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Lady Florida.

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Everything posted by Lady Florida.

  1. I've never seen a cat look repentant or guilty. Dogs on the other hand... 😂
  2. I have this one and love it. I will say I don't use it for transportation beyond the odd trip to Target. Some reviewers use it for their work commute and say it does well. I mostly use it for leisure and exercise. Dh likes to take long bike rides but my back condition makes the bicycle movement of legs and hips hard to do for long stretches. With the electric bike I can pedal but let the bike take over when I need a break.
  3. So...funny story about deviled eggs. Dh's niece married a man from Costa Rica. At the time he was still learning English and it wasn't that good (fortunately she's fluent in Spanish). They had a simple wedding with a family gathering at the grandparents' house and MIL had made deviled eggs. New husband wasn't familiar with them and BIL had a little Spanish from his years living in South Florida but he was rusty. He tried to explain what they were. New husband's eyes got wide and he shook his head no. BIL leaned over to me and said, "I think I just told him they're eggs from hell." 🤣
  4. I like the individual ingredients but I can't imagine them all together. If I ever get the opportunity to try 7 layer salad I'll pass. I still see them at some gatherings (not family). They're always one of the first items to go so they're obviously still popular. The problem is, if you don't really know the person who made them you never know how good they are until you try one. I've had deviled eggs at a covered dish gathering where they tasted basically like egg salad. I want my deviled eggs deviled!
  5. Thanks @Soror. My library had a copy and I just happened to have a planned trip to a grocery store across the street. I ran in and picked up the copy. Can't wait to look through it.
  6. Same here. Actually I gradually stopped watching when ds was little because I just didn't have time to spend on weekends watching football. Dh doesn't watch sports - I was the football fan in our marriage. Eventually it had been so long since I watched a game that I lost interest. After the information came out about CTE plus other brain and body impacts I was glad I no longer watched. I remember Bobby Knight throwing the chair but I'm also old enough that Woody Hayes punching a Clemson player is also imbedded in my brain. Like many people I barely remember anything about that bowl game. Just the punch that ended a coaching legend's career.
  7. We didn't do anything special as far as I remember. This year we celebrated our 30th last month and are going on a month long trip to Scotland and England. We're going in May because January is not a month that Floridians want to be in the UK lol but we're still calling it our 30th anniversary trip.
  8. Brooks, New Balance, or Hoka. I would recommend going to a running store if you have one nearby so you can talk to someone who actually knows about the different shoes and can help you choose the right ones for you. I say running store but usually the employees there are also familiar with walking shoes, hiking shoes, etc.
  9. I recently read Passing by Nella Larson. It's one I've been meaning to read for years and am glad I finally got around to it. A friend mentioned reading books for Black History Month so that gave the push to finally read it. I really enjoyed it and give it a solid 4 stars. I also finished Murder in an Irish Bakery. I've been enjoying this series on Kindle Unlimited but have now caught up. The next book comes out in a few weeks. Currently reading - Oranges, John McPhee - An interesting look at the citrus industry here in Florida. It was published in 1967 so there are some things that are no longer true and somewhat nostalgic for me. Gator Country Rebecca Renner - I mentioned this in last month's thread and am reading it slowly. It's ostensibly about an alligator egg poaching sting by a wildlife officer but is so much more. The above are my two current nonfiction books. I had put Dickens' The Old Curiosity Shop aside but decided to start listening again. It's been a while so I started over. My other fiction reads are King Lear as a read along with a Goodreads group and Murder at the Serpentine Bridge. King Lear is the only one of Shakespeare's famous plays I have never seen performed. Usually when I read Shakespeare I can picture the performance but for this one I'm having to make it up in my head as I read. The latter book is another Kindle Unlimited series I've been reading - an historical mystery series.
