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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I have in the past but not this time (yet). I didn't really do anything special just lived through it, so I'm not much help.
  2. It was a good match, but I was sad at the end. I like Federer and it I couldn't help but feel like we were watching the end of his career. But, congrats to Raonic! He played very well and he will be a force to be reckoned with for many years to come. He has a very good chance of beating Murray, who isn't very consistent at Wimbledon, IMHO.
  3. thank you everyone. I have wondered if it was heat related, which is bad since there's no air conditioning in the cabins at camp. I will get some Zyrtec today and see if it helps at all. At least it's a start.
  4. I decided last week to go back to Low Carb. I am now at my heaviest and i need to lose 20-30lbs. Thank God for Pinterest.
  5. For the last week or more my 15yr old has been getting welts on his body- mostly legs, hips and arms, but last night he got one on his cheek. They migrate each night to different parts of his body. We use fragrance free detergent and haven't changed it at all, food is basically the same. His routine is the same. He's mostly a home-body. I give him Benadryl and that doesn't always work. He says sometimes the welts go away in 30 min. and sometimes they are spreading everywhere and it takes 4hrs for any relief. They are always gone by morning and don't start coming back until late in the evening - around 8pm. He's had this pop up from time to time in the past and then it just stops after a few days. But, he leaves in a week for 2 week stay-away camp. (he had it happen once at camp too). We're mystified. What could be causing this?
  6. Does he want to do choral music? show music? Opera? Rock band? That will depend on which direction he goes for a voice teacher. Singing for a Broadway show is very different than singing in a choir. Choral groups run the gamet of audition options. The first one I joined had a laughable audition, and it showed in the choir's ability. However, the men's section was great. Another audition I went to required me to have a piece ready, do scales, and sight-sing. I'm not that practiced in sight-singing. I didn't get in. :( Most community choral groups will take just about anyone interested. I would google Choral Arts Societies, choral groups, community chorus. etc. etc. Auditions usually start in Aug. Good luck.
  7. Totally there with you Danielle. Your title just speaks my language. I need to go back and read the whole thread, but I'm too unmotivated at the moment. Somedays, I feel like my brain is oozing out of my ears
  8. yes, this exactly. No favorite, but it fluctuates who is easiest.
  9. He was a great man, and did so very much good.. but I had no idea he was still alive :blush: I downloaded his book "Night" into my audible file about a month ago. Still haven't had a chance to listen... maybe I'll do that one next. may his memory be eternal!
  10. did you get any feedback? I hate selling houses too. I hope this is over for you very soon,.
  11. That's a hard one. The there are problems or issues, I find that most people would rather have their nails pulled out at the roots one by one than tell people what they really think. Most people want to be nice and kind. So, it could be a moment of clarity when they finally spoke their mind. OTOH, some people are cruel and mean and like to hurt others. I also think that many people (and I include myself in this most definitely) don't know how to share their feelings with someone who may have hurt them or someone they don't really like, and it often will come out very badly.
  12. The only thing similar is our doctor charges $10 to fill out those physician forms that are needed for stay-away camps or starting at a new school and participating in sports. These often include a copy of the immunization records too. It doesn't sound like what you wanted from your Dr. though and it's no where near $75. that is crazy.
  13. I would recommend your husband saying exactly this to Jill or, better yet, his brother Jack. I agree that it's best to stay out as much as possible since it isn't your mom (I'm in a very similar situation. I know what that's like ). But, I agree that if Jill thinks this is important then, by all means, *she* go do that. Just don't ask everyone else to agree. Maybe your husband can talk with his brother privately about it and not via email? I doubt you're the only in-law feeling like this either. But sometimes speaking up publicly creates more drama than is necessary.
  14. I would think being near the Inner Harbor will be safe. There's lots of tourists and swanky hotels/restaurants there. They should be fine. I prefer the Science museum to the Aquarium, but that's me. Taking the water taxi over to Fort McHenry is also a nice thing to do, esp. if the weather isn't too bad. There's certain times during the day to be there for the raising and lowering of the flag. I missed it the time we visited, but I hear it's a nice little ceremony.
  15. There's a new politics Social Group here on WTM. It's not just for US politics... we've discussed Brexit and Australian politics so far. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/groups/263-wtm-politics/ I'd love to hear your opinions there.
  16. this is very encouraging. How was Khan academy at getting you ready? Did you do a pay service with them?
  17. They've confirmed there was a tornado that touched down in Howard Co. F0, but it traveled 13 miles and lasted for 20mins. http://www.fox5dc.com/news/164128645-story
  18. Sorry, I didn't realize I was in the affected area :blushing: I wasn't actually home, but I was closeby. I kept getting alerts but didn't realize about a tornado possibly being in my immediate area. The rain was coming down in sheets and the storm itself was intense, but I don't recall the winds being a huge issue. My son was home alone and appears he was completely obvious to what was happening. I guess that's a good thing. I had been on the DC metro near lunch time and went through the station that was completely flooded before all that happened. I'm glad I missed that. I could see the storms coming from the subway as we were pulling into Shady Grove. My dd was driving up in PA during it. She called and said it was very bad. She stopped on the side of the road for about 20 mins waiting for it to blow over. She was headed up Rt 15 as the storm was coming south west.
  19. I'm so relieved! So happy everything is okay.
  20. Yes!! I thought it was this past Tues. Don't know how I did that. Yay.
  21. I was put upon by a family member who needed a kidney. The problem was we didn't know why the kidney failed in the first place (1st kidney was removed years prior due to stones). Anyway, I was not comfortable as I was still kind of young, and having kids, and didn't know if the same problem would happen to me. I wondered if I might need that kidney. When a younger family member offered (newly married female without children yet), I was appalled that the kidney needing family member took her up on it and I said so. I was basically told to sit down and shut up. I think there was a lot of guilt and wanting to "fix" a broken relationship related to the decision.. It didn't change that one bit. sadly. It's been over 20yrs since surgery and donor has never had an issue with her remaining kidney (thank god). The receiver has died but not anything related to the kidney, which she had for 15+ years. So all that to say - you are not out of line. No one should pressure someone into giving their body parts to another.
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