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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. Same thing every year. Smoked turkey Fried turkey Baked ham Dressing Gravy Greenbeans Potato salad Macaroni and cheese pie Sweet potato casserole Broccoli and cheese casserole Cranberry sauce Rolls Sweet potato pie Pecan pie Coconut cake ...and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
  2. Sounds like my house on a daily basis and.its.driving.me.nuts!
  3. Because unless the ringer/vibrate feature is off and the phone is in silent mode, it still makes noise when receiving a text. We don't have home phones so our cell phones are left on overnight.
  4. It would most certainly annoy me. No one ever calls or texts me like that unless it is work and they are asking me to come in or an emergency of some sort.
  5. Versed is used quite often for surgery and other procedures. It is mostly a "drowsy" drug but does cause one to forget or not care. It is given so the patient can relax and have a procedure done. It is most commonly used in procedures that require conscious sedation but not full anesthesia. If it was given after the fact she is not going to forget anything that happened prior to the drug.
  6. I think about $3.50/pk for the cheapo brand and around $4.50/marlboros. I don't know how anyone affords the nasty little habit.
  7. I hate licorice :ack2:. I finally tried dots and they were not terrible. I hate bit o honey...it felt like it was pulling my teeth out!
  8. It should be fine. Don't use it too often though as it may make congestion worse. I use it on my son who is very bothered by a stuffy nose at night when he has a cold. I don't believe there is any reason not to use the two together.
  9. I'm glad I didn't end up with my high school crush. He is now about 200lbs overweight and his face turned up on the sex offender registry for my area! :svengo: Major error in judgement averted! See sometimes it is really a good thing but at the time seems bad. High school girls sometimes wear those "rose colored glasses".
  10. I'm planning to go see the baby very soon. I wonder if thy would notice a baby giraffe in my stroller?:D
  11. I've been watching her and the baby off and on all day and she seems likes she is trying to get away from the baby :confused:. Baby tries to nurse and she kicks and moves away. Maybe it is normal giraffe behavior?
  12. Boiled cabbage, field peas, cornbread and fried okra.
  13. Why do Mickey's ears rotate around his head and always face forward no matter which way he is looking? What is Mickey's job exactly? Does Caillou ever get older? What about Rosie? Does Sid ONLY ever do science at school?
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