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Everything posted by Mango

  1. My dreams are very vivid "movies." Sometimes when I wake up it's hard to believe I was dreaming. Smells, sounds, details, feelings, my body's emotional response (pounding heart, sweat, sensations of falling, etc) its all there. And if I'm woken up my dream are paused and resume when I go back to sleep. It's like another world, but the same people living different lives.
  2. I think you can ask her to be a guest the the local hotel instead. Her departure sounds like it was disruptive and her coming back is going to be equally disruptive. She's not a guest, she's family. If she wants the privileges of family, but not the work. Then she should stay where she won't create more work for the rest of the family by asking them to cater to her whims and desires. She wants to be treated like an adult? Then tell her that although her ideas sound good, the reality is ..... (And then tell her what you've just stated in original post.) If she's being reasonable she should "get it." If not, then she'll be angry and you can maybe tell her that a visit now is not a good idea for all. Perhaps by Christmas. Really, its ok for her to make her decisions. This visit with all it's pre-requirements on her end sounds likes she's been missing scrapping with everyone and she's picking for a fight. Just say no. Stand firm. Let her Daddy do the talking. Whatever it takes to let her know she voted with her feet and she now no longer holds a vote in your household. Grown-up you wanted, grown up you are. Yes, you were hurt by all that came before. But don't let her go on hurting you. Let her hurt, hurt herself for a while or at least the new people in her life. distance can be a good thing.
  3. My sister's and I took Grandma to watch this movie, it was her very first movie ever. She was in her 80's. She LOVED it! PB and watching my Grandma belly laugh all the way through is a very favorite memory. :))
  4. After watching my kids work through the Switched on School House grade 3 Bible last year I have been tempted to do that for myself!
  5. Arthritis is flaring up and doing some major damage so the doc is recommending Remicade infusions. I've been on Enbrel for approx. 5 years, but it's not doing enough of a job. I'll admit I'm a bit nervous. First the insurance approval process then the appointment, soon. Thanks for your thoughts.
  6. My sister asked me to do this for her. I agreed. I had no idea how involved and lengthy it was going to be. Those questions are pretty detailed. My answers, I learned, could be read by xBIL too. I delayed and finally she called to say the church hadn't received my interview responses yet and was I still going to do it. I quick sat down and just typed in my gut responses. I don't think she was given her annulment. I don't know. But truly I was like, you married him and you had a baby with him, and now you want to say in never happened? I"m not catholic so I understand this might be my problem. It's not like she's waiting to marry anyone else. But I did it.
  7. My kids went out to do their chore and morning, "Howdy's" to their animal friends in the barn. They came back in screaming, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Willy & Diamond are here!!"Willy and Diamond are my mother's mini donkey and miniature horse. My mother's lives down the road a mile. Sure enough a very smug donkey, who had climbed through the fence and into the barn, was sucking on his tongue. The pony was on the outside of the fence waiting to be let in. Obviously they walked a mile to get here. But why would they do that! They have a very nice, warm, dry, and full of feed barn! Its not a grass issue because that whole mile is full of sweet juicy grass. Maybe it's that there's been a black bear, recently sited, at my folks place. But the bear comes here too. Were they just missing my kids? This is my kid's fav. theory. My mother's dog will show up too but only if Grandma leaves her place with her purse. What the heck?! Now to finish my cold cuppa joe and dry my dewy boots. Oh yeah, homeschooling too today! Although I'm sure Wills and Diamond are going to be the main attraction at recess. :))
  8. It happens. It's sad. We take the chicken and shake it at and on the dog saying, "No! Chicken!" That's what we say when we see them start to chase them in the yard. So far it's worked. Our new (guest) husikmo still has to learn that the chickens belong here too.
  9. Alrighty, I'll bite. :laugh: We're on a small farm too....... s'plain it to me how to buy a calf and what's involved with feeding and pasturing. Love to do this but I don't where to begin.
  10. Yes, called the company. The missing materials are on a $500 cd. :(( http://www.pearsonschool.com/index.cfm?locator=PS1iJy&PMDbSiteId=2781&PMDbSolutionId=6724&PMDbSubSolutionId=&PMDbCategoryId=3289&PMDbSubCategoryId=28138&PMDbSubjectAreaId=&PMDbProgramId=51741
  11. So, its healing. I did schedule an appointment but somehow the day got away from me and I had to cancel. I did soak, with epsom salts and it's looking better each day. I I hadn't thought about it being MRSA. Hmmmm, It is so much better though it feels kind of foolish to do the doctor thing when it's almost better.
