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Everything posted by TrixieB

  1. If your friend needs to print out schoolwork, check your local library systems. One of ours lets each cardholder print out 75 pages per week for free. Also they offer 2 hours of free computer time per day. She could use the library computers and save documents to a thumb drive (or two, in case one stops working). Do you have a homeschool consignment store anywhere nearby? Or a local homeschool group whose members might be willing to donate materials they're no longer using?
  2. Cursive and printing. I don't know how reading was taught, because I could read before I started school. Also I think some of the P.E. teachers did a pretty good job (different teachers came and went). One year the teacher arranged to borrow roller skates, archery equipment, and gymnastics equipment from the district supply. Not that we could learn many gymnastics moves in the two weeks that we had the equipment, but we got to try. Roller skating and archery were super fun. In fact I think we got the roller skates two or three different years. Also I remember a Bruce Jenner poster in the P.E. portable. :)
  3. Lifting the ICD-10 book is enough to give one a hernia. And the code for that is... :lol:
  4. Achilles injury? My dad tore his Achilles tendon and had the foot drop that you mentioned. I don't remember how much pain he said he had, but he couldn't really walk. He had surgery.
  5. My experience: I ordered in the AM well before the deadline. Amazon said my package would be delivered that same day by 8 PM. The package arrived the next day. :toetap05:
  6. Sharing a FUN 1000 piece puzzle that one of my kids and I put together in an afternoon -- it was surprisingly easy, and we had a lot of laughs about what some of the images seemed to depict. Transit Graphics 1000 piece puzzle
  7. We don't budget, just buy as needed. One kid has a job and buys their own clothes (doesn't like to go thrifting, so it's a good thing they have their own income). The other kid and I like to thrift and get most clothes that way. Dh doesn't like to go clothes shopping. Fortunately, he's not hard on his clothes and he doesn't have to dress up for work.
  8. I like this idea! Another thing I read about somewhere -- you can contribute to your child's (Roth? or maybe regular?) IRA but I don't know what the age limitations are, or contribution caps, etc. I believe the child has to have earned income. One of my relatives wants to do this for my kids so I guess I need to read up on the rules. Anyway, it's definitely a clutter-free option :)
  9. Earlier this week I saw a sign in somebody's yard: "Leftover fundraiser compost - FREE!"
  10. When my older child was in 9th grade, I outsourced only a couple of classes... band, science, foreign language. Fast forward a few years. My current 9th grader's classes are all outsourced, except world geography which may or may not get done this year due to circumstances I can't entirely control. Next year will be similar, and then probably DE for 11th & 12th grades. All but one of my senior's classes are outsourced.
  11. Eeeew... so THAT'S what my brother gives his dog. Eeeeeew....
  12. Yes, they do. However, the choices are limited to two shades of brown. Zappos has Top-Sider Authentic Original in colors and widths.
  13. Those kids were totally ready to go get hired on at Target - no need to buy new work clothes.
  14. This makes NO sense. :willy_nilly: You can wear leggings if your shirt is long enough to cover your bottom, but if your shirt goes below your waistline, it must be tucked in, which means it won't cover your bottom... yet you can wear leggings if your shirt covers your bottom. I think if the administration has so many rules, they should just require uniforms.
  15. And $$$ for the plane ticket so I can check this place out! Looks like a fabulous market with a great community service screenings to boot, but I would definitely not save myself any money by flying there to check it all out. :) It would be a fun vacation, though!
  16. Could it be The Reader's Odyssey: An Individualized Literature Program for Homeschooling Middle and High School Students by Dena Luchsinger?
  17. I :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: Rugged Justice. The season premiere was on Sunday but I missed it due to attending a family get-together.
  18. I couldn't tell you what the vows were... something traditional. We got married at the courthouse and repeated what the JP said.
  19. Here are the ASL book lists for an area high school: ASL Year 1 and Year 2 Also used in ASL Year 1 and Year 2 ASL Year 3 So it looks like Master ASL does cover two years of high school study, which would be the same as two quarters of 5 class hours per week (or two semesters? we are on quarters here so I'm not sure how semesters equate) of college study.
  20. K'nex Education lists Simple Machines for grades 3-6. My kids did play with the sets outside those grades. We (kids and I) didn't like the couple of T&K sets we tried.
  21. I bought the K'nex Education - Intro to Structures: Bridges set when my kids were small, and we got a lot of mileage out of that set. Just in case any of you are on the fence about it... :)
  22. Do you mean plastic "invisible" earrings? For example, if you didn't want to wear obvious earrings but you didn't want the hole to close up? In that case, maybe something like this? Except it would be noticeable up close. Perhaps the front of the earring could be removed and the post sanded smooth. Then you could wear just the post without the back and it would probably stay in place okay since there'd be no weight pulling on either end. If you didn't cut the post too short, a bit would stick out of the back of the lobe and it would be easy to remove. If you want actual tiny gauges, maybe Claire's or a mall kiosk sells them. Or the local piercing studio?
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