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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. My DD16 and DS12 don't have dressers in their bedrooms. Everything goes into the closets.
  2. :iagree: :iagree: This is what I do too. If you are looking for words in a particular order you could also do a search like this: site:forums.welltrainedmind.com "search term"
  3. I already left a response with my DD21 (I never noticed a difference). I want to add that I always tried to make my DD21 feel special about being a lefty. Why not make your lefty feel special? :confused:
  4. It sounds like you need a macbook! We have a macbook that's from 2006, and it's never had any problems. My iMac is even older and it's never been to the repair shop. Our other three macbooks are running like champs, no issues ever.
  5. I have it, but we haven't started using it yet.
  6. Bear Necessities A1 and A2 are the "industrial strength" version of Dancing Bears A. I think they broke Dancing Bears A book into two books (Bear Necessities A1 & A2) for kids that need the extra practice. It sounds like your DD would do great with Dancing Bears A.
  7. Have you looked at Calvert? Calvert goes from K-8. Keystone School has a junior high school.
  8. Maybe SumDog Fridays? It's free! That's what I do with my boy. :)
  9. We give them to friends. My DH doesn't like strangers coming around our place.
  10. I don't have any experience with LS. Have you looked at American School or Keystone? You could also do something like NARHS. Your DS would earn a regionally accredited high school diploma but you would be able to choose the curriculum, as long as it's on their list.
  11. :iagree: I did the same thing with my girls. They each have their own Amazon accounts.
  12. We pay about the same tax rate. We are also paying $1,500 a month for health insurance. :confused: We pay so much for health insurance that we can hardly afford to go to the doctor.
  13. My 21 year old DD is a lefty. I never noticed any issues with her being a lefty. :001_smile:
  14. My DS12 is severely dyslexia and doesn't do much on his own. He does Climbing to Good English and Teaching Textbooks 6 all by himself. I sit next to him in case he needs help reading something.
  15. My oldest DD21 gave me a lot of hard times. Sometimes I didn't think I could take much more, but thankfully things are much better now.
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