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Everything posted by umsami

  1. You can treat the bacteria…. use xylitol gum and a xylitol mouthwash (you can make your own using powdered xylitol…it's sweet. There's a book called "Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye" which talks a lot about it. She doesn't really recommend that you not see a dentist, but it includes a really good regime. I think she has a website too. My pediatric dentist told me about xylitol and the bacteria too.
  2. I don't think these are exclusive. We've bought "The Mixed Up Files…" and "Sing Down the Moon" from Amazon. What's so exclusive?
  3. I would call now…speak with a manager…and offer to bring the bread in later.
  4. Cornell/Ithaca is breathtakingly beautiful. But you don't have the fun of a big city like Boston, NYC, or Philadelphia. Princeton has a lovely campus too…but ugh…I hate NJ jug handles or whatever they call the weird turning thing. Yale…New Haven...meh. Knew two great people who went to Dartmouth…and loved it. It's sad. Because he's black, people will always assume he was not qualified…or got in because of being black. I've heard it whispered about colleagues when I worked at Fortune 50 companies, and DH heard it whispered about fellow residents when he was in med school. You're always assumed to not measure up…which is a horrible burden and sucks. I've heard this from relatives about Pres. Obama and Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor (one who graduated magna, the other summa). About the only minority in the public eye I can't remember hearing it about is Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Sigh. Oh…and Clarence Thomas…and Dr. Ben Carsen. I think if you're a conservative, then you're judged to have been smart enough to not need AA.
  5. It started with me. I've had major diarrhea issues/urgency since I was 20. Was scoped way too many times. Diagnosis…IBS. Not helpful. So…I did testing at 23andme and I carry the genes for Celiac. I failed a blood test, but when I eliminate gluten, I don't have issues 99% of the time. DS1 had chronic constipation, encopresis, and was on Miralax. DS2 and DD all complained about stomach aches after eating…and had occasional constipation. Their genetic tests showed DS2 and DD1 carry the genes, but not DS1. Still he feels better when he's gluten free, but he loves flour. So, I do what I can.
  6. So DS1 did Galore Park Jr's science book this Fall. I didn't really have anything for the second semester. We watched a lot of Bill Nye. :) Then I remembered that there was a science book in a box of 5th grade Calvert stuff I had bought online cheaply. I LOVE it. DS loves it. Why didn't I even think to look at normal textbooks??? It's McGraw-Hill "Science" for 5th grade and has the National Geographic Society logo on it. Our version is a few years old…but this is their newest one.. There are these activities online too http://www.macmillanmh.com/science/2009/student/ky/grade5/index.html It's colorful, secular, and well-done. Great images. <3 You can even see a version of the textbook http://www.mhschool.com/instructional_materials/ca/pdf/sc08_a5icr_web.pdf workbook http://www.mhschool.com/instructional_materials/ca/pdf/sc08_5_se.pdf
  7. Yes, and our library gives us the option to replace them with a new book or good condition used book. So, usually, right after I order from Amazon, I find it. I know I always checked where it turned up….but it wasn't there before. Seriously. :)
  8. My Arabic is really bad. There are a bunch of words that are really similar…the words for heart and dog….the words for pigeon and bathroom… you can imagine the mistakes I make. :)
  9. I don't know. I would watch/monitor it, and if it continues…then I'd probably want to see an endocrinologist, or at least go back to the ped with that info.
  10. Yes…they're usually open for a few weeks afar construction, but before they're dedicated. Once that happens, it's my understanding that only LDS members with a temple recommend can attend. (But I could be wrong.) This is where we hope to go visit http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/fortlauderdale/
  11. Thanks everybody. I think we'll sign up. (You go to the website and make a reservation.) :) I'll let you know how it goes. :)
  12. If you know who you're looking for, youtube is good too. I've found a lot of Leslie Sansone videos there.
  13. that is opening a few hours from us. Basically, before they officially open for business, they allow the public to tour it. I'm thinking of taking my kids as it's an opportunity they're unlikely to get (unless, of course, they choose to convert.) Have you ever toured an LDS temple as a non-Mormon? What was the experience like? How long was the tour?
  14. I started at 40…but then had a break due to pregnancy/breastfeeding. Back doing regular.
  15. I wish I had the resources, but I don't. Right now, I'd be happy if my kids could get conversational Egyptian Arabic and French.
  16. It sounds like she has no idea how to homeschool a kid. She think that homeschooling means you give them the book, and they do the work…and that's it. She forgets that she's supposed to replace the teacher, especially at the younger ages. It's sad. I have no idea what to tell you. Is there a way to express your concerns and try and model maybe teaching him? Or say something along the lines that grade level doesn't matter…especially at this age.
  17. Really like the Complete Book of US History but I can't find it anymore new. Amazon has some used copies, but I"m always wary of purchasing used workbooks.
  18. I know…and often I do…but I do believe in supporting people whose work I use. They came up with a very good selection of books, and if I could support them in good conscience, I would. I also would love to have discussion guides and the like…although perhaps not with the changes of the past few years. I was never given grief on the forums for being Muslim, but then again, I don't know how much that was known and I don't remember doing more than a few posts.
  19. Do your kids put clothes in the laundry after every wear? That could be part of the problem. I'm not talking undies…but I"m talking everything else. Even with boys, they can usually wear a pair of shorts for two days or maybe three. No big deal. I thought about homeschool uniforms, but never did it. DS picks out his own clothes. I do washing for all four kids plus myself…folding…and they put them away. I still hate it. :)
  20. I've had it for all four pregnancies. With two, I had to inject myself with insulin. One was managed with glyburide. One with metformin (I think). You will need to check your blood sugar using a monitor. They will probably set you up with a diabetes educator. Whether or not you need insulin depends on management. They usually want tighter control during pregnancy. Walking after meals can help. You'll also probably be referred to a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist. Expect some scans and monitoring as you near your due date. Worse part was being woken up in the hospital to check my blood sugar. :)
  21. Not sure, but I think you can still get your sequence and then feed it into one of the third party tools. http://www.23andyou.com/3rdparty
  22. Wow…it wasn't like this when I visited them maybe a week or two ago. Reminds me of Calvert…just pick a grade. I wish they'd sell their supposed secular homeschool option packages to the public, rather than just to charters. I appreciate their wonderful books. I'd love to support them. But they've turned me off completely with the recent changes. Also, I remember being really annoyed that they wanted me to buy a complete Core including a book I already had. I asked them if they could just subtract the cost of that one book, and they said "no." Thus, instead of losing $15, they lost hundreds.
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