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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I worked at an A & W for a short time in high school. When the cook saw a customer he didn't like, he spit on the grill and fried his hamburger in it. :ack2:
  2. I wish there was a peer reviewed article explaining how they chose their subjects and analyzed the data. I would believe it could help shy kids who lack confidence, but I am very skeptical that it would help dyslexic kids or those with rapid naming deficits.
  3. I'm not sure why it would be impossible. :confused: There are many excellent studies on reading acquisition. There is a difference between kids who aren't reading because they aren't taught until they are older, and kids who aren't reading in spite of instruction at younger ages. Unfortunately, fluency is very, very hard to increase in kids who have deficits in rapid naming speed. Torgeson
  4. I try to avoid any kind of test unless it's absolutely necessary. The "awful" things almost always show up on a physical exam. Neurologists are really good at finding abnormalities on the physical. If he had a normal exam, it's awfully unlikely that he would have something bad show up on CT or MRI. Read this about CT scans.
  5. :iagree: The techniques listed on that page are all good. Reading fluency at 3rd grade (and probably earlier) is predictive of reading fluency and comprehension in high school. So I disagree with the idea that kids develop at their own rate, and it will just get better on it's own. It might, but it usually doesn't improve without intervention.
  6. I just googled "how to annoy neighbors" and I am :lol::lol::lol:. Found some great ideas but they really aren't very nice.
  7. I know you saw pediatric neurologists in the past. Did they ever do an EEG? Usually with vasovagal syncope kids get very pale, but not ususally blue. Blue in the face is more frequently associated with seizures. But if she had a normal EEG I'd be inclined to think it's vasovagal syncope and she'll probably outgrow it. With a normal EKG and echo you can feel confident her heart is fine. If it were my dd I'd want an EEG if she hasn't yet had one. If that were normal, I'd be able to relax.
  8. I don't like my appliances out, mainly because they get dirty and collect animal hair. I *hate* pulling my bagel out of the toaster and finding cat hair on it. Gag. So I had my dh build a wooden appliance cover. It looks similar to this: but the front is plain with one metal handle that matches the cupboard handles. It's painted off white to match the kitchen cabinets. The back is open, so it just slides forward when I want to use the toaster. My old house had a built in appliance cover on the counter, similar to this: It wouldn't work in my current kitchen, but I want this in my next house.
  9. This is the one I use too. Instead of pie crust, I put the filling in a casserole bowl and top with puff pastry.
  10. :iagree: with all of this. The car seats are non-negotiable. We had a similar issue with my in-laws. We put a stop to all unsupervised visits.
  11. This is my favorite. Substitute Butterscotch chips for the chocolate.
  12. No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
  13. Terro bait. It will take a week or so. Be patient. It works.
  14. Well, I almost posted the same thing yesterday after being extremely rude to the guy at the Verizon store. I used to be nice and polite, but I'm turning into a nasty old bag. I must say I am awfully tired of getting jerked around by cell phone companies. But that's no excuse for what I said to him.
  15. I have to leave in a few minutes but will try to quickly answer a few things: I wouldn't call it a hairline fracture- those are typically caused by repetitive stress (like running, causing shin splints). He had a traumatic injury, so if there is a fracture, I'd think it would be more significant than just a hairline fracture. You are right about the contusions being bruises. I would be concerned about kayaking with a cast. What if it capsizes? Could he get out? Could he swim with a cast on? It sounds risky to me, but I am not a kayaker. I would definitely ask the doctor about it tomorrow. :grouphug: to your son. This stinks.
  16. If you cut the stem the long way, starting at the ground and moving outwards, you might be able to see one. Science experiment!
  17. NHANES did do that, although I haven't looked at their publications to see how they report their results. I think for statistical purposes, BMI is the standard measure.
  18. NHANES uses face-to-face interviews and physical exams.
  19. I wouldn't call it similar, but The Stand is one of my all time favorite books.
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