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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. My dog gets her teeth brushed at the groomer. If they will let you, you can do it yourself. They have chicken flavored toothpaste :ack2: that my dog loves.
  2. Not yet. I was hoping someone here needed them. I did receive a pm from someone who *might* need them. I have enough to send several boxes! We aren't having anymore babies and everyone I know who is pregnant is having a girl :)
  3. I have a medium flat rate box with baby boy clothes, size nb-3m and I could stuff in a few 6m. It is a few sleepers and onesies and a couple of other things. I would be willing to send these free of charge to someone who is in need. Please pm me if interested.
  4. I love my iphone! It is awesome! I can't tell you how useful it has been!
  5. I would seriously sweat to death if my house was warmer than 68 at night! My kids sleep better when it is cooler too :). I find too much heat stifling!
  6. 68/day 66-67/night I forgot to turn the thermostat down last night and I woke up sweating at 3am! I had to get up and turn the heat down. I think I could move the thermostat on down to 64 at night.
  7. I'm not sure about backwards compatability but DS games will work in a 3ds. I would get the 3DS, you can turn off the 3D feature if you wish.
  8. :iagree: My son nurses his Mickey Mouse all the time. Also, if he sees someone using a baby bottle he will ask why that baby is drinking out of a bottle?
  9. I would get him the DS. My son is very entertained by it and it makes for good motivation for getting chores done. I like to play it every once in a while also :D
  10. My ds (6m) is the same way. Boy, can he sweat! I dress him in a onesie for bed and we have a ceiling fan on.
  11. Ivory bar soap Dukes mayonnaise We drank Coke growing up but now I prefer Pepsi. Although I hardly ever buy soda for our house. That's all I can think right now.
  12. As far as I can remember they have always done that.
  13. I work part time and I don't think I'm crazy....yet! I usually work 2 12hr shifts a week. I have to rely on my dh to help out when he's off with the cooking and cleaning. Somehow it all gets done.
  14. My Wii died and now I want to buy an older nintendo with less complex games.
  15. My 3yr old drops his pants and pees in the yard all the time. I'm glad that cop doesn't know where I live. Completely ridiculous. I'm guessing he's never had a child that had to go RIGHT NOW!
  16. I've always taken my kids with me. I'm not sure what else I would do with them. I will probably sneak a little lesson in too :).
  17. I guess it is just a southern thing maybe but it really simple. It is layers of macaroni (cooked) and shredded cheese with an egg and milk mixture poured over the top and baked in the oven til slightly browned and bubbly. I don't have exact measurements because I don't usually measure anything ;) Here's one that is similar http://www.food.com/recipe/southern-macaroni-pie-ii-197675
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