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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I ordered the homeschool package. There is a student book and a "homeschool edition" book, but there isn't a Teacher's manual. Do I have the wrong thing? There aren't any instructions in my book. Just answers. :confused:
  2. This was a last minute decision, and I haven't had much time to look at it. But it appears that it's not divided up into lessons. I've never used anything like this. Do I have to plan ahead? That's not how I operate. I'm a do-the-next-page kind of homeschooler. We have MCT level 4 and Essay Voyage. Do you just do some of each every day? How much? Or do you alternate books, or what? Are there threads about scheduling MCT? I searched but didn't come up with anything. I like books with one lesson per day. Maybe we'll do K12 after all.
  3. I mostly agree with you. But it's a matter of degree. I think this is wrong, but it's not a deal breaker. There are also lessons to be learned from sticking with something for the sake of the team, even though you disagree with something in principle. I think lots of things are wrong. If we quit every activity that I had issues with we wouldn't get out much. :D
  4. :iagree: and I think this is a huge part of the problem. There is a very negative, catty, competitive atmosphere among the moms, and that may be part of what is turning me off so much.
  5. No, size is a non-issue. There are different categories-- small group might be 15 or less, large group 16 and up. I think each competition has its own categories, but I'm not sure. They can have however many girls they want. There isn't a problem with attitude. Attendance is mandatory, and it isn't tested by the girls, ever. If you miss a practice you miss the next game or competition or whatever. It just isn't an issue. BTW, my dd hasn't been told she's sitting out, and I think it's unlikely that she wouldn't be able to dance, so my rant isn't over sour grapes. I just am shocked and appalled at the degree of competitiveness in this and so many other activities.
  6. Well, I really wasn't asking for opinions on whether she should participate or not. We don't quit commitments in the middle of the season. We won't make any decisions about next year until this season is over. I was more interested in others' perspectives on requiring try outs for an already established pom squad. Apparently I'm in the minority, which is fine. It helps me put this in perspective. It doesn't necessarily change my mind.
  7. I see what you're saying, but a hemoglobin of 20 would be bizarre in a 12 year old, and it wouldn't result in the doctor suggesting they discuss nutrition and fitness. It doesn't make sense for either of those tests.
  8. The coach has some group rate deal that would probably save us about $700 if we commit now. It isn't the money so much as the principle. These girls were selected to perform as a squad. If they (coaches) didn't think they were good enough to compete, I don't know why they chose them for the team in the first place.
  9. My dog died las fall, but she used to sleep in a crate. Her preference.
  10. Thanks for the input. I shouldn't be surprised to hear that it's commonplace. For those who have kids in competitive dance, do your studios also require tryouts for competitions? Ours doesn't, and I've never heard of it. I'm wondering what the difference is. Maybe because poms is a school activity instead of private? It just seems like a sad direction. Maybe next they'll start making the band and orchestra students try out to be able to play in the concerts.
  11. She also does studio dance, and she gets all those things that you list from dance. Poms is a different story. While there are some positive life lessons, there are far more that I would consider negative and unhealthy.
  12. Nausea after eating is often caused by gastritis. You could try something OTC like Pepcid or Prilosec.
  13. Against my better judgment, I allowed my oldest dd to try out for the ps pom squad. They perform at games, but the emphasis is on competition. Under the current coach, the squad has competed and placed well on the national level. This is a big, big deal to these girls. They practice an outrageous number of hours per week. It is a huge commitment, and it isn't cheap. The coach has announced a new policy that participation in each competition is going to be on a try out basis. (They had to try out to make the squad in the first place, but performing at competitions is going to require an additional tryout.) Several girls were told today that they wouldn't be performing at an upcoming local competition, so she means business. These dances are choreographed with all 15 girls included. All the girls perform at the games. If they decide to remove someone for the competition, the dance has to be changed and adapted for fewer girls. This seems ridiculous to me. If they're good enough to make the squad in the first place and to perform at games, it seems to me they ought to be able to compete in all the competitions. The national competition is in Orlando in February. All the girls on the team are required to go, whether they are allowed to dance or not. I am especially annoyed, because we (family members) need to decide *now* if we want to go in order to get discount airline tickets. But they won't have try outs for nationals until January. I am not interested in schlepping the whole family to Orlando if dd isn't even going to be allowed to dance. Dh thinks it's a reasonable policy, no different than basketball, where many players sit on the bench. This seems different to me, because of the nature of dance, but I'm having trouble articulating why. I've never been an athlete. I don't get this whole cut throat competition mentality. Am I nuts, or is this just totally over the top?
  14. I would call tomorrow and ask for the result of the hemoglobin A1c. If they again tell you that it is 20, please tell them you want to come in and have the test redone immediately. I've never heard of an a1c over 13 or 14, and that would be an extreme value in poorly controlled diabetics. More likely, it's a lab mistake or a miscommunication. Did they check a blood glucose (sugar)? Ask for that result. If it's normal, it's impossible for her to have an A1c of 20. :grouphug:
  15. Oh, it's so complicated. I don't think I really understand the problem. I think it is related to a loss of confidence and self respect, although it could simply be a rejection of the values and expectations that she was raised with. It isn't teen age rebellion or drama; I actually think I could handle that, having been an extremely obnoxious and rebellious teen. She's just so different than I was at that age, I just don't really 'get' her, and can't identify with what she's dealing with. Maybe I don't need a book. Maybe we need counseling. I don't know.
  16. Just discovered it's available on the Kindle. For some reason I thought it wasn't. Guess I won't have to wait.
  17. Thanks for reminding me! I've been checking the library catalog periodically to get on the waiting list, but it wasn't in the system a few days ago. I just checked and it's there. I'm #16!
  18. She's 16. We actually get along very well. She doesn't argue and isn't rebellious. Let's just say----I'm concerned about character issues.
  19. Those lids drove me nuts. I put all the lids in a 2.5 gallon ziploc bag - round lids in one bag, square/rectangular in another bag. Much better. I :001_wub: ziplocs.
  20. I was a pretty confident parent until my oldest hit puberty. This child has always been a challenge but we've managed pretty well until recently. Things have gone downhill. I'm seriously in over my head. What are your favorite books for advice on parenting teen girls? I'm also interested in books targeted towards teens themselves. I've read Reviving Ophelia, Queen Bees and Wannabees, Teen Proofing and 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. They've been helpful, but I'd like other suggestions, especially from a secular perspective. I asked dd to read the 7 Habits book but she is refusing. Says it's boring. :confused:
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