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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I would try some LA's Totally Awesome cleaner. I find it in the dollar store and I have seen it at Walmart. It will clean just about anything and is a great degreaser!
  2. The best thing I've had is the ERGO! I had a ring sling and hated it so I sold it on eBay.
  3. :svengo: I have a kid who likes to put things up his nose. Thankfully, I have been able to retrieve everything thus far.
  4. I think I must be jaded because we have a really good pediatrician who has a triage nurse. They have limited office hours on weekends for things that can't wait until Monday. I've had them call me in ear drops for swimmers ear, Zantac for reflux, diflucan for thrush, different antibiotic when the first caused a reaction etc etc. I'm fortunate to have a dr who wants his patients to avoid the ER at all costs! We also have a kids urgent care that is open late and on weekends but thankfully I have not had to use it. I once called the on-call dr on Christmas Day because my 2yo had a horrible stomach virus and she called me in some zofran to control the vomiting so he wouldn't get dehydrated. Gave me awesome advice over the phone on what to do if he didn't get better and told me to call her back if he didn't improve. Incidentally Christmas Day is the ONLY day of the year my pediatricians office is closed.
  5. Well said. I just don't understand why people take their kid who obviously has cold symptoms to the ER to sit for hours around other sick people just to be told they have a cold and there is nothing to be done. I think that some people just like going to the ER for whatever reason. :001_huh: The ER at the hospital I work at is constantly filled with miscellaneous nonsense.
  6. Yes, I understand that point. However most of the time without other concerning symptoms the fever is in fact just a virus and needs no treatment.
  7. This is true for me also. My son fell out of a chair in a restaurant and cracked his head on a tile floor. I was in the car on my way to the ER and the nurse called and said "oh, don't go there! Bring him here and we will check him out." The ONLY time that I have been to the ER with one of my kids was when my middle son chewed up one of my uncles blood pressure pills and it was too early in the morning to call the Dr's office. My pediatrician always tells us to treat the kid not the fever :)
  8. Yes! I'm talking about regular old run of the mill fevers like 101-104 range.
  9. :iagree: It's a viscous cycle and you need a liter or two of fluid.
  10. Not a newborn (because that is a good reason to go to the ER) but normal children without other health issues? I know someone who posts on fb every so often about taking her child to the ER with fevers in the 102-103 range. :confused: I'm a nurse and I would never take my kid to the ER for a fever like that...in fact my general rule is you must have uncontrolled bleeding, broken bones, need stitches etc to warrant a trip to the ER!
  11. I've never had their chicken salad but I use seasoned salt in mine and everyone always asks me what the secret is!
  12. Selson blue worked for me. I even used the generic target brand and it worked so much better that head and shoulders!
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