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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Of course I don't know anything about this person so can't know for sure. But HA-MRSA is usually associated with sick, hospitalized, patients and invasive procedures (catheters, IVs, surgeries, etc.) The vast majority of people that are out in the community with a mild MRSA skin infection don't have HA-MRSA, they have CA. It's certainly possible that she was recently in the hospital and had an IV and ended up with HA-MRSA on her arms. But generally they would be treating that much more aggressively and wouldn't have told her it was "mild" and "no big deal". I am in full agreement that many health care providers are terrible at following infection control procedures. It is a huge problem.
  2. No, but if her HCP told her it wasn't a big deal it's a good bet that it's CA, not HA. Yes, but if they're covered they aren't isolated, right? I would have no problem telling mil to stay home if she won't cover up. But if she's covered and not being touched, she's not a threat. Kids are different, as they don't keep their body parts and secretions to themselves. I wouldn't want an infected kid around others, even if they were appropriately covered . But a responsible covered-up adult? No problem. (Though this particular lady doesn't seem to qualify as responsible.)
  3. Okay, I really feel like I have to jump in here. There is no question that MRSA can be a terrible disease. HOWEVER, there is a big difference between MRSA that people get in the hospital (HA-MRSA, for hospital acquired MRSA) and MRSA people get in the community (CA-MRSA, or community acquired MRSA). HA-MRSA is far worse, much harder to treat, and much more dangerous. The great majority of CA-MRSA infections are mild skin infections and and are fairly easy to treat. Occasionally, CA-MRSA becomes invasive and can cause life threatening infections. That is rare, but it certainly can happen. Transmission is usually from either direct skin-to-skin contact with a person who has draining sores, or from someone who is an asymptomatic carrier and is carrying MRSA in their nasal passages and doesn't know it. It is possible to become infected from environmental surfaces, or from sharing towels, razors, etc. but it isn't the most common route of infection. Something like 20-30% of the population is carrying MRSA around in their nose and don't know it. I am not trying to minimize the dangers of MRSA. But I really want people to understand that the risk of acquiring MRSA from someone with their sores covered is very low, as long as you don't have physical contact with them. It isn't necessary for people with MRSA to isolate themselves, because as long as they are following infection control procedures, they are no more of a risk as the 20-30% of people walking around who have MRSA in their nose and don't know it. In fact, you are more likely to get it from an asymptomatic carrier than someone with covered sores. As I said before, I would tell mil to cover up or stay home. It's a very minor inconvenience for her, and if she isn't going to cooperate she needs to stay home. But if she covers up and doesn't hug anyone, she's really not a threat. Remember that 20-30% of your other guests probably are carrying it in their nose.
  4. I'd send her this information from CDC: Most MRSA is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact, so if she isn't touching anyone, or if the sores are dry and not draining the risk is low. But if it were me, I'd tell her to cover up any draining sores or not to come.
  5. I understand how frustrating it is, but you would not believe how many people lie about this. The doctors *have* to rule out a pregnancy because the consequences for missing an ectopic pregnancy are deadly. It is standard of care to do a pregnancy test in ALL women with acute abdominal pain, whether they say they're sexually active or not. Most patients are telling the truth. They know that. But they can't guess which ones are and which ones aren't. A pregnancy test is simple, cheap, and lifesaving.
  6. Pushups and jumping jacks worked well for discipline here. I also had the kids do jumping jacks or run around the house a few times not so much for discipline, but for working off some of their energy when they would get a little squirrely. Much better than timeouts, IMO.
  7. One reason they would want to see you is so they can culture the urine and find out what is causing the infection. Then they run sensitivities, to see which antibiotics will work. Lots of people will treat once without a culture, but if the infection returns, they will *really* want to do the culture and sensitivity. It's not a good idea to keep treating something without knowing what exactly the problem is, kwim? I'm pm'ing you.
  8. Our handle broke too! And it's LOUD. Makes a grinding noise. And the glasses never get clean. It doesn't leak yet though.:001_huh:
  9. Did you try to google your husband's phone number? It must be a typo, and if it's on the Internet somewhere, maybe you can find it and email the misinformation to the organization. I'd google dh's number along with "Benny Hinn" and see what you get. Also, have you asked some of the callers where they found the number they're calling?
  10. I wish I would have done this. We bought a Maytag Quiet series 200 3 years ago and I hated it from the beginning. It never did clean well, and now parts are falling off of it. So we're replacing it after only 3 years. I wish I would have returned it in the beginning. Want to tell us what kind it is?;)
  11. Did you try these? Customer Service: Phone: 877-227-6368 Email: cservice@imail.bennyhinn.org Donations & Product Orders: Phone: 800-433-1900 General Correspondence: Email: inforequest@imail.bennyhinn.org Web Related Issues: Email: webhelp@imail.bennyhinn.org
  12. I'm not from there but the Black Hills area is one of my favorite places to visit. I have no idea what it's like to live there though.
  13. Orthopods specialize in the entire musculoskeletal system - so bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, soft tissues. I would be more comfortable with an orthopod than a podiatrist for an acute injury, especially in a child. You have many good questions- did you ask the podiatrist? I think the answers would depend on how severe the injury is and how quickly he's healing. Here is some very general information about muscle contusions.
  14. Sounds like my dh. Was he wearing Birkenstocks with socks? :lol:
  15. Depends on who you want to listen to. There is a good explanation here. In a nutshell, earlier screening doesn't improve survival all that much (but does find more cancers), and does increase harm. So it's a risk-benefit issue, and different groups have come to different conclusions. If you want a perspective of a breast surgeon, Respectful Insolence has a post about mammography recommendations here. The reasons for recommending delaying until age 50: and
  16. As I was searching for an explanation for your question, I ran across this: I thought I had learned that there was an exception to this once. I think it's the 'ers' at the end of the name that makes it sound wrong. Walterses Turnerses Meyerses They all sound bad. But Adamses Williamses Robertses all sound okay to me. Anyway, this is what that site says about possessives:
  17. If you like fossils the Devonian Fossil Gorge near Coralville, Iowa, is interesting. Flyer
  18. What is the rule for pluralizing last names that end in 's'? Let's say the last name is 'Butters', and I want to say that they live in Chicago. "The Butterses live in Chicago" sounds wrong, but "The Butters live in Chicago" is singular. Why does "The Butterses live in Chicago" sound wrong but "The Thomases live in Chicago" sound fine? I realize that I could say "The Butters family lives in Chicago" and avoid the problem, but I'd like to know what's correct. Thanks.
  19. But is there *nothing* that you don't think is worthwhile? I'm not sure where I draw the line, but I do have a line, somewhere. I am trying to teach my kids that just because they want to do something isn't necessarily a good enough reason to do it. Trying to figure out what is worthwhile and what isn't is tough for me. But I sure don't believe that a desire to do a thing is always sufficient reason to do it.
  20. Cha Cha's White Chicken chili with sandwiches and a salad bar
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