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Everything posted by umsami

  1. I went to a macrobiotic cooking class once, and we made cornmeal pancakes. They were delicious. We served them with a strawberry sauce that was made with strawberries, juice, and agar.
  2. That was my 10 year old. 8 year old wanted to do it too, but I wasn't sure how it would go….so I held off. I'm thinking of buying it for him for the summer.
  3. My endocrinologist and OB both let me leave my 10 year old in the waiting room. The OB let my 3 year old stay with him as well (they were just playing on the iPad). It's a lifesaver.
  4. I'm grateful I never followed my instincts to get something regarding Adam Ant tattooed on myself. :) Honestly, there's never been any piece of artwork that I could imagine wanting to see the rest of my life on my body…except for maybe something from Botticelli and that would be just too painful. Tattoos are forbidden in Islam, but if one of my kids wanted to, I'd probably make them do a Sharpie or Henna tattoo for two-three full years before inking. I'd pay for the temporary tattoos, they can pay for the permanent. I would also advise them to put it someplace that could be hidden. I still remember my friend's Dad saying of people with tattoos, "Well, that's going to go over well at the company picnic." (Granted people are a lot more accepting of tattoos these days.)
  5. What worked best for DD was playing a lot of "Go to the Dump." You can make your own cards. It's basically a version of "Go Fish" but instead of wanting matches, you want the number that will help you equal 10. So..if I have a 2, I want to get an 8. DD loves to play this.
  6. We've had one for a few years and are completely boring. I add in mini chocolate chips and/or coconut. I've tried mango, strawberries, and pineapple…but I keep going back to plain banana.
  7. Normal restaurant…$10-12 (where I live.) Hotel…double the price.
  8. No, they don't know. It may sound strange but I hope that it turns out to be some weird heart defect or something. I really hope it's not drugs or anything. Who knows, perhaps it's something inheritable that by dying, she will save her sisters or her kids from. (Because they'll know about it now.) Yes…her second little boy is maybe a year old. Both boys are too young to have memories of their Mom, and from what I've read, she was a very hands-on, loving Mom. I really hope that paparazzi agencies which took photos of her with her kids, will put together a book of them for each of her kids. It's the least they could do. That family sure has had a lot to deal with. :(
  9. We started about mid-January and he just uploaded his mod last weekend.
  10. I bought mine refurbished on Amazon, but if I were to buy again, I'd probably buy it at Costco…just because I love their return policy in case of problems. I've had no problems with my refurbished model, though. Works great. :)
  11. Yes, my son has loved his Mod Design class. They have amazing customer service. DS1 emails them/messages them issues, his programs, whatever…and they always respond quite quickly. They respond to him, too….I'm not involved.
  12. My son just uploaded his Mod over the weekend. He loved the class. Simply loved it. We used it as motivation to do his other schoolwork. He is 10 and has never done any coding whatsoever. I was really impressed with how quickly they got back to him with questions. IMHO, it was really well done. I got it through HSBC, but after this, I would pay full price for one of their courses.
  13. OK, not being in the UK, I kind of only knew her for being a strangely named celebrity offspring, but the statement by her Dad is just heartbreaking. I always admired him for taking in Michael Hutchence and Paula Yates' daughter after both of their deaths. Very very sad for her poor babies she left behind. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-26931337 "Peaches has died. We are beyond pain. She was the wildest, funniest, cleverest, wittiest and the most bonkers of all of us. Writing "was" destroys me afresh. What a beautiful child. How is this possible that we will not see her again? How is that bearable? We loved her and will cherish her forever. How sad that sentence is. Tom and her sons Astala and Phaedra will always belong in our family, fractured so often, but never broken. Bob, Jeanne, Fifi, Pixie and Tiger Geldof."
  14. True story…when I was in second grade, I was watching TV…and I heard that there was a Tornado watch in effect. I asked my Dad what a tornado is, and he said, "Don't' worry…you'll never see one in your life." That night I went to dinner with my Grandma. We were standing in line at the Ponderosa (restaurant)…and the manager yelled, everybody get under the tables. WE did…. and an F4 went through. Entire block was gone. I don't think there were a lot of fatalities, but major destruction. We drove to her house in her car…all the windows were gone, and everything was covered in glass. Because of this, I still freak out a little about tornados. We don't have basements here in Florida, so we go into a walk-in closet. Never thought of bike helmets. Great idea. :)
  15. I know there was an episode of Dinner Impossible where the guy went to Colonial Williamsburg. http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/dinner-impossible/series-1/back-in-time-ye-ol146-dinner-impossible.html I have Mrs. Beeton's. :) 500 years of Ottoman Cuisine http://www.amazon.com/Years-Ottoman-Cuisine-Marianna-Yerasimos/dp/9752301614 NOVA Ancient Roman Recipes http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/roman-recipes.html More ancient culture recipes http://archive.archaeology.org/online/features/food/
  16. We bought two Roombas when they first came out….one was the vacuum guy, and the other would scrub the floor. No idea if they've improved by the battery had to be replaced relatively quickly…and the little guy kept getting stuck. I loved it in theory, though. :)
  17. My Mom used to make me cream cheese/olive sandwiches as a kid. You just reminded me of them, so I'm going to have to add cream cheese and olives to the shopping list for the week. Thanks. :)
  18. I had a horrific fear of public speaking. It impacted what careers I considered and my life through undergrad. I would get physically ill, shake, could barely talk. It was pure torture. I definitely fit the joke that i'd rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy. I deferred grad school because I did not want to give presentations. Then when I was 23 or so, my Dad paid for me to take a Dale Carnegie course. Everybody there is petrified…and you basically give two minute speeches. It really changed my life. I went to get my MBA, got an A in speech, had a job where I presented to the board of directors and rooms of people often. I only wish I had taken it sooner.
  19. My friend's mom used to serve a block with this stuff called "Pick-a-Pepper" sauce on it. I like it with red pepper jelly on top. But honestly…. there are no bad ways to serve cream cheese. :)
  20. I used to watch it with my Grandma. I remember the bubbles. Loved Mutual of Omaha…followed by Disney.
  21. It's been a long time since I saw the movie, but I do need to recommend it. It is fabulous. No idea if it would be triggering, though…although I don't think so. Angela Lansbury is in it as a maid too. If you only knew her in "Murder She Wrote" or as Mrs. Potts' voice, it's a nice surprise. :)
  22. We have a cat. A small, innocent American Domestic shorthair who sheds enough to equal seven cats. While I adore her, it seems like even with daily vacuuming our house is still dirty. We have a Hoover Windtunnel which I love, but everybody tells me that I'll really notice a difference w/a Dyson. The $500 price tag is holding me back…but seeing as I vacuum every day….if it's worth it, I'll try and swing it. But…are they worth it? Looking at the new DC65. We have a lot of wood/tile floors, area rugs, and carpet in the bedrooms.
  23. This one looks good http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/bobby-flay/chudleighs-nanaimo-bars-recipe.html I'd check All Recipes and Food Network Canada…but I think it's like brownies…very few bad recipes. :)
  24. The term comes from the classic film "Gaslight". Basically, the person tries to make you think that you're going crazy. It's very common among NPD folks. Honestly, my guess is that a lot of people at the party probably already realize that your Mom does this. So I don't think you need to worry about what they think about you. Sure, ask the family member…if only to make yourself feel better. :) And y'know what? Even if you were wrong, it doesn't lessen all the times she has done this to you.
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