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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I would tell her to come at her own risk...and she has to cook ;)
  2. We all had the vaccine and we all had the flu :( confirmed by positive nasal swabs. Fortunately it was short lived for most of us except my oldest who ended up with a secondary ear infection. Hope she feels better soon!
  3. Yes, please go have yourself checked out. Women have atypical symptoms of heart trouble. I knew someone who had mid-back pain for weeks and was seeing a chiropractor...turns out she had major blockages.
  4. I don't fuss about coats either. If they are cold they will wear it! Of course, I bring it with us to the park or whatever but I let them decide whether to wear it or not. Some people still think cold weather causes sickness.
  5. Yes! Waiting on one delivery and once it is wrapped I AM DONE!
  6. I think I've heard it on Mickey Mouse clubhouse from Goody.
  7. I'm good at making really cute kids ;) in fact, I think I should make more. I'm still working on dh though! I'm a fairly good cook. I'm good at going to bed early :D
  8. Me too. I never really intended to cosleep but exhaustion took over.
  9. 69 is low. I suspect the cake caused her sugar to spike then drop low, too many simple sugars and not enough protein/comes carbs.
  10. I just cannot comprehend this...I'm literally sick to my stomach. There is no excuse for this.at.all. My kindergartners birthday is today and I just can't imagine.
  11. Steam up the bathroom and sit in there with baby. Use saline nose drops and a buld syringe to clear nose. Prop baby up in bouncy seat to sleep. That's all I can think of right now :). Hope y'all fell better soon!
  12. I just want to say that I fell roller skating a few years back and thought I had broken my arm. Turns out it was just really bruised and sore, took about a week for it to feel better. Of course, I did have it x-rayed to make sure.
  13. We get the vaccine and my 3yo just tested positive for the flu...ymmv :)
  14. Now I have to decide whether to give him this tamiflu or not...ugh!
  15. He was the first one in the house to get vaccinated too :(
  16. Yes, the recommendations have changed. However, our pediatrician gave us the proper dosing. ;)
  17. Another vote for a swollen lymph node, glad you are getting it checked out though!
  18. You use the old wii remotes as extras, only one person at a time can use the video controller.
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