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Everything posted by tomandlorih

  1. I like to schedule out our whole year also.. I do it old school on paper though(grid style). I just discovered filing! I've been tearing apart our workbooks 1 week at a time for dd's notebook and we both LOVE it! She likes having her work in neat little "I only have to do this today" packages and I like that she gets in and gets it done without me nagging her! More work for me but less haggling/fussing/stressing day to day.. SOOOO worth it! Back to the original topic. lol I've not seen anything that will schedule it for you but I have seen LOTS of schedules out there on varying subjects already done by others. Google it or ask here on the boards about the specific curriculum you are looking to schedule. HTH Lori
  2. My kids usually shower at night.. I shower in the morning.. but I usually get dressed after. I'm extremely pg right now though.. so I've been putting my jammies back on unless we have somewhere to be:D
  3. At 6, my dd went to bed about 10-10:30 and woke up on her own about 8 or 8:30.
  4. We are using https://www.xtramath.org/home and love it!
  5. :iagree: I look for things all year.
  6. I have Latin for Children A but was looking into Lively Latin for next year after SSL. Our focus for Latin is to prepare for a future in the sciences (she LOVES Life Science) and Prima Latina is more on the Ecclesiastical side isn't it?? Good luck with your research an I'll be :bigear:
  7. Here are a couple of others as well.. http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/SOTWmenu.htm
  8. BF'd that way all the time.. my children refused to feed under a blanket and it was just wwwwayyy to hot for me with their body heat and the blanket. It's fine..
  9. Not a coloring book but this one is on sale for a $1 pdf download until tomorrow. http://teacherexpress.scholastic.com/grade/easy-make-learn-projects-human-body
  10. Finally watched it after 1/2 my friends posted it on FB.. It was cute but not hysterical until he got to the part about the pj's and I looked over at my dd doing her school curled up on the couch in her pj's! About 12:00:lol:
  11. Also, consider buying the books from Amazon or your favorite used bookseller to save even more..
  12. I'm sure you've figured it out by now.. but when I clicked on the link it brought up a pop up that gave me the option to open or save.. So maybe try clicking on the link?
  13. Would you mind sharing the one you found? :D Thanks! and :bigear: for others..
  14. The only Leif I know is a Leif Erickson.. How cruel were his parents? LOL It is pronounced Leaf and he's actually part Japanese:lol:. He's a nice guy.. a little laid back and happy go lucky. The only Leif (layfe) I have heard of is a local auto repair shop with an unsavory reputation. Very profitable but not above taking advantage of an "it's legal and we don't necessarily care if it's moral" attitude. Had to spell my name all my life..although most people do pronounce it correctly if they see it written.. There are worse things:D Lori
  15. Here are some links to SOTW stuff. http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/SOTWmenu.htm This one has SOTW1 chapter quizzes and schedules of SOTW1 along with various other history resources. http://corefoundations.wordpress.com/scheds-english-and-history/ I just found this one (we are doing SOTW2).. It is a schedule this lady made (and shared for free!) of all 4 volumes of SOTW plus Kingfisher and Usborne History spines. http://livelearnandlovetogether.blogspot.com/2010/05/sotw-1-my-book-list.html A blog listing many extra reading books to go with SOTW1. There are suggestions in the AG also as a PP said. And the bestest for last... http://runofthemillfamily.blogspot.com/p/story-of-world-resources-for-volume-one.html VERY AWESOME website including a FREE and very nicely done lapbook for SOTW1. HTH Lori
  16. :bigear: Thinking of scanning in my dd's work also.. Is this acceptable to the "authorities" or whomever might be checking?
  17. http://www.thegoodbook.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=xtb We use the xtb Bible study. I like it because it is short but daily and has the child looking up the verses in a real Bible, getting them in the habit of daily Bible study and familiar with a real Bible. It is still fun however, with little puzzles and such. I would like to find a "curriculum" ABOUT the Bible too. :bigear:
  18. I have used American Story 1 and had purchased AW but it looked a little young (okay a lot young) for my animal loving dd then a 1st grader. I am keeping it to use with my ds who does not know as much about animals and might learn from it. (DD could correctly identify the difference between moose, elk, deer, caribou etc by 18 months.. DS not so much.. LOL). The issues of shipping and choppiness are the main complaints you'll hear about WP.. and you'll hear them a LOT from a lot of folks. I did not notice that AS1 was "choppy" but it was American history.. it pretty much went chronologically so how choppy can you be?? I agree that I did tweak the curriculum a lot as most others do but I was using AS1 with a first grader so the crafts were a bit beyond her ability. I bought an IG/notebooking pages "used" unused from someone else and we did not do the notebook either.. BORING! I've heard from friends of mine who are using some of the exclusives (for AS2 and CATW) that they are not worth what you have to pay, repetitive, etc. The readers are an issue also.. but we just used readers of our choosing from our library. This post might sound negative.. but I do actually like WP(some of it:) and have AS2 to do in the next year or two.. but just wanted to be honest about the amount of tweaking necessary.. I think that AW could be an awesome jump off place for you.. or may I suggest The Complete book of Animals on Amazon?? I have that too and it is great.. repetitive also but colorful and a lot cheaper.. lol http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Book-Animals/dp/156189544X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326740201&sr=8-1
  19. We love WWW here but are only at the 2nd grade level. I don't know anything about the upper levels. So far, I have found it to be systematic and thorough, perhaps even breaking things down into to simplistic of chunks.. but I want my dd to understand the how and why of good sentence/paragraph writing not just throw words on paper.
  20. We are using EG this year and like it. The approach with crossing out the prepositional phrases makes a lot of sense to me. We are going to switch to GWG next year for some diagramming instruction and the 36 week/5days format that is not teacher intensive since we are adding another baby to the household. I have not used JAG but have a friend that LOVES it. Not a very helpful post I know.. lol Maybe get a list of the 28 prepositions and just teach that part on the side of JAG?
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