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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. What would you think of a child with constant upper respiratory illnesses, asthma, several boughts of pneumonia, at least one case of rsv, fevers reaching up to 105 and general poor health. This child is 16months old and is the hold of a friend. I'm a nurse but pediatrics is not my area and my children are hardly sick so I don't have much advice. So what does Dr. Hive think?
  2. How is he taking his blood pressure? With the same machine every time? Is the cuff the right size? 100/50 is not really that low but if his body is accustomed to a high pressure it may take him a little while to adjust. What was his pressure on Monday? What medication is he taking?
  3. I love cube steak as well! I use a chuck roast in the crock pot with carrots, onions and potatoes...the leftovers make yummy beef stew. I use pork butt in the crock pot too either shredded with BBQ sauce or sliced with some cabbage and beans.
  4. I would totally say something like that !:) When I was a kid my dad used to say stuff like "forty years from now you'll never remember it!" or for something like a stumped toe he would ask "you want me to cut the other one off so you will forget about that one?". :lol: good times!
  5. :grouphug: I wish you lived near me...you could come get what you needed out of my pantry.
  6. Yes! In fact I told dh that when our boys are teenagers one of us was going to have to get a second job to buy groceries! I'm always telling them not to eat all the yogurt because I'm not buying anymore til next week! They love cheese and will eat every last bite. I told them the other night after dinner that the kitchen was officially closed and not to ask me for another bite!
  7. Scrubs are not provided by my hospital for the general nursing staff and if ours get soiled at work we are own our own to get clean ones. Only the OR staff get scrubs from the hospital.
  8. :iagree: Most germs don't survive that long once in contact with the air. If someone has a resistant bacteria they are on specific precautions and we gown and glove before going into the room. I mean have we become so germophobic that the recommendations are going to be that we change scrubs and shower between taking care of each patient? I have never "caught" anything other than the common cold from the hospital and I've caught more of those from my kids than anyone else! I firmly believe that we are creating these super germs with all of the hand sanitizer we use in this country. NICU babies and those with compromised immune systems are a totally different case, but the average healthy person has nothing to worry about.
  9. I had a door to door salesman try to sell me a vacuum once that was $1800! :svengo: I told him for $1800 it better come with a maid to push it around!
  10. :iagree: Be careful with nail polish remover...it may remove the paint too!
  11. I bought one for our camper mattress because a new mattress was pricey and I refused to sleep on it ever again until I got a new one. I like it! It's very comfortable and doesn't make me hot. Our camper has very good a/c FWIW.
  12. I live 20 miles from the hospital I work at and I wear my scrubs to work and back home. Our hospital does not provide surgical scrubs for the general nursing staff. No way am I going to go home and change before running a couple of errands...it just isn't feasible at all. I'm also not going to take clothes with me to change into. I am careful about washing my hands but I am no germaphobe by any means. We are rarely sick at my house FWIW.
  13. No. I'm a nurse and I hug my kids when I get home from work without changing out of my scrubs. Now the shoes on the other hand...they get left on the porch.
  14. Depends on the type of retainer. My last one was $100 for top and bottom and they are the invisalign type....incidentally I hate them and much prefer the old kind.
  15. :iagree: Not to mention that the Taurus is famous for many mechanical issues.
  16. We are using K12 in SC this year. So far my kindergartner is done after about 2-3hrs. I don't care for study island so far at all! They are giving us reading eggs to use :). I'm giving it a full month before I decide if we are going to stay with it.
  17. :iagree: What a waste of time and money. They need to find something better to do.
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