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Everything posted by melissad2

  1. I know it is completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things but... OMGosh! I just realized that we missed my 5yo's soccer game last night! I misread the schedule and just totally missed it. It is a 6 and under team so it is not the end of the world but I feel really bad :(. He doesn't know we missed it and I don't think I'm going to tell him!
  2. I still remember turning on the news that morning just before the 2nd plane hit. I remember being overcome with grief and sadness although I didnt know any one there, I felt a connection to them. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost someone that day.
  3. I agree he needs to see a Dr. ASAP preferably with someone who will be honest with the doctor about personality changes.
  4. Clusters of red bumps that sting/hurt/itch may or may not blister. They are only on one side of the body never crossing the midline.
  5. Still in the 80's and 90's here! Can't wait for cool crisp weather!
  6. My uncle (who is like my 2nd dad) had a pacemaker placed and when they done an X-ray to check the wires they saw a "spot" on his lungs. Please pray that its nothing! I can't handle another cancer diagnosis! My dad had stage 4 prostate cancer, my mom is chronically ill with multiple issues, and my uncle has lots of heart problems! Did I mention all these people live next door to me and I'm an only child! My uncle doesn't have any kids so I'm all he's got. I'm so stressed out right now!
  7. There is a cross reaction between latex and peaches. Also people with a latex allergy may react to kiwi, passion fruit, cherries, bananas, papaya, avocado, figs, nectarines, plums, tomatoes, celery and chestnuts, water chestnuts.
  8. Sounds like steri-strips...she can shower with those on and they will start to fall off in a week or two. FWIW...I'm a nurse on a surgical floor :)
  9. There should not be any packing in the surgical wound. If there was it should be changed twice daily or more with a wet to dry dressing. What she probably had was a dressing covering steri-strips or dermabond. Was this an open appendectomy or laparoscopic (2-3 tiny incisions). Was the appendix ruptured? I can't imagine a surgeon leaving packing in a surgical wound for 2 weeks.
  10. My mom and her brother both had multiple diagnosis with multiple dr statements and both were denied several times. YMMV. Most people I know that have applied were denied the first time for one reason or another.
  11. :iagree: Because most people are denied disability the first time they apply. The attorney will go to bat for her and when she gets her disability she will get "back pay" which is her disability pay from the date she first applied. The attorney will get usually 1/3 of this as payment.
  12. My beagle mix is an outside dog now because I couldn't train her.
  13. I have an uncle who can't stay out of prison and one who is effectively homeless most of the time. I have come to the conclusion over the years that you cannot help the unwilling...so I don't because I can't. It is hard to see them floundering but my own immediate family comes first.
  14. I would absolutely find a lawyer to at least seek advice on what to do next. I'm not a person who likes litigation and I believe in working things out but your daughter is going to have to deal with this forever. At the very least I would sit down with the endodontist and discuss a long term solution whether that be a crown or permanent implant and have them send the bill to the offending dentist. Also, I would NEVER use that dentist again. EVER!
  15. When you find them send them to my house for their punishment for coloring on the front door, spilling tea on the kitchen floor, poking a wall in the wall with a screwdriver and spreading coin wrappers all over the back deck.
  16. I shop at Target! Lands end would be a step up for me I'm guessing...can I come too :D
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