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Everything posted by tomandlorih

  1. Just started using TT3 here with dd8 who is also currently doing MUS Gamma. She is flying through (the cd's only) to touch on stuff that MUS does not(such as oblique line segments). She really likes it and my 3 year old likes to watch her do it so maybe he is learning something too, at the very least it keeps him quiet for a few minutes=D I will not be using it as a stand alone math curriculum until later years. If I were to use it stand alone, I would definitely use the workbooks also for extra practice. My current plan is to stick to MUS with TT as a supplement, throwing in (still trying to decide) Mathmatical Reasoning from CTC for extra in the standardized test prep area. DD is bright(ahead) but not necessarily "mathy".
  2. :iagree:with PP who say not to worry about the popularity of a middle name.. It's not like you'll be at the park calling her by her middle name... Caroline Grace is beautiful!!! Congrats on the new baby!
  3. :bigear: Trying to decide between those two myself!! They are both parts to whole I think.. and I read on another (of the many..lol) threads on Latin that for some kids it helps to do 1 parts to whole curriculum(like LfC) and 1 whole to parts(like Minimus or GSWL) .. SOOO hard to decide so I'm definitely :bigear:
  4. WOW! That's looks Awesome!!! And inspiring!! (*sigh* maybe after the baby comes=D)
  5. here is McRuffy science http://www.mcruffy.com/Kindergarten-Science.htm I've been tempted by them many times since I (personally) like a science that does a little of each type of science during the year rather than a whole year of Botany then a whole year of Astronomy... bo-o-oring! We used (and enjoyed) Winter Promise's The World Around Me (I know WP has issues.. I bought the IG cheap used and got the books from the library or abebooks.com) It had lots of great easy experiments and we supplemented as desired with living books and videos(like Magic School Bus). My dd loves science. If you like workbooks.. have you checked out The Complete Book of Science.. I think the youngest is grade 1-2 but it seemed pretty simple to me. Also some of the big workbooks have sections of science pages.
  6. Thanks for this opinion. I was thinking of using it next year for something nice and easy... but I don't want it THAT easy..LOL Also :bigear:
  7. Currently using MUS Gamma with DD8(2nd grade) and will be starting Delta towards the end of the year.. I love the mastery aspect and teaching of Mr. Demme. I would not even worry about supplementing at this young age if it were not for the required standardized tests which ask questions #1 in a way my dd has no experience with and #2 about things that are perhaps covered in MUS just not emphasized enough to make them "stick". Testing is done for this year so we are playing with supplements. I was able to borrow TT3 and TT4(cd's only) so I'm having her fly through those since they seem to be a lot more like ps would teach stuff and it covers a few little things (such as oblique lines/line segments) that MUS doesn't and in more the vocabulary style of the tests. Next year, however, I am looking at supplementing MUS Delta/Epsilon with Mathematical Reasoning from Critical Thinking Co. since a lot of their stuff is supposed to be test-preparatory. I may also add in some kind of daily word problems and if we can borrow TT5.. maybe that too(computer only). My personal goal for her math, aside from testing, is to help her be able to think and apply math. Mastery is great but if you can't figure out what you need to do in the first place.. then it doesn't help you much. IYKWIM HTH Lori
  8. :iagree:We do this also.. I have gotten FLL from the library with the intention of doing it also(using all 4) but FLL just seems to d-r-a-g. I can't imagine it fitting in with us as a regularly used program.. but I can see us charging through it to make sure we've covered everything and maybe memorizing the poems.. We are currently using Easy Grammar but are seriously considering switching to GWG next year.. I do like the "crossing out the prepositional phrase" idea but once you learn it....... I'm thinking to swtich to GWG for diagramming. I shudder to even look at R&S. I have grade 3 and it just does not look like something we could get into.
