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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I wouldn't. My In laws won't even drink water I serve. They always bring their own water bottles. I can't figure out if they're worried I don't have clean glasses or they don't like the taste of our RO water. Whatever. Even if I buy them water bottles, same brand they drink at home. They won't drink what I buy. It was more frustrating for me to try and figure it out than to just shrug my shoulders let it be. It's not alcoholic, like your situation, but the idea is the same. They're not forcing you to drink it. And they're not putting it in the food. So you're religious beliefs are being respected. And you're respecting their right to choose their beverage. Of course, if they're getting rowdy (on purpose) then I have another opinion and I usually vote with my feet. If nothing else it's a good teaching moment for your kids, "This is why we don't....." Growing up we had drinking relatives and non drinking relatives. At family parties each group tended to gravitate towards one room or another. Personally this is the reason why we don't do alcholic beverages in our home today. Ironically all those relatives are now recovering alcoholics.
  2. Which site has fewer steps from the door, that's my criteria. Right now mine has me negotiating stairs twice and then a hike around the side of the house to the back. What a pain. It's partly in the shade, depending on what time of day I hang stuff.
  3. My dd does this too. Usually I'm distracted enough that I don't "get it" until the third problem or so. I tell my dh that it's like she wants me to do the work for her and she's the secretary. I'm going to try that suggestion of having her teach it to me. frustrating!
  4. and then theres the post about when a puker is most contagious....... We're doomed. :nopity:
  5. doing sick kid care for my sister today. She works, and her son has thrown up multiple times. Oh yea, I have five kiddos down with headaches, coughs and fevers. No puke. I think my future is going to be yucky. Puke just makes me :gnorsi:
  6. I am at the end of my jar and looking around wondering if there's something better. I use Burts Bees Nighttime and Daytime radiance. Love the smell. Just feeling a little like shopping around before I settle in for another jar. I thought I'd heard something about a fantastic priced Olay product but I couldn't figure out which it was when I was standing in the aisle. Thanks!
  7. We've been asked to consider this for ds the cellist so he can go to a special music school. Um no. I went to a boarding school myself for 8 years and that's not an experience I want to give my kids. I look at my 10 year olds and sigh about all the time with my family I lost. My older kids have matured so much since they were 10 and I can't imagine. My folks did the boarding school because there wasn't any other school nearby and it was the thing the expat community did back then in that area.
  8. He's young (8), but he's being encouraged to audition for the community orchestra this fall. He'll have to figure out how to read music before then. But he learns all things music quickly. I think he knows more than nothing. But there's considerable more to make sure he knows. A computer based program would be a fast fun way to learn I think. But is there one out there? He started playing the cello in January 2013 using the Suzuki method.
  9. :angelsad2: Poor Angel. Poor Mommy. I messed up my numbers because I was stressed out during the 2 year unemployment. Big mess and my new doctors threatened insulin. I freaked out. I'm Type 2. It has taken me more than a year to see an acceptable AIC. My doctor was encouraging because the numbers kept inching back down at each 3 month visit. Progress was happening. But it was slooooooowwww! I have exercised and watched the nutrition, lost 30 lbs, and taken my meds religiously and it felt like nothing was helping. Don't give up. Look at the big picture. Are her numbers lower than before? Do they keep getting lower are are they holding? Progress is the goal. It takes a really long time for our bodies to readjust. Be patient. It really helped me to test 1 hour after meals to see which foods might be suspect. Some "diabetic safe" foods I can't have. Butternut squash, dairy products (plain yogurt, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese), beans of any kind, all give me huge spikes. Don't believe the charts. Test your dd's reactions yourself. My folks and sister are also diabetic and you'd think with 4 of us in the house that family meals would be a breeze.....nope. Each of us can cheat, but not the same cheats. They can all eat potatoes. But I've learned that even a small amount of potato is a really long spike for me. I CAN eat freshly dug from the garden potatoes. :) And I'm looking forward to this in the fall. But if they sit for any period of time it's no good. They eat all the stuff I can't and they shake their heads at me and say, "But it's low carb?!"Whole wheat flours, brown rice ---they don't work for me either. FWIW the nutrition counselor at the hospital messed me up big time by not pointing this out. I thought I just needed to follow the charts of approved foods and I was golden. Nope. Test it individually. Start with the ones that she craves. Diabetes sucks.
  10. Yup, that was the day I quit doing laundry for my older kids. And I don't pick up their crap that they walk and drop, I broom it in to the center of the room and give them 10 minutes to tidy before I toss. And I refuse to make their cooking dishes clean. If they bake, cook, microwave, they clean. And when they complain........ "I didn't make this mess. I won't pick it up twice." :gnorsi: Amazing how they figured it out so quickly.....the piles are shorter, there are fewer cooks in my kitchen, and they only have to experiences the out of undies once before they get it all together. We talk about homeschooling more than just the academics. That in includes the reality that it takes all the household citizens putting things away to all the time to keep it clean, not jus the mom.
