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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I heard this one on this board many years ago: "Don't let the corners get round." I don't know who said it, but I've always loved that one.
  2. My dds took the class and thought it was great.
  3. Thanks. I was hoping you'd chime in. I sort of figured this was the case, although theoretically it should be possible, so I was hoping it would be useful to them. Guess they'll just have to wait and see.
  4. I was a junior in college in Boulder, Colorado. We had a fine layer of ash all over everything.
  5. My brother recently rescued an abandoned puppy. They are now thinking it might be an Anatolian Shepherd. Someone suggested they use a DNA test kit to figure out what it is. Anatolian Shepherd isn't on the list, so it probably wouldn't be useful for their purposes, but I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with these kits.
  6. How did yours turn out? I made it tonight, and it was a big hit. It wasn't exactly grab and go, though. We had to eat it with a spoon. This recipe is a keeper for us.
  7. :iagree:If I've had a bad night, I still have to get up, but I don't have to get dressed, or take a shower, or look presentable, or be nice to strangers.
  8. Are you upset because she asked you this? Sounds like she is just trying to fully understand the situation. I wouldn't be upset about that.
  9. I've never made this one, but it has a 5 star rating from Allrecipes with 163 reviews, so it must be good. I've never been disappointed with a highly rated recipe (as long as it has many reviews) from that site. I think I'll make it on Monday so will let you know how it turns out.
  10. I've never made rhubarb cake, but I made this pie last week and it was delicious. I used this pie crust.
  11. Wanted to mention something else-- Videotaping is not allowed at dance competitions, because choreography is protected. You can purchase DVDs professionally made, but you're not supposed to put them on Youtube. Whoever posted this was surely doing it illegally, but I have to say I'm really glad to see it getting national attention. It's totally out of control.
  12. Both my girls do competition dance and we see dances like this (from other studios, not ours) all the time. It is appalling. The first time we were exposed to something like this, several of the dance moms and I went to the studio director and thanked her for her good judgment in selecting costumes and choreography. Unfortunately, the judges seem to like it, because those sort of dances always win. The past two years, several of the competition companies have started giving out special awards to studios whose costumes are "age-appropriate and tasteful", (several of which our studio have won) so I think there may be some efforts to tone it down. The worst is when I have to bring my 12 year old son to a competition. He spends a good bit of the time with his head inside his sweatshirt, saying "this is inappropriate, tell me when it's over."
  13. :iagree:If you like KFC coleslaw, this is similar.
  14. I just slice it up and add it to salad.
  15. -3^2=-9 (-3)^2=9 So I think the answer key is correct. Explanation here.
  16. From NIH If they are just doing it when they want to, and don't really feel a "need" to do it, it's not really a tic.
  17. I have a vague memory of this, but it's been a long time. I googled "multiply ordered pairs" and found this. (a,b) * (c,d) = (ac-bd,ad+bc) so (72-12,36+24) =(60,60) But I can't explain it.
  18. I'm on a Stephen King binge. Right now I'm reading The Talisman. I'm also reading Hold on To Your Kids, something I've seen recommended here frequently. So far, not impressed. But I've got a ways to go.
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