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Everything posted by Greenmama2

  1. Ecclesiastical here despite not being Catholic or even Christian. I agree with the PP who pointed out that most folks are familiar with quite a bit of Latin but not pronunciation. It also seems though, at least here is Aus that most people have been exposed through singing Haydn or Mozart Mass etc so ecclesiastical will be the most familiar.
  2. Oh so true. FWIW I don't say my 5 year old can read even though today she read aloud: Silver stork, flying high. And I can read very well. And on Friday she read: Please stand behind the yellow line. We haven't rung Grandma to say she can read and if anybody asks I will simply say that she is learning. At this point she can decode anything and. Read cvc words without sounding out but she is not fluent and the above sentences test the edge of her stamina. Yes, technically she is an emerging reader but I won't call her a reader until she can read an entire page of text (such as the first page of Charlotte's Web for example) without difficulty.
  3. We used the same since we are in Australia and the SGP edition has the same currency values. My DD quite enjoyed it, however when it came time for primary math 1A was kinda irrelevant and DD went straight to 1B. Perhaps the edition with only two books isn't quite as advanced?
  4. Yah. That's what I'm not getting either. I have to admit I'm overcome with curiosity about what "the lie" could be. That said, there are a couple of people who do know me irl but that I haven't spent much time with in the last 7-10 years who probably think my blog is pure fantasy.
  5. I'm a Buddhist. I live in Australia. I don't know any non-Buddhists who know what a boddhisattva is and have to say I imagine the USA would be similar. OP, we find most people don't know very much at all. But then, I don't claim to know much either ;) It doesn't help that the different forms of Buddhism can be so wildly different in practice. We follow a Tibetan tradition in which practice can be quite active so when I told a Christian friend DH would be at our meditation centre all day she assumed he would be staring at the wall Zen style for all that time.
  6. Well we did earlybird rather than EM and DD went straight into 1B so assuming EM is similar (I've heard it's better) I'm sure it will be fine.
  7. That was my first thought too. Unless you're a professor of early childhood education or maybe pediatric medicine, you probably don't come accross that many four year olds at work!
  8. Yes. Miquon Miquon Miquon given what you said you wanted it will be perfect. We use SM and Miquon and Mathletics because my mathy 5 year old can't get enough some days but she also doesn't like board games and (sometimes) DOES like workbooks. Miquon is our fun, challenging, completely non-workbook like program.
  9. My just turned 5 year old loves to play "make 10" with two sets of homemade 0-10 cards. She doesn't have many of them momorised but they are coming naturally as she continues to use them. Meanwhile she isn't having a problem with 1B or Mathletics. Just move on but find a way she enjoys to practice it.
  10. Bwahahaha! That really did have me laughing out loud :lol:
  11. Yes, Minister is awesome! No rewards here but I do make it clear occasionally that screentime must come after things like music practice etc.
  12. Oh so true about the loooooooooong day! My DD turned 5 a week ago. We identify as unschoolers and for her that has led to quite a bit of formal academic stuff. I have never ever required her to do any of it and it's only ever taken more than 10 minutes at a time when she wants it to. Like when she wakes up in the morning, grabs her Singapore Math workbook and announces "I want to do some activity book!" then proceeds to do 8 pages in one hit. OK, that only happened once but similar if less extreme versions are quite frequent. We currently have sitting around for her to use when she wants: * SM 1B * Miquon Orange * ETC 2.5 * Song School Latin and subscriptions to Reading Eggs and Mathletics. She finished the first grade syllabus of Mathletics a week before she turned 5 (and a month after we purchased it). Some days she will do some of all those things plus violin and piano practice, shopping erands with me, hang out in a park with friends for a few hours, watch her favourite scenes from all three Tinkerbell movies and still have time to drive me insane by terrorising her younger brother. Long days indeed! My DS is not quite 2 so outside of that range but his latest thing is begging to do Reading Eggs, luckily he is happy to sit next to her and watch while she does is about 70% of the time. He doesn't have the mouse skills to do it himself yet...
  13. My DD also loved Singapore earlybird at that age. I haven't seen SM Essentials but have read it's better.
  14. "I don't force my children to share their things, and most people I know irl don't either. We would strongly encourage sharing in this kind of situation, but not punish the child if he didn't feel able to share. So I'm wondering whether this mom follows that principle, or whether she was just not wanting to deal with a possible melt down at that moment" (sorry can't quote properly on my phone) AFAIK I don't have a child on the spectrum (but I would most likely have received an Asperger's diagnosis had anyone sought one out when I was a child and I have niggling concerns about DD nearly 5) but I do not force my child to share their belongings and neither do most of the parents we spend time with. We would all try to discourage a child from bringing to a park day any toys they might have difficulty sharing and encourage them to share any toys they did bring but if it was going to cause distress I would most certainly tell my DD she should ask for her belongings back. I'm guessing the mother in question either also follows that philosophy or sensed an epic meltdown approaching that she didn't have the energy for. I hope you find a way go connect with J without causing distress to your children or yourself.
  15. Ditto what Tracy said. Just pick a lesson and do it. I find one on what DD is currently interested in, then check if she knows all the prerequisite lessons. If not we start with one of those
  16. Better still would be that she gets the help she needs if it is PPD. If I were in your shoes I would be ignoring requests not to share the information and contacting the rest of my family to a) find out if anyone had the baby's father's contact details and b) try to get someone closer her to take her to a counselor familiar with PPD issues.
  17. DD 4 to a waitress who pretended to be scared of a toy shark she had. "But it's a whale shark! Don't you know they only eat plankton?!"
  18. Thanks for the library elf link. This looks really useful!
  19. Both mine got theirs at one year old which seems a bit out of the norm here bug we do something similar to the above. Everything goes back each visit unless I know we are for sure we are going again before they are due. It's a good incentive to actually read them.
  20. Yes, every morning except when DH does. Rarely in Summer we will have muesli (granola). Otherwise we cook. Our kids don't do well on cereal.
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