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Everything posted by Shellers

  1. My son is using TT6 and he's doing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions.
  2. My macbook is the aluminum one (looks like macbook pro but it's not), I think it's from 2008. I recently did two upgrades because I didn't have access to the apps store. Everything went smoothly, no hiccups. Now I'm at 10.7.4. I don't have Mountain Lion yet, I'm not sure if it's worth the $19.99. What's new? iCloud, iMessage, and Notification Center? I have all those on my iphone, and don't think I need them on my macbook. The dictation would be cool though.
  3. My DD16 has always been prone to throwing up. When she was about a year and a half I finally figured out she had a corn allergy. If she gets too much she will barf. Corn is in everything!
  4. :iagree: I just sold my suburban and it has a sunroof. I'm going to miss it so much. This sounds nuts but driving with the sunroof open and playing music a little too loud makes me feel young. :001_smile:
  5. :iagree: I bought a set of speed queens earlier this year after reading about the brand on this forum. I had been using tide liquid up until a few weeks ago when I decided to try making my own. My recipe is very similar to the one above but I didn't add the Purex crystals. The stuff works and is cheap! I've been using distilled vinegar for fabric softener, and it really does make everything feel soft without the vinegar smell.
  6. Very impressive! My kids did 4H for a few years. Our 4H is very cliquish which is why we dropped it. My girls did show hogs at the fair for a few years and had a great time doing so. My DD #2 got $12 a pound one year. Everyone felt bad for her because she was the very last auction and most bidders had left.
  7. Your DS sounds like my DS12! My boy is just now memorizing our phone number and knows about half his times tables. Thank you for sharing your story!
  8. LOL My DS12 has three older sisters and knows way too much about periods. I had my first anxiety attack right before I turned 40. I never associated with getting old. I've had a few more attacks since. I've actually had panic attacks in my sleep and wake up trying to catch my breath. Maybe it is age related? I just turned 43 on Sunday.
  9. :iagree: My college package to my kids is free room and board. My kids all plan on working their way through community college and then transferring to a four year college and financing the bill. My oldest is one class away from getting her AA and she has ZERO debt. Her employer helps pay for college so she doesn't have to foot the whole bill. My step daughter went straight to a private four year college and will come out of there owing well over $80,000. We tried to talk her out of going that route but it was her choice.
  10. I'm embarrassed to admit I watch the show and I like it. :blushing:
  11. Wow you had a great experience. Congrats! I'm using craigslist as a seller for the first time. I'm trying to sell my 2005 Suburban. I've had several (really bad) scammers and one low baller. I think I have one legit potential buyer so far. It has low low miles, is in excellent condition, and we are the original owners. I have it priced $2,000 below KBB and I'm throwing in the new factory rims and tires for free. I figured there would be more people interested. I'm getting ready to list my Keg-or-rator. :)
  12. My DS finished TT5 and is now using TT6. We love it!
  13. Up until recently we had three freezers, all manual defrost. We used to butcher a steer and two hogs every fall. I have an old Montgomery Wards chest freezer. I also have a big upright Kenmore freezer, which is my favorite. We used to have the biggest Kenmore chest freezer. A few months ago it started beeping so we changed the battery. The freezer ended up dying while we were on a road trip to Texas. We came home to a stinky mess! The Kenmore freezers are the same age. The dead chest freezer had a hard life on our porch, it gets 100+ in the summer. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another Kenmore freezer, and I highly recommend an upright.
  14. I recommend Bear Necessities A1. It's the 3rd book down. Under the pic of the book there's a "See Inside", click that to see samples of the program. My DS12 couldn't read at the end of 4th grade (he was in public school and is severely dyslexic). Dancing Bears and Bear Necessities got him reading. :D
  15. http://www.hslda.org/laws/default.asp?State=NH Here's another site: http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/laws/blNH.htm#.UC6q-0RoxMg
  16. I remember I was so nervous when I withdrew two of my kids from school. It was really a big nothing. :001_smile: Congrats!
  17. I bought five Kindle Fire's for Christmas. We gave one to each of our girls (21, 20, 16, 14) and then my DH also got one. Everyone LOVES their Fire! I bought a Fire for my mom for her birthday last month and she LOVES her fire! I bought my DS12 a Nintendo 3D for Christmas and I wish I had bought him a Fire instead. I don't know what I was thinking. :confused:
  18. :iagree: Put your MP3's into itunes and then put them on your ipad. I purchased SOTW on MP3 and we listen to it in itunes on my MAC, but I could put SOTW on my ipad or iphone if I wanted. I know you can have your own music in the Kindle, my daughters have music and movies on their Kindles but I'm not really sure how to go about doing it. They didn't buy the music or movies from Amazon.
  19. You don't have to give up the pizza! I've made this low carb pizza crust many times and it turns out great! Everyone loves it! It's the top recipe. I double it and make two big pizzas. http://lighterwithlowcarb.blogspot.com/2010/01/low-carb-pizza-crust-pizza-2-recipes.html I spread the cheese on the pizza pan and melt it in the oven for a few minutes and then top with the egg/cream cheese mixture. YUM! I also made this pizza recipe. It's a fast and easy crust less pizza. I haven't tried the chocolate chunk cookie but it sure looks good. http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/lowcarb-recipe-help-suggestions/576481-loaded-pizza-1-lots-pics-just-283-calories.html
  20. Yes I would take my kids out of school to go on a trip. I've done it before and would do it again. The schools were fine with it as long as the trip was at least a week long. The kids would go on "Independent Study" and get a weeks worth of school work. My kids learn more going on a week long trip then they would stuck in a classroom for a week. I've taken my kids out of school many times and have no regrets. :D
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