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Everything posted by umsami

  1. This info used to be given out by Student Health and freely available online in the early days of the WWW.
  2. The thing about IUDs is that they are far more effective at preventing pregnancy than other forms of BC. There was a study done recently that showed a far lower rate of unintended pregnancy (0.27% failure). If the science behind them says that they do not work via interfering with implantation…and thus, HL's objections are not based on fact…then why should they be allowed to exclude them as while their religious beliefs my be sincerely held, their understanding of science is not? On a side note, they are also quite expensive out-of-pocket. Prior to having insurance coverage, I was quoted over $600…and this was at Planned Parenthood. Something tells me that a $600 out-of-pocket expense is not that easy for somebody who works retail…even if HL pays well. I'm Muslim. We don't like gelatin or alcohol. So from now on, if you work for UmSamiCorp, we're not going to cover any medications that involve alcohol or gelatin (often included in capsules). Tough cookies, pay for it out of your own pocket. Could you imagine the outrage that those evil Muslims are trying to apply Shariah law here (Fox news headline)? ('Cause even though it has nothing to do with shariah law, it would in the news.) ;) Can't say that it's not a sincerely held religious belief…Muslims have operated that way for 1400 years. There's even hadith that says that people who pay for these things (like alcohol) go to hell. So….
  3. This absolutely sucks and I'm so sorry. When I was 15, my best friend's best guy friend killed himself on her 16th birthday. (Not a romantic boyfriend, just a friend.) I don't know if she ever forgave herself for not somehow stopping him. There was no note, and she always wondered why he did it on her birthday. It tore her up as did the funeral…as they were both Catholic…and at the time (not sure if still holds true), the Priest wouldn't perform a funeral. A lot of times actually suicide is a sudden act. It's not planned. It's not thought out. It just is a momentary decision. You had no way to know. Your friend may have had no idea even in spite of seeking out help. I will be praying for you and his family. I'm sorry.
  4. Simply beautiful. She is so lucky to have you as an Aunt. :)
  5. Yes, people do go the other way…but for others…that's what they grew up with. I've had people whose parents were clearly abusive say to me things like 'well, it's a good thing my Dad did that or who knows how I would have turned out." It's nice to think that CPS will step in and provide parenting classes, but in many states, they are just too overworked to do so. Also, depending on the state, they might not even bat an eye at spanking with a belt or paddle as it's not illegal in all states. 94% of parents report spanking their child at some point. 28% of parents spank their kids with a belt or paddle. (Not saying that it condones it, but it's common…and not viewed as illegal.) How the punishment will escalate is definitely concerning and that's why focusing on different parenting models now makes more sense IMHO….although corporal punishment seems to decline on its own from studies I've read.
  6. My DD has Mongolian blue spots. :) They still haven't faded and she is six. DH is a mandated reporter and when he first noticed them, he told me to take her to the pediatrician and make sure they were noted in her file to prevent future issues. My DS3 and DS2 are covered in bruised on their legs…not from abuse…but from being daring boys who tend to fall off of their bikes, scooters, and skateboards.
  7. State laws on Spanking. http://kidjacked.com/legal/spanking_law.asp A lot of states still allow corporal punishment in schools, too…which surprised me. A lot of how we punish is cultural/how we were raised. If one's parents hit one with a belt, then it's not often viewed as bad as it is by somebody who was raised with parents who did not spank, rarely spanked, or only used a hand on a clothed bottom. I do a lot of work with family violence in immigrant communities, and I'm surprised at some common methods that just would never even occur to me like spanking somebody with a shoe or slipper/flip-flop, twisting ears, etc. I have to be careful in how I phrase things, because it can be viewed as attacking/disrespecting their parents…but offering alternatives, especially that work, can be received well. (And yes, sometimes I'll say…well, that's illegal here…but often I want to stress that it's ineffective.) You could also try modeling behavior… "Oh, when DS does that, I find that not letting him go biking until his school work is done is far more effective than spanking. You'd be surprised." "Or y'know, I can get so frustrated when DS doesn't get his math homework done. Sometimes, I need to step back and remember that he has 10 years (0r whatever) to master fractions…and perhaps both of us taking a short break will make approaching it easier." Or give her one of Jane Nelsen's book (I like her A to Z book, 1-2-3 Magic, or something else. She may not read it, but she might. It would be worth the $10 IMHO.
  8. Here's another option. You could try calling the National Parenting Hotline for advice 1-855-4-A-PARENT http://www.nationalparenthelpline.org or Childhelp http://www.childhelp.org/pages/hotline-home "The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. Serving the United States, its territories, and Canada, the Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with professional crisis counselors who, through interpreters, can provide assistance in 170 languages. The Hotline offers crisis intervention, information, literature, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources. All calls are anonymous and confidential."
  9. Definitely get the BSN at minimum, it's becoming the standard. There are some programs that offer direct entry into a Master's (now usually a Doctorate DNP) level nurse practitioner program. Have a neighbor's daughter who did that and is a certified nurse midwife at 23. Great career ahead of her. If she does the RN at a community college, there are a lot of BSN completion programs out there. As for the Affordable Care Act as well as just the dynamics of healthcare, becoming a nurse practitioner would be where I'd be leaning. There will be more and more need for them as well as PAs. Check out these boards regarding Nursing www.allnurses.com
  10. Sadly where I live (Florida) spanking with a belt is not considered child abuse. Now, if they leave marks, it could be. (Although my personal feelings do differ.) I would watch/wait…and honestly, I'd probably try and get the mega church to host a parenting seminar that dealt with nonphysical methods, be it 1-2-3 Magic, PET, Love & Logic, etc.
