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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. because there are no instruments to drown out a loud person. They'll stand out more than a service with an organ or guitars and such. I know others have recommended to friend him and then hide all his stuff...but I just can't seem to do that. I'd rather it be one way or the other. I guess I'm black and white that way. I wonder if it's always because I can't just "be" nice to someone I dislike. I can't play it off like other seem to do.
  2. I already declined the request a few months ago. But, I know he's going to bug me until I respond. I'm just going ot have to say something.
  3. I'm not against it per-se...but I am concerned with how it will be received by the host countries. They had riots in Liberia over this. I can only imagine what they'll think when they hear/see that American troops are helping their gov't.
  4. We have a few. My middle name goes back several generations as a female middle name. My daughter's first name is a generational name on my dh's side, and she has my middle name. DD's soon-to-be born daughter will have another first name that goes back a few generations on my dh's side as well. None of it is pressured or expected...it's just a nice tradition. There's enough children in the family that we assume at least one child will pick it up again when they all start having kids. If not, it will be okay.
  5. Tragic all around...especially...well.. I just wish we had a politics corner here at WTM. I have questions but I think they may lead to political debate.. Praying for his family. May David's memory be eternal!
  6. I'm not a more-the-merrier extrovert either, but as long as I personally didn't have to be the entertainment committee - then I'd do it. I like my peace and quiet and sleep is very precious to me since I deal with insomnia, et al... but I think for one night I'd go along. Good luck.
  7. Yeah, me too. I wish they could bring back Morse. I still cry when I hear the theme music. I'm such a weirdo. I loved that Campion series with Davison too!!.. I didn't know why they didn't keep it going. I wish they'd re-do Lord Peter Whimsey. I never liked the older ones and I hope they'll give it another try. The only one I haven't seen on the lists is Earth 2. I enjoyed that show and it didn't last long enough.
  8. Well, there was that one photo of Cumberbatch that nearly crossed the line ;) I cannot remember which thread it is in though.
  9. It is also the manner in which people die of Ebola that is scary. Bleeding out of very orifice and turning organs to mush is pretty scary stuff. The stuff described in "Hot Zone" is the stuff horror movies are made of.
  10. Have you read the book "The Mood Cure"? That might be a good place to start.
  11. Thanks for sharing, Joanne. I hope you will be able to do that video yourself someday soon.
  12. Let her know we're still thinking about her and her family, and praying.
  13. My son had something like this a month ago..he ended up with an at home nebulizer and steroids. But we don't live in an affected state. If this one is worse than what my son had already then I'm pretty afraid.
  14. I'm so sorry about your loss, but glad your mom died as she wished. As a former hospice volunteer I'm so sorry you had a bad experience.
  15. We have only pronounced it Nut-tella here too. I've never heard the New-tella pron. here or in Italy. I have some Justin's nutbutters but I don't think I have that one. I'll have to look for it the next time I'm at Whole Foods.
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