  12. After three weeks of telling curious folks that it was "just arthritis" there was a white pus pocket visible under the upper left side. Yup, I popped it. And it was green. And it kept coming, and coming and coming. I didn't get the core to come out because I didn't want to squeeze. I just pushed from one end of the pocket to the pinprick by the white part. But I pushed until it wasn't pus coming out. I've got it covered with bacitracin. Anything else I need to know? Do you think I got it all. It hurts like the dickens. But i'm relieved it wasn't a bot. :))
  13. Hits: First Language Lessons level 1,3, and 4. They're short & sweet and they are having a good time memorizing. We come from R&S English and we're finding the 4th grader to be doing a lot of review still. But because he writes in his workbook it's easier for him to know what he is to do. Writing with Ease, 1,2, and 4 Kids like being able to write directly in their book. It makes the lesson seem less daunting when the page already has lines on it. :)) I like the readable TM. Aleks.com Math isn't a fight to finish a workbook. Its a time subject and that has taken lots of pressure off. Cons: Readers Journey - Although we've got the homeschool edition/package, theres material referenced thats missing/not included in the homeschool package. :(( Kind of hard to do the lesson when the material isn't there and won't be there ever.
  14. We've tried checklists with this kid for years and they always seem to fail because she looses them or checks off stuff that's not done or erases..... yes I know it's a problem. But the problem is bigger than just this. She's got ADHD and just when we think were making progress, poof, its all gone again! This year she's got access to a laptop through our virtual charter school. And when we arrived at that, "Ugh, the checklist!" I thought maybe using the To Do list feature in MS Outlook would help. I set up each subject--by the day and frequency per week that I want/scheduled them to be done. Showed her how it tracks it for me so I can show her other teachers too. Mentioned that it would tell her ALL the subjects per day she needed to do. So she won't major in her favorite subjects only. And I said its OK if she doesn't get it one subject done because its too hard once in a while but that means she needs to check in with me or Dad for help. And she can choose which subject to start with each day, but they have to be done before she checks them off. She's in 7th grade and we're trying to work towards more independence in her school work. Is there anyway else I've missed that I can use MS Office to help her?
  15. Our move to rural from the 'burbs happened 2 years ago. So far it's been wonderful! For my former born & bred suburban husband the move was like meeting your first love. I think there are some aspects of rural living we'd romanticized that now live in reality, The hen coop, wintertime chores, and snowplowing the d r i v e w a y. The new things we discover are keep the enthusiasm high. Fresh cider, rose hip jam, berries, big bucks in caught on the trail cam, possibility of a wolverine, the walks, quiet, kids freely running all over the place. . . . I'd do it again even knowing my farm house doesn't have a dishwasher.
  16. My husband does. Usually it's because we're outta his snacks. I just don't have time. I will gimp along on whatever I can find in the cupboard. He usually goes when I start serving his least favorite dishes because I don't have ingredients for others. :laugh:
  17. He'll be 8 years old on Monday. And we're still waiting a dry night. He's frustrated and embarassed by it even though we don't make it a big deal. He's got his supplies and takes care of it. I do the wash as needed if he forgets to put on a goodnight. The doctor says it's not a problem and that eventually he'll outgrow it. I hope so.
  18. Oh yeah, bring on the bling! Yes, I own several pairs. My daughters too. They wear them with their jeans with blingy show belts. And they're hoping to get these blingy spur straps for their boots too. My Christmas shopping will be a piece o'cake for the girls this year! BLING. Cowgirls are so cute.
  19. My college professor, anti-homeschooling, PhD carrying older sister brings her public schooled kid to our place for summer vacations so that her daughter can learn how to socialize in a positive way with her peers and different aged kids. Evidently kids don't learn that in public school. :lol:
  20. You're doing a fantastic job, MOM! Kudos to you for parenting your child through this decision of his. Consequences now are tough, but perhaps the future will be easier because you allowed him this freedom.
  21. Yes and No. Kids are going to be kids. And then if you've got some special kids, there's the special kid stuff to work on. But it is easier to work on the above when the influence of peers from the school bus, or from the brick and mortar school is not a significant percentage of the days hours. And being able to correct as the behaviors happen, seeing the triggers, catching the teachable moments rather than doing the post mortem based on second hand evidence hours after the fact. But the exhaustion from being constantly on with our special kids can wear us down to a nib. And then how effective will we be? Balance.
  22. And this is the real reason she wanted him back. How is social services tracking that he actually gets his money?
  23. play scarfs, silks some sort of blocks mini trampoline Draw Write Now books with a ream of paper and markers. Montessori kitchenware for pouring, cutting, serving, drinking, napkinsI really like their wooden stuff, but really any of it would be fantastic.
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