  9. My dd is currently using MUS Gamma and will start Delta(the first 10 lessons) this year. We just started "catching up" with TT3 (computer only) and will hopefully start TT4 along with our full year of Delta(incl. review of the first 10 lessons) next year. DD is currently doing 7 lessons and a quiz each week and she very occasionally misses a random question. We will probably slow down when she starts missing a lot more..showing me that she is reaching material she doesn't know. Someone on another thread suggested just doing the quizzes but there is little stuff in the lessons I want her exposed to. Anyway, we are at a much lower level than you but I make no effort to coordinate subjects between MUS and TT.. Just plowing straight through both of them.. If you wanted to though.. it should be fairly easy. Just look at the Table of Contents (online) for what coordinates with the MUS lesson you are working on. HTH.. Lori
  10. Why didn't I think to look for something like that?? That would be great! :bigear:
  11. :iagree: This has happened to us a lot as well!! Also, our library will let us bring in a replacement book instead of paying for it. It may be cheaper for you on Amazon or ??... I think(I've never done it) that our library will even let you replace it with a "similar" book... so on the same subject.
  12. I am going to try to do both:D I just discovered binders(This is our third week). I am still in the process of rounding up what I need to make it work. By subject in the binder(1 week at a time) would be easier.. but dd likes it by day which is harder since some workbook pages are on the back of the previous day and I have to switch at night. I have to correct the days work anyway, so it hasn't been a problem so far. So I have just been tearing out the workbook pages I need for each week.. it was SO hard to start doing this since I would prefer the workbook intact but as I told my dh.. it's not like I am keeping the whole thing anyway so why not?? And it makes it easier for us to take school with us when everything she needs is in the binder.. not dragging along 4-5 workbooks. But.. I would like to rip the rest of the workbooks up and file them by week so I can work ahead on her daily task lists and they are already separated and 3 hole punched for filling the binder each week. I'm hoping that by filing first.. it will save me time later. +++ for us on tearing the workbooks apart: 1. Easier to transport/do school on the go. 2. DD likes the daily check off sheet and the work gets done with (much) less complaining. 3. Work gets done on a daily basis since it takes so little time for each thing when you aren't trying to catch up on 3 days at once! Which I think will help it stick in her brain better. Sorry it's long and rambly.. but HTH and :bigear: for others ideas.. Lori
  13. :bigear: I am looking for the same thing! Love MUS but need a little extra on the side stuff. What I am doing this year (in addition to MUS Gamma and the first 10 lessons of Delta) is having her rip through Teaching Textbooks 3, just on the computer only(I was able to borrow the cd's) along with mathy computer games and xtramath.org for fact mastery. She really needs the other "stuff" for the state testing that is required of us.. so I've been looking at Mathematical Reasoning from Critical Thinking Company since a lot of CTC's offerings are test-preparatory. I had forgotten about Math Mammoth teaching on the individual concepts.. Off to check that out... but still keeping an ear out for more ideas:bigear:
  14. Looks like you've gotten a lot of good suggestions for actual books.. so I will just add that although we read SOTW1 last year.. most of our learning took place on the side with our own books, videos, internet sites and craft projects. My dd LOVED History Pockets - Ancient Civilizations. http://www.amazon.com/History-Pockets-Ancient-Civilizations-Grades/dp/1557999007/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1327340279&sr=8-8 Plus we did crafts out of books on each civilization that I got from the library. And she loved the games from the BBC.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/ You might check Sonlight booklists for suggestions also. HTH Lori
  15. http://www.firstclasshomeschool.org/Welcome.html If you don't mind Christian-based.. We love our co-op! It's only 8 weeks in the fall and 10 weeks in the spring. My dd is able to take three different classes that change each session and which may or may not be academic. We tend to choose the more academic ones. The littles go to the same "class" all three hours. It's large (about 70 families-200 kids of all ages) and VERY well run. I have discussed with another group of homeschooling friends doing a year long academic, e"everyone get together on Wednesdays to do Latin, History or Science but so far it hasn't worked out.
  16. We used most of The World Around Me (their K-2 program) last year. We had nothing to compare it too and we both liked it. We liked it even better after switching to Real Science 4 Kids this year. I am not even going to try their upper level sciences because I do not want to focus on 1 thing all year.. My dd and I both like switching it up between Life, Physical, etc. etc. May go with Sonlight next year.
  17. :bigear: Getting mine with my planned c-section next month.. hoping for no side effects!!
  18. Ahh, thank you! I'll go back and take another look at it=D
  19. Thanks for this review.. I was going back and forth between LfCA and LL next year for my dd and I think the crosswords would get to her too=D.
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