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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. my daughter has been the same way. Her allergist sent her to an ENT. He dx her with sinus passages that were pinched (or small or something like that) via an CAT scan. The procedure was simple in-out at the doctor's office. She hardly coughs now, and has said she'd cough even less if she was more religious about using her Neti pot. Anyway, just putting that out there in case it might be of help.
  2. perhaps you should consider changing it from "drugs" to medication.... drugs has a negative connotation. Your choice to continually use the word drugs instead of medication makes me wonder.
  3. I would add that I don't consider someone who uses herbal/nutritional supplements instead of OTC meds or prescriptions to be more noble. I use both depending on the need. I feel like there's some kind of unconscience or conscience bias in that direction in the OP... but I could be reading more than is there. It would be nice to learn more about the OP motivation for the question. edited for clarification (not sure if I succeeded)
  4. I think Christian Scientists refuse medical intervention..
  5. I think some of this can also be age related. I know some people draw the genetic short-straw and needs meds much younger.. But for me, when I was in my 20-30s I didn't take much other than an occasional pain med for headaches. As I've aged I've developed sleep issues & Restless leg syndrom (natural supplements), seasonal allergies (OTC meds), weather related headaches/migraines (OTC), and Hashimotos (prescrip). I'd love it if I didn't have to do any of this but then I'd be pretty non-functional. When my dh was hospitalized after a serious car accident about 5yrs ago the nurses were shocked he was not on any prescriptions. He was in his 50s and slightly overweight. He's since gone of synthroid but still, apparently it is somewhat uncommon for his age to just be on one prescription. He's very thankful.
  6. I agree. The house looks lovely. the crap in it is another issue. The listing is pretty funny.
  7. yup... this so much. I want to know all about recovery. I've had it happen 2x where the doctor underestimated the time of recovery. It's discouraging when they say, "you'll feel back to normal in 10days" and you aren't. :cursing:
  8. I know this is an older thread.. but this came across my FB page and I wondered if anyone knows much about it? Helix Gen 2 From Nat. Geo.
  9. It's hard because everyone is different.. At 11, I would take her lead. The thing is that kids don't really understand the finality of that last visit - heck, we adults rarely do. I would try to gently explain that this would be a chance to say "goodbye", not really a visit and wouldn't have to be long. Then let her choose. I would ask her if she wants to be picked up for the funeral if it happens while she's away. Will the camp allow that? I'd give them a heads-up...especially so her counselors know she's dealing with this. If it were me, I would let her choose whether she wants to attend or not. I wouldn't have her miss all of camp with this kind of unknown, unless she was super close to her great-grandma and really wanted to be there. Edited to add: Hugs.
  10. I get it. I'm the same way. So, now at 53 I'm working towards that paper.
  11. my vote crossed the same choice. I didn't have a significant amount of grey when I was 30. But at 32 I was dx with hypothyroidism. By 35 or 36 I was coloring... that was partly because I was pregnant and did't want to look like the grandma.
  12. Also, there's less chance they will finish. At least if my own experience is any indication. Babies happen. :P
  13. There are always exceptions to the rule but I would prefer sometime between 24-30... preferably closer to 24 mainly because of fertility. I married young and it was a mistake. My daughter married young and I think she will regret that when she's about 40 (she also started having kids before she was done with her post-grad degree - so that is also a factor in my opinion).
  14. I mostly do Redfin and Zillow. I like Redfin because I can ask it to show me all houses without an HOA. I also prefer to look at the map as we're looking at a very specific area that crosses a couple of zipcodes. I have seen some odd stuff - so I usually run things by my realtor. Last week there was a house that went up for sale in the neighborhood I'd really like to buy in. The thing is the house was 300K more than any other house in the neighborhood (and 400K more than anything that has actually sold). It was one of those tear down an old house, put up a 6000sq ft monstrosity... but still 300-400K more worth??? From the photos, the house definitely did not fit in the neighborhood... but that's their problem. The listing disappeared after a day. I assume it was some kind of mistake. Or maybe the realtor is trying to have some kind of come to Jesus moment with the owners before going live. :laugh:
  15. I love this story!! I don't think well on my feet and definitely don't do well with confrontation. Your story made my day. OP - I'm sorry that happened to you. People can be so mean, but it just seems like people are getting meaner.
  16. nope, don't regret it at all. If I were one of those people who looked great with grey, maybe. But, I look tired and washed out, so I'm happy to have a friend who can color my hair for a fraction of the cost.
  17. I love this thread idea. As I mentioned in the other thread I really want to see The Hero with Sam Elliot in theaters. I think my strong feeling about GOING to the theaters is in reaction to all the blockbusters out during the summer. It definitely looks like it can wait until it's available for home viewing.. Although, I still regret to this day not seeing Emma Thompson's Sense and Sensibility in the theaters. It was so lush & beautiful. I remember when it came out and thought... "naw, I'll wait." I wish I'd seen it on the big screen.
  18. I did it briefly. Peeing in my pants in front of a boatload of kids isn't my idea of fun. :laugh:
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