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Everything posted by umsami

  1. Can you share the recipe? I make one with almond flour, but am always looking for new options. :)
  2. I've used Earth Balance in the refrigerated tub in baked goods, and everybody liked it.
  3. I always thought if you played with real candy, that would improve the game. :D (Memories of back in college when they used to host film nights…and they'd throw mini chocolate bars during "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" )
  4. OK, this is something I was never taught…was never brought up as far as I can remember. Did you ever hear of this? If you're like me and you haven't, can you mention it to your kids? It seems like all most hear is negative thing about Muslims. Nice to hear/read something positive. http://www.irishcentral.com/news/new-evidence-shows-turkey-delivered-food-to-ireland-during-the-famine-156681255-237507681.html "His generosity to the Irish people was reported in the in the London Times on Saturday, April 17, 1847, as well as in the Nation newspaper in Ireland. “According to sources within the Turkish Embassy and the oral history of the Turkish people, the Sultan also sent three ships very soon after he had sent the £1,000 and that all three ships, although they may not have left the same port, arrived in Ireland at the same time and docked at the port of Drogheda,†Matthews said." https://abiggersociety.com/how-quickly-we-forget-how-muslims-helped-ireland-during-the-great-famine/ "The Islamic State (Ottoman) ruler at that time Sultan Khaleefah Abdul-Majid declared his intention to send £10,000 sterling to Irish farmers but Queen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only £1,000 sterling, because she had sent only £2,000 sterling herself. The Sultan sent the £1,000 sterling but also secretly sent 3 ships full of food. The British administration tried to block the ships, but the food arrived secretly at Drogheda harbor."
  5. The tooth fairy brings gold dollar coins from the bank. If a child loses a tooth, s/he has to write a note. If there's a cavity, she doesn't pay but leaves a toothbrush, floss, or mini-toothpaste (depending on what the kid needs). Although one time she went all out and left a Spiderman costume when DS1 had to have two teeth pulled when he was 6. When she forgets, she hides the coin and Mom can usually find it.
  6. I used to love Mr. Peaabody and his boy Sherman on Bullwinkle. My kids want to see it (especially as they say Happy Meal toys at the neighbors)…but we might wait for DVD. DS1 is a history buff so I know he'll love it/get it. Not so sure about his youngest sister. To HomeschoolMominAZ, I don't know what film that refers to, but I'd actually call the movie theater and let them know. That sounds horrible. Big hugs to your kids.
  7. 'Doubt it, Al Qaeda and all of its various franchises are usually eager to take credit. They would be publicizing this big time as they view it as a recruiting tool.
  8. As the BBC pointed out, it's highly unlikely that if the captain was involved, he would have failed to turn off the SATCOM thing for so long if he was trying to remain undetected. As such a senior experienced pilot, he would be very well of its existence. Honestly, I think the Malaysian gov't is trying to throw him under the bus because they simply don't have a clue. Supporting the opposition leader does not mean one would all of a sudden give up a long career of serving people and decide to murder 200+ people. I don't buy it.
  9. We like our pool to have most of the day to heat up…. so usually it's normal school in morning (although we do less in the summer), and then swim late afternoon. I have a history of having a bunch of dysplastic nevi removed (precancerous)…so I don't let my kids in the water until 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. if possible.
  10. I just want to tell you that I have a 6 year old DD and 8 year old DS (both neurotypical) and they cannot do any more than your DD. Not sure if they would put the dishes away correctly, to be honest. :) My Mom has septic issues, so I can totally relate. We can't take showers or baths except for once per week, no more than two people…and on days that we shower, no dishwasher or laundry. This is after she spent 40k to get a new field dug and septic tank put in so it's very frustrating.
  11. Yes and burpees/squat thrusts or holding the plank.
  12. I was going to guess papaya or mango (there are so many varieties.). DS just had papaya at a wedding, and he gave me this look like "why have you been keeping this from me for so long???"
