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Everything posted by tomandlorih

  1. My OB's office still uses the 1 hour test and if you fail that.. then the three hour. My 1 hour results this time was 134 and the cut off was 135 which meant I did not have to take the three hour. My OB did not insist on the 3 hour even though I had flunked the 1 hour last pregnancy and been borderline on the three hour(2 draws okay, 2 borderline).. I kept my sugars under control last time without problems although I needed to test my 4 times a day or whatever and report to my OB. This time I am testing myself (still have the meter) and the closer we get to the end.. the more careful I have to be. So if you choose not to test.. please make sure you eat well and watch your sugars yourself. :grouphug:
  2. :iagree:IMHO, the bully lesson makes the mom seem unreliable as a safe person. And the catchy songs and cartoons etc are "okay" but there should at least be a Bible verse in there somewhere!! Especially at that age! I'm sure I had the Bible books songs memorized by that age.. Old and New Testaments. Not a fuddy duddy at all.. I'd stand up for the kids there or at least be glad you know the state of things so you can educate your children (about the Bible) at home. I love the xtb Bible studies(for 7-10's but they have others for olders) from The Good Book company because they do use a real Bible every day for their study. http://www.thegoodbook.com/children/devotionals?p=2
  3. It's sad but I wish they wouldn't keep comparing it to the Titanic on the news and such. Seriously? No comparison.
  4. Seconding that if you have to eat it.. go organic/non-GMO. I would use a different alternative milk (esp if it's for boys). We "try" to avoid it at this house.
  5. :bigear: We are on chapter 18 and nearly to the end of that lapbook also.. :bigear:
  6. WOW That looks wonderful! I wish the pics were zoomable so I could read all the titles to see what you all have=D LOL
  7. But you obviously have a computer with internet access?? If so.. Sheppard software geography games are great. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Geography.htm We also do Top Secret Adventures. Very nice!
  8. My dd8 is also doing SOTW2 and her retention is really about the same as your dd.. I agree that it is mostly about exposure at this stage of the game. Next time through, I'll expect a little more. I remember a lot more of it from a reading than she does.. but I have been exposed to these folks(like Saladin) before.. usually more than once. I think each time through will get better. On a side note: I think that perhaps for my dd it is just that it is to much to remember all at once. Also whether or not she is interested in the specific thing that we are learning that week. For example, we just finished chapter 18 for example which has 4 sections. Retention on the first 2 sections was just about zero (as measured by the review questions in the AG and narrations) and I was frustrated and saying..."we've read this twice, how can you not remember any of it??" But she narrated the third section to me complete with names and sometimes word for word and I was saying "what?". It obviously just caught her fancy or something and the other she didn't care about. Who knows? I'm trying to give up worrying and just roll with it=D As long as some of it sticks.. we're doing good! HTH
  9. I would appreciate this too! We will be to SOTW3 for next year and I was wondering where to fit in American History. I didn't really want to wait until the end of the SOTW 4 but wasn't sure how to go about adding it. Thanks!
  10. We are using Wordly Wise this year and my dd8 doesn't like it. We just finished book 2 and are starting book 3(book 3 online only.. not buying the book again). It's the same format each week and it looks like busy work to me.. I am not using the tests with it(wish I was). OTOH my dd is a huge reader and most of the words she probably already knows?? So that could be a factor in her not liking it. I am currently looking at Vocabulary for Classical Roots or something like it.. that will help her to figure out a word she doesn't know when she comes across it.. rather than "teaching" her a list of random words someone thinks she should know at her age. HTH and :bigear: for replies from users of VCR..
  11. Good gracious ladies.. no wonder I am confused.. even the "experts" can't agree! I guess that's what had me the most confused is that there really didn't seem to be a definitive answer. Spelling "rule 1" is not the same to everyone. Even the Riggs people have the same "rule" listed as #4 in one set and #17 in the other. :confused: I have Spell to Write and Read coming from the library.. maybe it will help even though my dd already can read and write. Thank you for the replies.. I appreciate it! I feel better even though I still don't have a black and white answer.. lol
  12. For those of us looking for a "rules-based" spelling program(workbook-y if possible:), what ARE the spelling rules?.. How many are there? Are some rules taught as "phonics"? I think "if it ends in a y, change the y to an I and add -es" is a "rule" but it was just taught in my dd's Easy Grammar 3. So is there just a lot of overlap? Help.. I'm confused! For those of you teaching "the rules" or with a "rules based" spelling program (like AAS).. do you require your children to memorize them? or just go over it with no memorization. TIA
  13. Of course, we did pay off the house before we had kids, so they weren't factored into our decision:lol: And while we will help them out with college costs.. We have a local university that our kids will be attending while paying for it in cash(no loans). We are raising them to not go into debt for something you cannot afford. DH and I got no loans for college and made it through just fine(had to live at home..but we did it). It's a good feeling to graduate with no debt! So we are rather lucky to have a great University so close. Go Cougs! :D
  14. Dave Ramsey says(and we agreed) that if you didn't have a mortgage, you wouldn't go out and borrow the money to invest. That doubles the risk in my opinion. If the bread winner loses their job.. you still have a house payment to pay and (possibly) no way to get your money out of stocks in time to pay it..OR you have to pay fees/penalties to get at your money..etc.etc.. And if you run the numbers it does not "pay" to pay thousands in interest to save a little on your taxes.. My vote is to pay off the mortgage because.. 1. With the mortgage paid off, there is a huge chunk of money each month to save/invest/etc. but without the worry of the house payment. 2. There is nothing like the feeling of security from having no house payment when your husbands job has been very uncertain for the last 2 years(ask me how I know this:) 3. The reasons listed above. just my .02. Good luck with your decision.
  15. :bigear: for reviews/opinions.. Thinking about this for dd8 next year.
  16. When they built the new house.. didn't they put in a central vacuum thingy?
  17. Over the top definitely and I do restrain myself as a guest.. except I have fixed it at my in-laws.. Bwa-ha-ha...:lol:
  18. :bigear: I've been looking for something like this too! Is Soaring with Spelling/Vocab rules based??
  19. :iagree:We also delay/selectively vax based on statistics and probability combined with family medical history etc..
  20. YES!! I love knowing! Although green is my favorite color.. I dislike it (or yellow) on babies..LOL
  21. We did Story of the World 1 (Ancients) last year and worked through the Ancient Civilizations History Pockets + living books and craft projects instead of the Activity Guide. The History Pockets got a tad monotonous after awhile.. i.e. paper dolls for each culture.. my dd dislikes coloring and does not play with paper dolls. ETA: We did like the HP overall though. Anyway, I don't know much about MOH but there is a pre made lapbbok that goes with SOTW1. You can find it here. http://runofthemillfamily.blogspot.com/2010/04/story-of-world-lapbook-for-volume-one.html and here is a you tube video showing a completed one with someone explaining all the cool things. here. http://www.cambridgeshireacademy.com/2010/06/story-of-world-volume-1-free-lapbook.html Here is a chart matching up chapters of SOTW1 and MOH and this site has other good stuff on history. http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/sotwmoh.htm Hope that helps! Lori
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