  11. As my Father in law says, "It's a good problem to have," having a child who's driven to do their school work when they're inspired no matter the hour. Personally I refuse to teach math after 11:30 p.m. no matter how the child rages that they can't figure out fractions by just reading. :lol: "Go to sleep. Tomorrow morning you will magically understand that which you read right before falling asleep." As for the sleep thingy, is there a reason why you can't just let him sleep until he wakes naturally? One of my kids needs a solid 12 hours of sleep no matter when he falls asleep. My mother, who thinks that rising at dawn is next to Godliness and all things successful, used to really criticize me. She'd call at 10 a.m. and find he'd still be in bed. I'd say, "Meh, it's what he needs today." Today she gets it. And she doesn't call until noon. :laugh: Whether this is a season or status quo, I'd send him back to bed until he can "wake up on the right side of the bed" and be civil. You certainly don't need to work with that. If he can't do it before his scheduled commitments then it's time to reevaluate his commitments.
  12. Whenever my DH starts talking like that I know he's been playing the stock market and losing BIG time.
  13. Has anyone used K-12 just for summer school? I got their catalog and looked online for the listing of summer school classes. Health is the one credit we're trying to knock off our list for dd 14. Just curious what your experience was, what to expect, etc. I have no experience with virtual schools, yet. The kids are enrolled in a local virtual charter school for the fall.
  14. He just turned 10 and we relented and gave him a nintendo ds. The games that he got were board games gone electronic. Brain age, and one mario cart racing thing he bought. So nothing violent. This is probably the source of our problem. Hmmm, now to decide what to do. We gave it to him knowing that it could be a problem and we told him we'd be watching to see how he manages his time & attitude with it. It was used because we also didn't know how he'd treat it and we didn't want to spend a ton. He knew it would be used. Frustrating. I guess it was a bad decision.
  15. So DS pulled another tantrum, this time kicking walls, today because he didn't feel like he should have to clean his room. DH has a shadow and DS is it. Thankfully it's Saturday and DH can take as much time as it takes. Still working on getting to the bottom of this big anger we're seeing from ds.
  16. The first plan. The location of the office would be a deal breaker in the 2nd plan. DH works from his home office 80 percent of the time and if his office was next to the living room we'd be miserable. "SHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh, Daddy's on an important conference call!! Quiet down!" The first one has the office by the front door, perfect! He'd be away from the homeschooling familiy noise and being by the front door would be a boon for his 2nd job Realtor Man! Clients could easily come in but not disrupt the rest of the family.
  17. No the pizza was not tantrum worthy. It was a fresh pizza from Aldi. The only kind of pre-made we can afford right now. DH reminded me that he had made the kids pizza for dinner. Me, I was hiding in my bedroom because 1. I was too worn our from the day and I needed a moment, 2. Like Impish, I can't eat pizza. To be around it is torture. 3. it's one meal that makes Daddy the dinner hero. My son is too old to be having tantrums. He's 10. A bit shocking for me to see him having this kind of a tantrum. No he wasn't getting sick. Yesterday was better. Partly because I filled him in on all the things he could be doing to encourage us to think he's becoming more adult-like and "earning" those adult-like privileges he's craving. Personally I think the change in his attitude is more because he realizes this is a free-candy weekend (Easter) and he's realized that I've not bought any yet. Oopsie. Oh yea, the hen coop needs a good cleaning son.
  18. I'd sit down on the floor and see who wants to sit with you/on you. Then I'd see what it's reaction is to the other puppies. Does it ignore them, growl and them or is it OK with others joining you. Preferably you'll find one that's friendly and ignores or lets the others join the cuddle. Stay away from any that are aggressive with each other.
  19. DS was really angry (as in banging on the furniture mad) that DH was making a pizza for his snack after they went to bed. In fact, DS says that he doesn't feel we should have any snacks in the evening after they're in bed. It's not fair. Yup, my blood pressure it up. THIS after a day of trying to get everyone to get some work done. THIS after making a dinner that they all can eat, but diabetic me can't, because they asked. THIS after I have to cajole them to pick up their bedrooms. THIS after I have to supervise their chores and make them go back to do it right. Oh yeah, that day off tomorrow you requested....
  20. What kinds of activities can I do with my 7th grader who's doing 4th grade work to help her improve her memory? Is there a way to help her build her memory muscle? Although we can't confirm FASD the likelihood is high. We are an adoptive family.
  21. A BIG fresh salad. :)) With lots of chopped veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, few peas, etc. I'm going to splurge and get some flavored olive oil too. Seriously, eating with family is challenging. You'd think with 4 diabetics in the familly we'd have this figured out, right? My mother s the worst at this, "Oh, there NO sugar in there!!! (take a helping and while you're eating it) Except the 3T I added at the end." :glare: I'm filling my plate this season rabbit style.
  22. Vinyl sounds like what will be most practical. It really resonates with me to have the ability to change it out again in 10 years or so. :)) Yes, the waves in the floor are very visible. It's now the character of the house. I'll look at those armstrong tiles. Did you have a link?
  23. My grandmother did this. :lol: Ewww! We threw out her collection.
  24. Twin Sisters Spanish cd has Buenos Dias and Chocolate on it.
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