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Everything posted by Perry

  1. My mother, born and raised in Iowa, used to say it to me. I don't use it and don't hear it often.
  2. Did you actually see a spider? MRSA is very frequently confused with spider bites. I'd have her seen. AAFP
  3. Unfortunately, no. Here are some of the "strategies" my dd's "balanced literacy" (aka whole language in sheep's clothing) teacher wanted her to use. The poems I quoted are taught to the kids. My dd was incredibly confused, crying and throwing books across the room in frustration. I got her a phonics curriculum and she gained years in just a few weeks. "Get your mouth ready." "Look at the picture and guess." "Look at the shape of the word and guess." "Think what would make sense and guess." "Look at the first letter and guess."
  4. Yes, Grant Wood AEA is the place to start.
  5. Instead of a post, you see a box that says Of course the stars spell out their name. There is also an option to view the post, and if you click it, the post shows up. I guess I'm juvenile for having an ignore list. But I'm not sure why having someone on ignore is any different than just not reading the post. For me, it's a reminder that the post was written by someone I am better off not interacting with. I don't always look at the name before I read a post. This way, I have a warning. I have people I avoid IRL too. It's no different.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean. If you want to be technical about the word "prove", science never proves anything. It provides evidence. There is plenty of evidence that trying to teach using learning styles theory doesn't improve educational outcomes.
  7. :iagree: :iagree: If memory serves, about 60% will have difficulty unless they have systematic phonics. I'll see if I can find my source.
  8. There has been plenty of research on learning styles, and there is no good evidence that there is any benefit to using them. Learning Styles Concepts and Evidence Harold Pashler,1 Mark McDaniel,2 Doug Rohrer,3 and Robert Bjork4 Dan Willingham is my hero.
  9. A Synthesis of Research on Reading from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development by Bonita Grossen University of Oregon November, 1997
  10. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I understand that this is what you were taught. But it isn't supported by evidence. In fact, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the use of phonics for reading instruction. Unfortunately, teacher training programs are much more interested in ideology than evidence. So we have millions of children who can't read and can't spell. I don't have a problem with the use of whole language if by whole language you are talking about reading good books. But it has no place in the teaching of decoding.
  11. This worked for my dd too, although it wore off after a couple weeks and the acne came back.
  12. My kids are good eaters and I've never had much of a problem with pickiness. While I'd like to take credit, I suspect genetics has quite a bit to do with it. Picky Eaters? They Get It From You I've always given my kids choices, although the choices are healthy. I wouldn't have a problem with picky eaters as long as they're eating nutritious food.
  13. I ditched the Swiffer. It wasn't getting my wood floors clean. I mop with Bona now. So far I haven't had to scrub.
  14. Here? That is your anatomic snuff box. Two of the more likely possibilities: 1. de Quervain's tenosynovitis Try the Finkelstein test The Finkelstein test (consisting of flexion of the thumb across the palm and then ulnar deviation of the wrist) causes sharp pain at the first dorsal compartment (see image below).6 The Finkelstein test draws the tendons of the first dorsal compartment distally and causes sharp, local pain when tendon entrapment has occurred and inflammation is present. 2. Arthritis of the CMC (carpal-metacarpal) joint There is a ton of information if you google each of those. If you have signs of infection, you should be seen right away. Otherwise, your hand won't fall off. I think.
  15. I lived in Martinsburg for a year. It's a beautiful area and convenient to DC. I was single and found it a little boring. Maybe there's more to do there now. The schools had a terrible reputation. I really loved Shepherdstown and think it would be a great place to live.
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