we hardly see) is visiting next weekend. It's the first time I've seen her in a year. She's going to swing over here Sund/Monday and then go see her daughter and grand-kids on Tues. for the rest of the week. She called me to today just so we could discuss about when she'll be arriving after the conference, so we can coordinate with my other sis who lives locally to me. I was SO looking forward to just having some nice time with my sisters and their spouses. But.... Then my sis tells me that her daughter, Son-IL, and 2 grandkids are planning to come up *to my house* to spend the night Sun/Mon :confused1: :huh: . I mumbled something about how I was really looking forward to spending time just with my sister, but then I caveat it with "but I wouldn't want to keep you from seeing your grandbabies." It was just really awkward... and my niece hasn't even contacted me about this either, so clearly she's not coming up to see me. Here I am...looking at seeing a houseful for the weekend when what I was really looking forward to was spending time with my sis and her dh. If I say something, then I'm just grumpy and inhospitable. But, my sis was just down there 2 weeks ago and they're going from here back down for the rest of the week.. I'm sad and now I just wish I could throw in the towel on the whole thing and go into my cave. Ugh... I hate this.. :sad:
  8. Unless they are damaged or not as you described you have no obligation to refund (you probably know that already). It's her responsibility to do research not the sellers. It's also her responsibility to understand the transaction and you should not be penalized because *she* didn't understand. I'm sorry she's being so rude.... I might even consider calling her out on it. :grouphug:
  9. prayers for you this morning... and hoping you slept well last night
  10. We went to Italy when my kids were 17-3. It was quite the adventure! I've always wanted to do some kind of water adventure around the islands off the coast of WA state. I saw a show where the couple did kayaking and camping and I thought it looked fabulous... I was thinking of doing it with a houseboat instead of kayaks though.
  11. I have a dd like this too (actually more than once)... and we had some neighbor kids who were similar (although not nearly so bad)...but mostly they did not treat dd well. The pull for having a friend was so strong and, yes, it was so hard because they're right there next door. But, after they moved away the true stories came out from my dd. What you see is probably only 1/2 of what your dd is experiencing. Some of this lead to depression and self-injury for my dd. I was heartbroken that I didn't know about that stuff, and that my dd never told me (she said it's was because she wanted her friend to stay her friend - :crying: ). And in one case I *know* the other mother would have been horrified too. They are nice, nice people and we could have worked something out between us parents. I'm not saying that you should absolutely not let this little girl play with your dd, because I know how important friendships are to kids like your dd (and my dds).... but I'm just warning you that you've probably only seen the surface of the problem. How best to deal with it is something only you and your spouse can really figure out. :grouphug: Its really, really hard when it's a neighbor problem because you really can't get away from them. Prayers that you can find the right solution.
  12. I'm appreciating this thread. Thanks Laura for sharing...
  13. :grouphug: I truly don't get the family member enrolling your child in a school. Sounds way out of bounds to me. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. I gave this one 2 stars so it probably won't pop up, but I find it funny that the most likes I get for a review are2 of my one-star reviews.
  15. ' Thanks! I knew someone here at WTM would be more well read on this subject than me.
  16. I wasn't sure which thread to bump. I wanted to ask if anyone knows or has read about long-term recovery & prognosis? I'm reading "The Hot Zone" - thanks to the threads here. It's a *great* book on the subject of Ebola. I'm about 150pages from the end (they're busy trying to contain the Reston facility). Anyway, the article I've read about the doctor in Atlanta said that he was "near death" but has recovered. From the book it sounds like "near death" is pretty seriously ill and it seems very hard to come out without long-lasting repercussions. I know it probably depends on which organ it starts to break down first, but wouldn't most patients have kidney, liver, brain, or other organs that are seriously compromised? The book says that Ebola turns the body into a mushy fluid. So, if someone is really "near death" but recovers, what is their long-term prognosis? No one ever seems to talk about it - it's treated like a deadly flu- when you recover, you recover. So far, that's the way it sounds in the book too. But gosh, the book also makes it sound like it really attacks the body hard. Thoughts?
  17. So glad you're okay! And so sorry your vacation isn't going to be what you'd hoped.
  18. I agree.. we never teach that sex is wrong, but that it should be preserved for marriage.
  19. my dd did some blue highlighting this summer. She did not bleach her hair and it was not very bright and faded within 2 weeks. I would recommend bleaching first. If you have a professional friend do it first, they'll know how to do it right.
  20. I bet it does... but I think unopened it should last a good long time on the shelf too. It's got a lot of sugar, which is a preservative.
  21. I hate that too and there's a way to fix it. You go to the person's post and there's a drop down arrow on the right. Under there there's a choice that says "Stop Notifications" and the emails will stop. Easy, peasy. I don't know if it works on andriods though...but it works on my pc.
  22. As someone who unfriends easily and purposely doesn't have a lot of friends please don't take it too personally. You have to realize that everyone looks at FB differently. I have very few FB friends who I see regularly because I personally think that's weird. I'd much rather keep up with the far away family/friends. I also like to send PM to people I haven't seen in a long time and aren't my FB friends... kind of a hello..how are you?? Catchup up with someone type of thing. But, I have a friend that thinks that is weird and stalky :ohmy: I had no idea that could be seen that way! So, I've stopped doing that once I realized that maybe *I* think it's okay, but the person I'm PMing might not.
  23. I tried Progesterone cream for one cycle and it made me suicidal. At least I think that's what did it since I hadn't changed anything else. It was baaad...really bad. I've also been recently dx with hashimoto's and went off my bcp about 3 months before dx. I hadn't thought that treating my Hashimoto's as being the source of more menopausal troubles. I was hoping it might actually help a bit. I haen't dealt with hot flashes...my issues are almost all emotional (except the horrible hemorrhaging periods). I'm about to make an appt. with a local dr. who specializes in women's menopausal health. My friend found him and she says he saved her life. Here's article on hot flashes and non-estrogen therapy studies, in which this doctor participated: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/772414 hth
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