  13. We like to do beef stew in a dutch oven or crock pot. Cut up stew beef, sprinkle with salt & pepper, cut up 2 or 3 Idaho baking potatoes, 2 or 3 carrots (or half a bag of baby carrots), 2 onions, tablespoon of oregano, 1 bay leaf, splash of worcestershire if you have it, and 1 can of Campbell's tomato soup. Depending on liquid, I might add in 1/2 cup of water. Cover and put in a 300 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. Can add in frozen green peas when done. Yum. Also never forget breakfast for dinner. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and my son was so excited about the thought of having cereal for dinner. Normally I'll do pancakes or eggs or something, but as he was so thrilled, I let them have it. :) We also like to buy the frozen chicken teriyaki meatballs from Aidells…and serve those with nuked broccoli with cheese and rice.
  14. My hearts just go out for the poor families of the passengers and crew. To think that your loved ones went down in an accident is bad enough… now to worry that they may have been hijacked and be alive somewhere…. or been hijacked and worried about their fate for 7 hours before dying is horrifying. I really hope they find some answers soon.
  15. I clicked having no idea what this would be. Is it some weird Japanese TV show? Is it a new app? But looking at the fruit, they remind me of Honeybells…also known as Mineolas. Super juice and delicious. I love them. Will have the look for the sumo kind. :D
  16. Weights are not going to make you bulky. I started lifting at 10 (I'm 45 now)…that was the concern back then, but honestly the only people who ever got bulky were using steroids and extreme dieting to lower body fat. There are different theories as to what works best, but I'm a fan of more weight fewer reputations. Too much time to do it the other way. :)
  17. It takes on average seven times before a woman can leave an abusive relationship for good. Leaving is the most dangerous time for a woman. On average, four women in the US are killed each and every day by their intimate partners. Just please know that because she's in this relationship and has not left yet, it does not mean that she wants the abuse or condones it. There are lots of very good reasons why women don't leave. Be her friend. That's the best thing you can do. Know that her husband may try to sabotage the relationship. Try not to hold whatever happens against her. Know that the emotional wounds can take far longer to heal than physical ones (if he's physically abusive…it doesn't have to be to be domestic violence.) Here's some resources on bystander intervention: http://www.icadvinc.org/prevention/for-bystanders/bystander-basics/
  18. Thanks so much Calming Tea and Butter. Great reviews, I really appreciate it. A bit bummed to hear about history, because CHOW is so loved by my son this year. Oh well, perhaps we can supplement or something. :)
  19. I saw a lot of long-term Calvert users posting about Calvert high school, so I thought I'd ask their opinion on 5th grade. This year we started out in OM 4th, but it wasn't rigorous enough. I added in CHOW, which is one of DS1's favorites. He's read close to 75 chapter books, and I have trouble keeping up with him. Need something more rigorous/challenging…but the OM weekly schedule did not work for me. I do like Math Mammoth, though. :)
  20. Yes, are private schools are $24k+/year….so this is a bargain. With four kids, the thought of paying $100k/year for them and it's not even college is just not doable. They don't even offer multi-student discounts. I have no idea what I'm going to do in four years when DS1 is facing high school.
  21. Bought solar flashlights….love them. Weather radio. Also this water thing that holds water in the bathtub. We get hurricanes, so have warning. Don't think it would work for earthquakes. Oh…and a solar shower. :)
  22. Yoga Journal has some good free videos. http://www.yogajournal.com/video/ Youtube also has pretty much everything. What about this? The PBS Yoga for the Rest of Us lady is good too.
  23. If I buy them at the grocery store, no. But sometimes the bananas at Costco and Sam's come in bags…so I'm stuck.
  24. This is going around on Facebook….start planning for next year…. cause it's going to be 3.14 15 and then plan to celebrate at 9:26:53
  25. There are Rescue Remedy kids drops. Calms Forte tablets are usually available in most drugstores. (They're for kids). Also look into a kids magnesium supplement. You could also look into GABA and HTP-5, but I have no idea what the does would be for kids.
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