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Lady Florida.

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Everything posted by Lady Florida.

  1. Yes. Because that's his name. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and a cowlick. I named him after my dad, who died when I was a teenager, but of course had no idea he'd end up looking like the character. I also never expected Dennis the Menace would make a comeback, so I figured no one would know. He's okay with it though, and laughs it off when people (even his friends) call him that. He's proud to be named after his late grandfather.
  2. Is there a possibility of getting sponsors so you wouldn't have to put out all that money? I don't know anything about it, but it's a thought.
  3. My 7th grader spends 3-4 hours a day, four days a week. This includes any hands on or lab work, so it isn't just seat work. No two days look the same, and no two weeks look the same. The 5th day, Friday, we use to catch up on anything he needs to finish up. If he doesn't have anything to finish, or projects to work on, then he has the day off. We are however, relaxed schoolers.
  4. Interesting. Thank you. I'm saddened by the belief that the liberal arts aren't worth studying.
  5. In our 8 years of homeschooling, I'd say I bought about 90% used. I only buy new if I can't find something used, or can't find it in decent condition. I see no reason to pay full price. The exception is if it's a book I know we'll keep for a long time. I buy most of my used items on Ebay, half.com, or Amazon, since they all have ways to resolve a dispute. I've also bought locally from people on a local hs yahoogroup. And I've recently started buying and selling stuff here. I only have one child (and I knew by the time he was school age he'd be the only one), so I don't have to worry about an item lasting for years. We use it, I sell it, then use that money to buy the next thing we need. And if I buy and sell everything through paypal it doesn't even feel like I'm spending real money. :lol: I only had one problem over the years, and after going through the dispute process, paypal refunded my money. ETA: I also had someone dispute what I sold once too. That's not a good feeling when you know you were honest and someone thinks you weren't. Rather than risk being labeled a bad seller, I just refunded her money even though I thought she was in the wrong. Sometimes the savings is only a few dollars, but I'm one of those who believes in making every dollar count. A few dollars for each book, for 13 years of homeschooling (if we go all the way through high school), ends up being a fairly significant savings in my book.
  6. This is how my husband felt. He also complained that it filled with condensation, and he was always sweating because of it (humidity is a year round problem here, even indoors). Even though during the test, they told him he got more REM sleep with the mask on, he didn't feel any better wearing it. He tried it for several months, and gave up. He eventually decided on a painful surgery instead. While the recovery took almost 2 weeks, he's feeling better. He said he wouldn't recommend the surgery to anyone except as a last resort, and he's not one to complain about pain! I do have a friend who uses one, and swears it changed her life. All you can do is try, and hope you're one of the ones it helps.
  7. Sorry, I'm just seeing this so I'm probably too late. Were you cooking it tonight? I think it was 325 or 350. Probably 325.
  8. My doctor gave me a 2 week sample of Cymbalta for my chronic back pain, as it starting to be used for that now too. I noticed a decrease in pain almost immediately, and by the 3rd day it was completely gone. But, oh the side effects! I couldn't do anything. I literally just sat on the couch all day one of the days. It wasn't that I was tired or drowsy, I just Could. Not. Move. Then I read about the difficulty getting off of it, and decided it wasn't worth it. I'm now getting physical therapy and massage -- something I've done on and off over the 13 years I've had this pain. Relief is temporary, but side effects are zero (except for the good feeling after the massage :001_smile:). Obviously not everyone experiences those side effects, and maybe they'd taper off if I gave it more time, but I just couldn't do it.
  9. It's been a long time since I cooked a fresh ham, but I think I do about 20 minutes per pound. I usually cover it with foil for the first half of cooking, then take it off. I keep an eye on it though, and if it's browning too much, I put the foil back over it. I make a tent with the foil.
  10. That's where my son wants his to get to. I don't like the idea, but I won't die on that kind of hill.
  11. I would say to watch the "new" Doctor Who -- the one from this century. Start with the ninth doctor, Christopher Eccleston. It will really make a difference later on, when there are references to things while you're watching David Tennant's tenth doctor. It really won't matter if you don't start that way, but imo it will make the series more enjoyable when you understand the back stories.
