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Lady Florida.

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Everything posted by Lady Florida.

  1. It goes both ways too. Many British artists, including the Beatles and especially the Rolling Stones were influenced by Black American artists. OP, I think you should include both British and American fwiw.
  2. Bye Bye Miss American Pie is a good one for the 70s. It's a fun song to dissect. For AA artists be sure to include Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Charlie Parker, and Ray Charles. For more recent AA artists I'd suggest Michael Jackson and Beyonce. Hip hop/rap - I confess I'm not familiar with many artists here but I believe it would be an important genre to include. If you're not keeping it to American music then The Beatles are a must. You can do some other British invasion artists but at least add the Fab Four. The 50s would be fun. Elvis, Carl Perkins, The Big Bopper, and more. The 60s would be interesting to see the changes from early 60s being not much different than 50s music, to the later 60s with anti-war songs, psychedelic music, and the early start of heavy metal.
  3. This 100%. I'm not afraid of change even at my age. Change can be good. But pointless change? Change for the sake of change? No. Change for the sake of change should be limited to rearranging your furniture at home just because you're tired of the old arrangement. It can be a new wardrobe (if it's affordable to you). Change "just because" isn't good in a work environment imo. At least not without looking at the status quo and determining if change is needed.
  4. Aww, they are beautiful! Thank you for the update and letting us see them.
  5. That's Florida in the summer.
  6. Ah, the days of the video "world premiere" on MTV. 😂
  7. I haven't seen anything great but I'm not really looking for anything this year. My best Prime Day purchase was the Roomba I bought last year.
  8. I haven't heard of the documentary but will watch it. I wasn't much of a true Wham! fan but I did like the songs that got radio play at the time. OMG that was hilarious! Thank you for that Dawn.
  9. This. My internal monologue doesn't shut up, to the point where I sometimes have trouble falling asleep. It's in words. When I read though, it's a movie. I "see" the story. Even if I'm reading nonfiction I see a movie. Re the bolded: When I was a teen I'd get yelled at for ignoring my mom telling me to set the table or do some other chore. I wasn't ignoring her. I truly couldn't hear her because I was completely inside a book.
  10. Whenever a hurricane is coming and people go crazy buying bottled water, Dasani is always the last brand left on the shelf. Aquafina comes in at a close second.
  11. Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079JHVYB7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  12. I gave ds a tee shirt like this one year in his Christmas stocking. He loves it.
  13. That's July here. Also planning what to start indoors in pots later this month or next. June through September are always hot and humid but this year is really bad. We've had heat advisories nearly every day. We're used to temperatures in the 90s with high humidity but the heat indices in the triple digits is uncommon, especially for as long as it's been going on. I go out in the morning and check on my butterfly plants (host and nectar), water what needs watering, then return inside to the a/c. Dh and I have been taking a Grow Your Own Food class at out local agriculture extension center and they've been giving out some freebie seeds. Those are the ones I'll be starting soon. In the meantime I love seeing all your lovely gardens and delicious harvests!
  14. FTR, except for the canned stuff I've never eaten cut up hot dogs mixed with beans. In my world hot dogs are eaten on a bun with beans on the side.
  15. Wow! That's definitely not something I'd pay a high price for. My roommate and I ate them because they were cheap, not because they were were good.
  16. Mandatory Other. I've never heard it used for hot dogs and beans but there were times in my lean college years when I survived on canned Beanie Weenies. That's the only way I heard it used.
  17. It sounds perfect. I hope you get it.
  18. I would enjoy that. I was a high school Special Ed teacher.
  19. I had my dream job. I was a teacher for 15 years until I became a sahm (the other dream I always wanted). I can't remember NOT wanting to be a teacher. While many (most?) people have to figure out what they want "to be" I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. Today? No way. Nor would I encourage a young person to go into teaching. The profession is so different now and teachers have to watch every word they utter. It's especially bad in my state. My heart aches for a friend who's a teacher but also recently came out as gay. She has to hide who she is while at work. Back to the topic. I loved teaching. I planned to return after ds started school and would have if we hadn't decided to homeschool. I don't know what job I'd want today if I was someone just starting on a career path. Teaching is all I ever wanted to do.
  20. Agree with all the recommendations. I'm on a local buy nothing, sell nothing facebook group. You can check and see if there's one for your town/area. On this subject here's a weird one: I had a bunch of leftover contact lenses when my prescription changed. During covid times I didn't wear them, just wore my glasses. Two and a half years later when I put them in, I couldn't see properly. I got new contacts but didn't want boxes of old ones to go to the dump. Well, I found out there's a veterinary opthalmologist near me and apparently contacts make good bandages. They were happy to take them. In case you're wondering like I was, it seems they don't affect the animal's vision (they treat dogs and cats) but are the perfect material to cover the cornea while it's healing.
  21. What wonderful news! It's about time you got some good news. So happy for you!
  22. Considering this current court I'm not surprised
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