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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. :iagree: Both cars are so cheap, it's hard to believe they don't have more problems.
  2. Yes I would move. We live in a small town with 1,200 people. We have a tiny (over priced) grocery store. Walmart and real grocery stores are 20 miles away. If I want to go to Target or Costco I have to drive 60+ minutes over twisty mountain roads. We have to drive two plus hours to get to big cities.
  3. Here you go: http://www.prometheantrust.org/usshop.htm
  4. :iagree: I'm a HUGE fan of A&P! My DS12 grew tired of A&P so we tried Sequential Spelling for a short time, but are going back to A&P. I love it and it works!
  5. Thanks for that info! I found the video and my call was almost identical (f bombs) except for the being stinky part. My caller accused me of being racist when I said I couldn't understand him. :001_huh:
  6. I read a long time ago that the original ranch dressing used crushed saltines to thicken it up. I'm not sure if this is true or not. Here's a recipe using crushed saltines, mayo, and buttermilk. http://chickensintheroad.com/farm-bell-recipes/homemade-ranch-dressing-mix/
  7. I got similar calls a few months ago. The guy with the Indian accent was calling me in the middle of the night over and over, he'd hang up on me and then call me right back. He did this for three or four nights in a row. He blocked his number every time he called. He screamed at me, "Your daughter kicked my dog. She will not kick my dog, I will kick your a$$. I am calling police, I will come over to your house and kick your dog." Then he'd hang up only to call me again and tell me that my daughter kicked his dog and that he was calling the police. He was pissed off and dropping F bombs. We live out in the country and have one neighbor, they don't have accents and my kids don't kick dogs. I'm not sure what he was trying to get out of the calls. He didn't know my name.
  8. Here's what we do: Plan a menu for the week before going grocery shopping. I tape the new menu to the inside of one of my cabinets. Bean based dinner once a week Soup night once a week At least one dinner with a whole chicken, I get them for $5. My DH's fav is Smothered Chicken. Sausage night. I don't like sausages but my family does. I get them for $2 a pack at Grocery Outlet. I cook them under the broiler for a cheap fast dinner. Buy eggs in bulk - I get chorizo for $0.99 and cook up a big batch of Chorizo Eggs at least once a week. Two packs of chorizo and about 18 eggs. My kids love making burritos out of it. They'll eat these eggs for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. :) I have a bunch of recipes for cheap side dishes. A lot of them using ingredients I always have in my pantry. Make a shopping list based off your menu. I then go and look in my pantry for things on my list and cross off what I already have. We drink iced tea or water. We don't eat any sweets. We don't eat boxed, frozen meals, or convenience foods. Save your grocery receipts. I like to add them up at the end of the month and see how much we really spent. I also then look through the receipts for things we didn't really need to buy. All those little things really add up. Here's where I really save money - I only go grocery shopping once a week. I first hit Grocery Outlet, which is clearance grocery store. They have a lot of premium lunch meats, cheeses, sausages, canned foods, fruits, veggies, etc at very low prices. I then finish up my shopping at another grocery store.
  9. I've been through something similar with my oldest (21). I told her she could shave her head bald after she graduated high school but until then, her hair stayed long. My DD didn't put up much a fight and just went along with what I said. The weekend after she graduated high school, she went and cut her hair extremely short (donated her hair to locks of love). She kept her hair short for a few months and then grew it out long.
  10. Same here! Getting a menstrual cup is a life changer! I only wish I had learned about them 20 years ago. So far I've already converted four people to using a cup. My 21 year old is one of the converts and DD loves her cup, it fits in with her crazy work and school schedules.
  11. Thanks to this forum, I now use a menstrual cup and cloth pads. ;)
  12. :iagree: This is what we use! All my kids love the daily Brainpop.
  13. I wouldn't worry about his reading level. Dancing Bears is working so just keep on using it.
  14. It sounds like you need a muscle relaxer. I recently did the same thing recently to my back, actually I don't even know what I did wrong. My doctor gave me Carisoprodol 350 mg. It did the trick and I'm all better now.
  15. I was getting ready to be born. My birthday is August 19, 1969.
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