  12. We did a lot when my son was younger. In fact from the time he was 5 to around 10, we were probably out more days than we were in. We did field trips and park days and co-ops, and whatever someone suggested. "We'll be there!", was usually my reply to any suggested activity. But...he's an only child, and there were no kids in our neighborhood that he knew. He's now 13, there's 2 boys and 2 girls his age now living in our neighborhood (2 of them right across the street), and he's "over" a lot of the field trips. He's also made several friends in our homeschool group, so I'm no longer trying to help him find friends. And I admit, I was trying to find other homeschoool moms to connect with, so I guess I was looking for a friend or two also. Now we just set up days when he and a friend can get together. I get together with my hs mom friends at book club or game nights. We carefully pick and choose which activities to attend. Most of the time when I ask him if he's interested in a particular activity, he asks who will be there. That tells me he's more interested in the social aspects (should I say socialization :lol:?). We tend to do school our own way anyway, so co-ops and classes don't seem to work for us anymore. I look at what social gatherings our group is planning, and give him x number of choices. He chooses which ones he wants to go with. Sorry for rambling. The real answer to your questions is 1 or less per week, though it took us years to get to this point.
  13. :iagree: I'm also surprised at how many say they can't change. I learned to type 40 years ago!! That meant I was using two spaces for a very long time, and yet I was able to change.
  14. My mother's Kirby was old, so it could be the adage that they don't make things like they used to, is true. I've had 2 Kenmore canisters, each one lasting about 12 years. I decided I didn't want another canister after the last one (too hard on my back). I wish I hadn't made that choice. I miss my Kenmore canister.
  15. My blender's not expensive - it's a low end Oster, but it actually has a smoothie cup attachment. My smoothies always come out smooth. I don't use ice, just frozen fruit. I'll buy fruit on sale to purposely freeze for smoothies. I also pulse bit at first, take the lid off and dig around with a long handled spoon to redistribute the ingredients, and pulse some more. After I've done that a bit (and it sounds more time consuming that it actually is), then I blend until smooth.
  16. :iagree: I feel bad for him too. And I think there was a recent thread about him where I shared that my 13 year old no longer "hates" him either. He found out Bieber does benefit concerts for sick kids and visits children's hospitals, and said it's hard to hate someone like that. He still doesn't like his voice or music, but he sticks up for him when his friends start Bieber Bashing.
  17. Audrey's "recipe" is pretty much all I do. It's what my mother did. I think the fact that it's served in restaurants and made to sound exotic, makes people think it's complicated.
  18. Well, I have a Bissell pet hair vacuum that will probably die in a year or two. It's about 2 years old now. It's not my favorite but it was affordable at the time. My mom had a Kirby. You can't kill a Kirby, but they are so heavy and a pain to keep clean (at least they used to be). They're also very expensive. But it will probably last. My mother's Kirby was 50 years old when she passed away. It was used in 7 different houses, with 2 kids, and numerous cats and dogs over the years. Her vacuum cleaner outlived her.
  19. Most tween and teen boys don't like Justin Bieber, so I doubt they're imitating his style. I think it's more that he's just another teen boy who likes that hairstyle. My son has that shaggy hair. He has to keep it clean and combed. It's hair, that's all. It doesn't bother me. I came of age in the late 60's and early 70's. Ever see what hairstyles boys were wearing back then? :ohmy:
  20. Yes, maybe she called it in. I called in an ad once to sell some of my mother's wrought iron gate hardware. The ad stated I had raud iron hardware to sell!
  21. My 7th grade son does LoF, after trying many other programs. He did Fractions and is now on Decimals and Percents. From there I'll probably have him do Pre-Algebra 1 with Biology and Pre-Algebra 2 with Economics. I'll see where he is after those, and decide how we're going to handle the rest of the series.
  22. Before I read the responses, I'm going to answer. I try to keep them in a general subject order, but they always end up willy nilly anyway, and I don't know how it happens. I give up for a while, reorganize them, and it starts all over again. :001_unsure:
  23. Maybe being in the work world made a difference with me. I took typing in 9th grade, in 1969. We had these crazy homemade cardboard thingies we put over our necks, and they stuck out so we couldn't see the keyboard. This was how we were supposed to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. And we used 2 spaces. But... I worked until ds was born in 1997, and by then it had mostly changed to one space. There were still a few rule books saying two, but I was required to retrain myself to one, and it stuck. At least you haven't ruined your kids by teaching them to <gasp> use 2 spaces. :lol:
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