  11. "Johnny Tremain" and "Witch of Blackbird Pond" definitely. We also just picked up "General Butterfingers" by Catharine Bowman Smith. Found this too http://www.powells.com/section/childrens/historical-fiction-us-colonial-and-revolutionary-periods/
  12. This was good too http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/stop-laughing-at-gwyneth-paltrow-chris-martin?utm_source=vicetwitteruk " Falling out with the person with whom you created children is a heartbreak that I can’t even describe. You can’t drink it away or find someone else so that it doesn’t matter any more. It will always matter. It’s a feeling you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy, although you don’t even have to, because the person you loved has already slipped into that role. Your very own angry ghost. So if those cheery blonde quinoa-munching celebrities Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin can consciously uncouple, and teach the rest of us how to do it, then please go ahead. I for one will listen. The angry silences can burn a hole in your heart otherwise."
  13. DH is a vitreoretinal surgeon. If you have specific questions I can ask him later. Basically…you can't tell the prognosis. Usually, he will try and treat non-surgically if possible… so either cryo, laser, or gas… and often that is enough if it's caught early enough and depending on the severity of the tear. But as he says…sometimes the person who you think will do great, doesn't….and you need surgery….and vice-versa. Not all surgeons are comfortable using all of those, or sometimes just looking at it, you know that surgery is required. Symptoms can be as simple as flashers and floaters…or a change in visual field. If you do have surgery or a gas bubble, often positioning is crucial. So you have to position your head in just such a way so that the gas bubble or silicone oil presses against the retina helping it re-attach. Some surgeons can hook you up with a medical supply company to rent either a massage chair or table which makes positioning much easier. How the laser is used most likely depends on the location of the tear. One should be up after the procedure…but for a very few cases, DH has had to take them into the operating room for laser because they needed anesthesia (difficult to examine/laser patients.) Vitals.com is good for doctor reviews. ASRS.org is the main retina group that will help you find a doctor. You can also look at the AAO http://www.aao.org/aao/find_eyemd.cfm
  14. My favorite was a Child's History of the World. Why? Because it gets done…DS loves it…and it's actually interesting.
  15. So, I've kind of held off on doing a formal grammar program. (DS1 is in 4th grade). I was thinking about Hake Grammar for next year…or doing a year of Shurley English…but then I came across this program on Sonlight. Have you done it? What do you think? http://www.sonlight.com/RL6.html I truly think if I do a former grammar program once during Middle School…. and possibly again in High School…that will be it. That's how I was taught, and honestly, it was more than enough (coupled with a lot of reading.)
  16. What about this? http://fcit.usf.edu/florida/lessons/lessons.htm I seem to remember DH using some of these last year. http://www.history.com/topics/us-states/florida
  17. I saw that. It's not her, but it's this physician and his wife whose advice she follows. He says (apparently) that people are meant to stay together for 3, 4, or 5 decades or more (wonder how his wife feels about that??? I'm not a fan of Gwyneth, but I always find it sad when couples with young children divorce. I hope they can truly parent together. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2589523/What-unconscious-coupling-Dont-call-divorce-expanding-family-The-teachings-Gwyneth-Paltrows-New-Age-separation-Chris-Martin.html
  18. I've never seen one and we get their catalogs. I think they are already priced so low that they don't go on sale…but that's just my opinion. Maybe somebody else knows about a sale?
  19. I didn't think Freddy was into prostitutes. He got into trouble because he tried to rescue his grandson via helping his son who pulled a gun on somebody. Or maybe I'm mixing things up and missed the prostitutes? Are you thinking about Peter Russo or Doug?
  20. Sadly, no pundits with conspiracy theories…thus, not as much coverage. I think things will change, though, now that the Malaysian flight is reported down in the Indian Ocean.
  21. In reading this article, it appears that a husband/wife scientist team had written that this was a disaster waiting to happen. When the heck are we going to learn???? Why do we always wait until after a disaster???? It's only going to get worse with science being suspect, and non-scientists holding as much weight as a herd of experts. Ugh. I'm so heartbroken over this….all the pictures of the families… :( :( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2588991/Incredible-shots-sheer-devastation-caused-Washington-landslide-wiped-entire-community-left-14-dead.html
  22. I'm sorry that you are going through this right now. It's always too soon to lose a loved one. I started a similar thread a month or two ago and got a lot of good responses http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/498145-if-youve-lost-your-momdad-what-do-you-wish-you-had-done-in-the-last-days-weeks-months/?hl=%2Bumsami+%2Bdad#entry5394174http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/498145-if-youve-lost-your-momdad-what-do-you-wish-you-had-done-in-the-last-days-weeks-months/?hl=%2Bumsami+%2Bdad#entry5394174 If it all interests you, there are a couple of books I read on "Death Midwifery" which were good: "The Art of Death Midwifery" "Sacred Dying: Creating Rituals for Embracing the End of Life"
  23. Just wondering what resources you like. So far, we've discovered: * Horrible Histories on YouTube * Bill Nye the Science Guy on YouTube * Magic School bus on Netflix and Youtube (a little young) * Popular Mechanics for Kids on Amazon Prime * Beakman's World on Youtube * Wild Kratts on Netflix
  24. I'm in south Florida and we're hearing about it here.
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