  10. We see wild turkeys off the side of the road in some undeveloped areas. Usually it's on our way to the Orlando area.
  11. OMG a bird thread! I love birds but didn't always appreciate them or have the ability to identify them. That started when our very first (pre) homeschool activity was identifying the birds at our feeder and in our yard. Ds now 26 was 4. It gave all of us a lifelong interest in birds. I miss the songbirds we saw daily at our old house in the city where I grew up. We regularly saw cardinals, woodpeckers, blue jays, catbirds, yellow-rumped warblers, tufted titmouse, and so many more. In winter we saw migrating birds. Twice a year we had robins visit our yard on their way further south and then back north. We also had many mockingbirds, mourning doves, blackbirds, and crows. Each year we had migrating red winged black birds too. We often had white ibis on our lawn looking for bugs (natural pest control since they love to eat grubs). Four years ago we moved just 40 miles south and in the same county but the land is so different. There's more wetlands here and therefore fewer forest type trees. I've been learning to appreciate the differences. I see more wading birds. We get ducks and sandhill cranes walking through the back yard. (Also, not out my window but it's common to have to stop when driving somewhere to let the cranes cross the road). I see wood storks, roseate spoonbills, both snowy and great, anhingas, and several types of herons. We do have mockingbirds and loggerhead shrikes, Carolina wrens, and some sort of sparrow I haven't been able to identify but hear it chipping often. We hear but rarely see barred owls and will see the occasional red shouldered hawk. Again not outside my window but driving around we often see osprey nests atop light poles. It's fun to see little baby osprey head popping up looking for mom or dad. This time of year we see bald eagles sometimes on a neighbor's rooftop. Once in a while I get lucky and see the elusive brown thrasher hiding under a hedge. I live in a birder's heaven. We have several local wildlife refuges where one can see wintering birds. We have a sanctuary where you can walk around and see endangered scrub jays. I see birds outside my window but I also can't go anywhere, even to the grocery store without seeing a bunch of cool birds - herons, egrets, and sandhill cranes by the side of the road and ospreys flying around or sitting on a light pole.
  12. I've heard of it but never had it.
  13. I was raised Catholic and didn't get it. I think because a female answered the question in the meme I didn't equate it with a priest's actions.
  14. I've tried to learn to knit but just find it too difficult to follow patterns. I can only knit truly left handed. Most instructions will tell lefties to just knit continental style which isn't actually left handed. You're still working the needle with your right hand. When I knit I have to work it with my left hand because I'm one of those lefties who has trouble doing things right handed. I work the yarn from the right needle to the left. I've never found a pattern that has left handed instructions so I have to turn every pattern backwards in order to read it. For whatever reason it's easier to do that when crocheting. I could never do that and when I was in school they didn't have gloves for lefties (ones that go on your right hand). One reason I was terrible at baseball is that I can't throw with my right hand so if I caught the ball - which was rare - I'd have to take the glove off to throw it. That gives too much time to a runner. I was taught to play guitar right handed.
  15. I use both. Dh and I share our gmail calendars so we don't schedule appointments that conflict. We can also both see if we have something planned. I find the digital calendar to be helpful at the doctor or dentist office. When they schedule my next appointment I don't need a card that will only get lost at the bottom of my purse. I just put it in my phone and it's done. We have a wall calendar in the kitchen but that's just there for the pretty pictures (we choose something different each year) and if you want a quick glance at the month. I use a paper planner kind of like a journal/scrapbook/calendar combo. I put fun stuff, record things we did, list my goals, and decorate it with photos and stickers. I had a favorite - The Everygirl - which I used to buy at Target. This year they went to only spiral. I hate spiral. As a lefty spiral notebooks were the bane of my school years. So instead I spent a bit more money and bought a Commit 30 planner. It's only February but I'm liking it so far.
  16. She did a great job! I'm left handed and my aunt tried to teach me to crochet years ago. We too failed miserably. I eventually taught myself when I found a booklet that had both right and left handed instructions. For future reference (how old is your granddaughter?) there's a YouTube channel and website called The Crochet Crowd. It's run by a man called Mikey (Mike) and for almost every project he posts both right and left handed instructions. I've often used it when making one of his projects. You might pre-watch it and if you think it appropriate let her find a project there with lefty instructions. https://www.youtube.com/@TheCrochetCrowd https://thecrochetcrowd.com/
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