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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. I'm in Houston (near Rice Univ) but we're moving to DFW in the summer.
  2. :D that's pretty funny! E. and I ushered for AD Players "Peter and the Wolf" - this is the last week and it's very very well done. The girl who plays the cat should be in "Cats"! I did turn on the TV when we got home but I kept falling asleep (could have something to do with the electric blanket, ahhhh :)
  3. I have tried at least 5 spelling programs with my now 16 yo dd. She's definitely not a natural speller (nor is her dad). She just finished Phonetic Zoo "C" which was probably the best of the bunch. R&S was interesting because it discussed word origins, but her spelling didn't really improve :rolleyes: I finally gave up on formal spelling, and decided maybe all her reading would make her "see" how words are spelled. And yes she relies heavily on spell check. :)
  4. He'll learn that you mean what you say. So when you say you love him, you mean it. When you say you will be there for him, you mean it. It goes both ways. I know it's still hard....
  5. That reminds of a Seinfeld where Jerry gets a telemarketer and says, "Why don't you give me YOUR home phone nunber and I can call you back at home when it's convenient for ME" :)
  6. At first I thought you meant the PM you received was in French :)
  7. I think the same music was on Ken Burns' Civil War videos. That's what I was thinking!! :)
  8. I've bought baby gifts on sale from them - they have great sales. I always get great thank you notes :)
  9. Just another thumbs up for sealants :) Deep fissures here. Sigh. I wish I could have had them as a teenager, I might not have *three* crowns in my mouth now. (I joke that I should be the queen I have so many crowns:)
  10. Allergens would be my concern. You might try hanging some things outside in the spot where you would place your line and see how it works, before installing the line. :)
  11. Yea for you!!! Hugs and congratulations. Hope your family enjoys the babymoon :)
  12. My dd 16 has been to WVA two years now, there are two camps in TX and she's been to each once. She loved both experiences. She came home from the first one saying it was so nice to be around people who like to think :) I guess if there are any con's the schedule is very full - she came home exhausted both times. One had better food (I think Baylor) but both those are minor details. The staff are encouraging, engaging and very interested and invested in the students' lives.
  13. I second this :) Also you might go see some of the productions the Met is simulcasting this season - http://www.metoperafamily.org/metopera/broadcast/hd_events.aspx
  14. I didn't mean you could jump around in earlier years, just that they are all divided by themes.
  15. I would check the requirements of the program you want to use. Here is a chart for Apologia's requirements: http://www.highschoolscience.com/store/?PHPSESSID=203e540017de25cfa5fc70c0152f9865
  16. I took my lead from something either in WTM or from SWB directly (she spoke at our conference a few years ago) - I let my dd pick the type of paper she'll write. It's been *amazing* to me what she sees to analyze. Since I'm reading along with her, I do a once over on her papers, then her dad really goes over them - to ensure what she's written makes sense from a fresh pair of eyes which haven't read the book. I'm glad you're no longer beating yourself up - your book list is really really strong! :)
  17. Yes the study helps are very disappointing, aren't they? Did you get the 20th Century book before it went OOP? How do you like it? I'm not going to pay OOP prices for it but I'm wondering whether it's even worth the $40 or $50 cover price. Thanks Chris!
  18. The 9th and 10th books are designed to use interchangeably, they are divided by themes (I guess all of the grades are that way:) so you can pick and choose what you want to do. They don't necessarily build sequentially. And we tend to do all of them orally as well, except for the writing exercises. Generally we do it weekly (sometimes less frequently:rolleyes: and she reads several chapters at a time, then we do alternate exercises every day. It's not time consuming at all, in fact that may be to our detriment because it tends to fall through the cracks :)
  19. Oh my. Any one of your issues would be overwhelming. You're in overtime overwhelming. Hugs to you. So is all her stuff coming to your house? I can't imagine. I guess it will have to get sorted from there? When my dh's grandparents died (within 5 days of each other, in their 90s), dh's mom and aunt rented a dumpster - they actually filled two of them, throwing stuff out of the upstairs windows. They gave away 300 hats from his grandmother - the little local theatre was thrilled. Take a deep breath. Do the next thing. Still it sounds so overwhelming. Hugs again.
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