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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Our dentist uses a numbing medicine on a cotton ball applied to the gum before he gives the shot. The kids barely notice it. It really isn't a big deal at all. I'd avoid gas unless it was absolutely necessary.
  2. No. Doxycycline is sometimes used in combination with Bactrim (a sulfa antibiotic) for MRSA, but it isn't usually used alone for skin MRSA. Bactrim is often the first choice for uncomplicated MRSA. The -mycins are used when Bactrim isn't working. Some people use the -mycins first. It depends a lot on what the culture and sensitivity results are for that patient, and what is happening in the community. There is a difference between hospital acquired MRSA and community acquired MRSA, and they are treated differently. It's also treated differently depending on whether the infection is simple or complex, invasive or non-invasive. So there isn't one exact way to treat MRSA. There are also several different types of topical ointments that might be used. If the patient has an abscess, it usually needs to be opened up and drained.
  3. It can be a very difficult thing to treat. There just aren't that many options. But there are some, and if he's only been on one antibiotic that isn't enough. Silver sulfadiazine is an appropriate choice. But it's essential that the diagnosis is correct and that there aren't other secondary infections. Skin scrapings are generally to look for yeast, fungus, and parasites. Staph isn't diagnosed by a skin scraping. Cultures have to be done, and they would typically include antibiotic sensitivities if they identified staph. I'd be very surprised if that hasn't been done, probably multiple times. But I still think he needs a second opinion, because it can't hurt. He may just have a really, really stubborn case of staph.
  4. He needs a second opinion! The diagnosis may be wrong. He might have other issues in addition to staph. It may turn out that the second doctor will agree with the first, but you won't know if you don't try. What kind of doctor is he seeing? I'd go to a dermatologist if you aren't already doing that.
  5. :iagree: And in times of great stress, exercise is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your sanity.
  6. My kids often have ice cream at bedtime. I always have a bowl of pistachios and fruit sitting out, so they snack on that too.
  7. That's a separate issue that I'm not interested in discussing. I was responding to the comment that teaching young kids about reproduction is a new trend, which is just not accurate.
  8. But historically, at least in rural areas, kids learned much earlier than they do now. I don't see that that knowledge caused them to be promiscuous.
  9. It wasn't a stop, he was (sort of) directing traffic at a blocked off intersection, and basically walking up to people who were trying to get their cars turned around, yelling at them for coming down that road. There were no signs warning that the road was closed, and you couldn't tell until you turned onto it and then had nowhere to go. Anyway, there wouldn't have been a record of any interaction unless he was wearing a microphone. I'm sure the department could have figured out who it was, but it would have been a case of my word against his, and I really didn't think it would have made one bit of difference. In retrospect, I wish I would have reported him. If it ever happens again, I will.
  10. I wanted to ask for his badge number but was afraid I'd get my head blown off.
  11. :grouphug: I'm sorry; that's awful. But I think there is a difference between errors in judgment and out of control behavior. We're all human. I'm entirely tolerant of people that are trying to do a good job and make mistakes. I'm sympathetic to people who work with the segment of population that makes life difficult for the rest of us. It's hard, frustrating, thankless and dangerous work. But someone who carries a lethal weapon *has* to be able to control their anger and frustration. I have no sympathy for an incompetent or impaired surgeon. I have no tolerance for an officer that screams at an ordinary person sitting in traffic. There is just too much potential for tragic consequences. They need to find a different job if they can't maintain control.
  12. Do you know why you're anemic? Iron deficiency is one type but there are others, and if iron isn't helping you might have a different type. Have you had a thorough evaluation?
  13. Yes, he was an @sshole, not because the dog was doing his job, but because the cop was screaming and raving like a lunatic while allowing his dog to terrify a young child for NO REASON. That isn't doing your job.
  14. The specifics will vary from school to school. I can't copy and paste this, but here is an example.
  15. Having a bad day is no excuse for terrifying an innocent civilian. A rude cop is much more threatening than a rude salesperson. I had only met reasonable, polite, professional policeman until ten years ago. I then had an encounter with a raging, screaming, completely out of control cop, who let his German Shepherd jump on my car and stick his head in the back window where my terrified two year old sat in a car seat. The road was blocked off for some high profile politician, and he was directing traffic. He simply walked up to my car as I was waiting to turn around. I had done nothing wrong, had not broken any laws. I know there are mostly good cops. But it was a frightening experience I will never forget, and the two year old remembers it too. It only takes one bad apple.
  16. Here's a recipe for scalloped potatoes that looks delicious. But one serving has 688 calories and 56 grams of fat! How can that be healthy?:confused: Especially because I would probably eat three servings.:lol:
  17. I wouldn't really consider it healthy, but it depends on your ingredients. What kind of meat did you use? Ground beef is high in fat and I rarely use it. We eat red meat only about once a week, and then it is almost always whole muscle (steaks, ribs, etc.) Homemade bbq sauce is better than bottled, but it still has a lot of sugar, especially if you're using bottled ketchup. Scalloped potatoes - depends on what you use for the sauce. Could be really high in fat and calories if you're using cheese, butter and cream. Of course that's why they taste so good. Peas are good, unless you add butter. Applesauce has lots of sugar. I'd almost consider that dessert. That meal would have too much fat and sugar, and not enough veggies for my family. It would be fine every now and then, but not on a daily basis.
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