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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I would not go to a church that I had such issues with. I just wouldn't be able to have a nice attitude about it...and I don't think that would be good for my soul. Several of those things would be deal-breakers for me....not so much the actual belief, but the inflexible, judgmental attitude that comes with it.... and I'm afraid I would be just as judgmental in the opposite direction. I don't know if I'm wording it right, so I hope it makes sense. I'm going to play devil's advocate here: Are you sure they're not trying to get you saved...ya know...because of your worldly beer swiggin', rock listening ways? :coolgleamA: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  2. I was thinking vinegar too. Good luck... hoping something works.
  3. It could be mini-strokes or heart issues. My mom went through a period of falling (sounded similar to what you mom described). It took a long time to figure out she needed a pacemaker...and sadly, by then some damage had been done. The only reason why they found it is because she was in the hospital getting stitched up after another "fall" and she had a heart episode then. It all sounds very similar to what was happening to my mom. Lack of good care...not sure what my mom was really telling her doctor.. getting passed around. It didn't help that she had some heavy meds in the house and we all suspected she was self-medicating. hugs and prayers that you find some helpful answers.
  4. I did. It sent me into a suicidal depression. Perhaps it was coincidental, but I'm not trying that again...and I haven't had any other thoughts of suicide after stopping.
  5. It's so good to hear from you... and I so enjoyed reading the article shared here earlier.
  6. that's how I read it too! LOL BTW, the "Doctor Who" quilt is awesome!! What a precious gift.
  7. I saw a short-film about this very subject once. I can't remember it's name, but the situation was similar.... It definitely makes you think. It's one thing to consider this as a hypothetical idea and quite another to actually put real people and families into these situations for entertainment. What's next... a Sophie's Choice style show????
  8. I just watched the movie "Still Mine" with Genevieve Bujold (it was a great movie btw) OMG! she was beautiful. She doesn't look like she's had any work done. Some women can pull it off... I doubt I am one of them.
  9. I have 624 - with 16 unread. I go through and pare it down every so often.. I like to keep it closer to 200. There are many that are just there because I think I might need them...so I end up needing and many I don't. sometimes you never know. I think my husband has somewhere in the 15,000 range too (work and private)... I hate that, but then again, he can find a long-lost email from 2010 like someone said earlier. However, the problem with that many emails is that my dh tends to not read through his email very carefully. He's constantly asked by friends if he's read the email they sent him 2 weeks ago :confused1:
  10. oh no!! That's awful. I could see why you would not be interested.
  11. If you're looking for work referrals, have you thought about Angie's List? When we had our realtor debacle I turned to AL. They helped so much... plus you can get a feel for how much something might cost from the reviews. Also, they have these ongoing "Angie's List Deals" which are greatly reduced services from lots of local companies for AL members. I've gotten my house cleaned, electrical work done, plumbing, gutter cleaning all at reduced prices.
  12. oh Quill - that is absolutely wonderful!! congratulations. :hurray: :hurray:
  13. eek gads!! NO!! I would be mortified if that stuff re-showed up on my friend's newsfeed.
  14. I heard it as a child growing up too, but it wasn't a positive thing. It was a put-down. I don't think my parents ever said it to me, the kids at school/neighborhood did.
  15. I agree... in these situations it would probably be similar to when an Amish person leaves (or is shunned by) their community. They haven't just left the family...they've left their entire support base. It will be very hard, but it seems like they have extended family not involved, so that would be a plus.
  16. Sadly, they did know... or at least most of them knew. Mother's were told to give it to their children first before giving it themselves... death was quick and painful (but not instantaneous)... People who tried to run away were shot. Only a handful of teen/YA boys survived, by running into the jungle... IIRC. it's horrific to think people could be so brainwashed... think of the frogs in the slowing rising water temperature.
  17. for those of you getting "free" medical advice for your loved ones... did you see this via Awkward Family Photos: http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/2015/05/22/empathy-cards/ perfect does not describe. I hope she makes a million bucks.
  18. I'm liking all your hates.... wait.. is that thing???
  19. maybe it was one of those things to see if you're really paying attention to the person's feed. At least it's more clever than the guilty-trip ones like: "only 1% of you will ever share and like" or "If you're a Christian you'll share this...." I hate those.
  20. Yeah... I could almost call it a mistake if it had happened 1x with 1 sister... but 4x... If a teen had vandalized someone's property 4x do we still call that a "teenage mistake"???
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