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Everything posted by Perry

  1. You are making a statement. It's not your fault they aren't listening.
  2. I was thinking of something like a routine traffic stop, where someone didn't have a valid license and didn't speak English. I think you'd have to be brain dead not to *wonder* if they were here illegally, and since that's against the law, I'd think the police would have the ability to ask for documentation.
  3. I checked other. I use it every day, but I don't love it.
  4. I have Dear Abby's "House Rules" on my refrigerator. Here is a copy of the article. Since it's a picture, I can't copy it.
  5. I'm curious about this: Does it really require legislation for police to verify someone's immigration status? If someone is here illegally, and the police suspect that, why do they need a separate law to ask for their identification? I'm confused. Seems like they would be able to do that routinely.
  6. This is more long term, but I used to tape a $5 bill at the back of a workbook. When they were done with it, the money was theirs. My dd finished a math workbook in a couple days once, because she really wanted that money!
  7. Well, it isn't an option for everyone. I would give them the benefit of doubt- they know their child and their situation, and know that it wouldn't work. I've homeschooled my kids, and now they are back in school. I am convinced that for one of them, homeschooling was not in his/her best interest. Homeschooling that child again is not an option. If I had been objective and not so stubborn and bull headed, I would have recognized much earlier that ps, while far from perfect, was the better choice. So when people say it's not an option, I admire that they know their limitations. I didn't and wish I would have.
  8. If he gets all the way through the series, you probably won't need to do any more reading instruction. If he still needs more work, maybe Rewards Intermediate would be helpful. Other possibilities would be ABeCeDarian level D and Megawords.
  9. I believe you are only able to edit posts for a week. After that, the edit feature disappears.
  10. :grouphug:That stinks. Mean old bat. Me! Me! I'm so glad you're happy with them. They were great for my son.
  11. But as a pp commented, we've been wearing clothes and living in non-tropical climates for tens of thousands of years. That should be long enough to evolve some sort of adaptation.
  12. This is a good question, and it makes you wonder why we would have adapted (evolution-wise) this way. I don't know the answer. But it certainly is possible that a great deal of cancer/heart disease/etc. is preventable if we had adequate vitamin D levels.
  13. There aren't very many dietary sources of vitamin D. Some fish, like wild salmon, tuna and mackerel, have large amounts of vitamin D but few of us eat enough fish to meet needs. Milk has vitamin D supplements (it's not there naturally) but most of us don't drink enough milk either. Most vitamin D comes from the sun, but few of us get enough sun exposure. I just read an interesting article on the history of rickets, and prior to 1930 rickets was very common in this country. It was apparently the use of cod liver oil and fortification of milk that led to the near eradication of rickets in the US. Also, infant formula has adequate vitamin D and most breastfed babies are given vitamins. otherwise, they would be deficient.
  14. One more question- if vitamin D deficiency is rampant, why are we not seeing an epidemic of rickets? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm really curious whether there is undiagnosed mild rickets happening, or if the vitamin D levels aren't low enough to cause rickets. I don't know much about rickets. I've looked and haven't found found a satisfactory answer.
  15. Latitude 42°N She'll get adequate midday sun a few days per week from June through mid-August. Over what period of time should it increase by this much? We're friends, professional peers, and she is my husband's partner (he's a family practice doctor). I'd like to approach it as an educational opportunity. She is a reasonable person, and willing to look at evidence. *I* need to review and evaluate the evidence first. I'm not entirely on the vitamin D bandwagon, myself. This sort of thing comes up frequently, and is almost always overblown. Typically, there's lots of hype, and after the evidence sorts itself out it turns out that there's some benefit but it's not nearly as much as originally thought. I'm not saying vit D isn't important, just that it's entirely natural -and warranted- for clinicians to be skeptical. I need to spend some time sorting through the information and pass on to her what I think is important. The local hospital lab. From my understanding, there is huge inter-lab variability. I'd really like to have everyone tested. I've already had everyone start taking 1000 IU/ day. Thanks again for the information.
  16. Maybe it's regional. It definitely wasn't like this when I was a kid. High school graduation parties are a BIG DEAL here. Parents spend months preparing. I know a family that completely re-landscaped their backyard (in a major way) in preparation for the party. They gather years of photos, report cards, sports memorabilia and put together collages, PowerPoint presentations, soundtracks and large shrines for the graduate. They are catered affairs for hundreds of guests. We have invitations to about 10 of these things this year, and it will be more than that steadily for the next few years. We had been giving $50 to good friends, $100 for relatives. But it could quickly get out of hand. My children know that they will not be having a party. They will get dinner at a restaurant of their choice. :D
  17. Love my Honda Pilot. It's 6 years old and has 110,000 miles, and I haven't had a single problem with it.
  18. Cillakat, or others knowledgeable about vitamin D, I have a question about these numbers. I spent some time looking at Cannel's site, but can't find it and wonder if you can point me in the right direction. I'm interested in how they are coming up with these recommendations for optimal serum levels. My dd's level is 17 ng/mL. Her doctor wants her to take 1000 IU/day and recheck in 3 months. She said the target is to have her over 30 ng/mL. I've put her on 5000 IU/day, but want to have some literature with me when we go back in. I'm looking for actual studies with evidence that higher levels are associated with improved clinical outcomes. I know that my physician is not going to be on board if the recommended levels are arbitrarily set. Also, do you take Ca and Mg or other minerals along with your vit D? How much? Thanks!
  19. :lol: Well, I *thought* it applied to washing floors - IOW, make sure you clean in the corners. I pictured lazy mopping, resulting in rounded corners. But I could be wrong. It just struck me as a great metaphor for attention to detail.
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