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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Maybe in high doses, but I don't agree that it's a neurotoxicant* at normal doses found in foods. Lots of things we normally ingest (alcohol, tylenol, table sugar, certain minerals, caffeine, etc.) are neurotoxicants at high doses, but they are perfectly safe, sometimes even necessary, at normal levels. *ETA: toxin: a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism. toxicant: a toxic agent, usually one produced by human-made activity, such as pesticide. Although strictly speaking toxin should be used only for biologically produced substances and not as a synonym for toxic or toxicant, popular usage interchanges the terms. A toxic agent is anything that can produce an adverse biological effect. All toxins are toxicants. Not all toxicants are toxins.
  2. The first set of vaccines are these: None of them are live. The only live vaccines are MMR and Chickenpox (start at 12-15 months) and flumist. Oral polio was live but inactivated polio vaccine is used now instead.
  3. It's true that they often struggle with comprehension of material they read to themselves. Their listening comprehension is usually much better than their written comprehension. Sorry, I should have explained better.
  4. Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz is my favorite. Here is an article with a list of symptoms. People with dyslexia have problems with hearing the sounds in words (phonemic awareness) and in rapid naming (dysnomia or rapid automatic naming deficit). Most have normal or superior comprehension, so the fact that he has good comprehension and retell does NOT mean he doesn't have dyslexia. Good luck.
  5. :iagree: Eye color inheritance is complicated. The only way to be sure is a DNA test.
  6. My girls are 2 1/2 years apart. I have a big rubbermaid box that I toss all of older dd's clothes in when she grows out of them. When seasons change and younger dd needs new clothes, I have her go through the box and pick out what she wants to keep, and then we go shopping for whatever she needs that she didn't get from the box. I don't expect her to want to keep everything, and she gets plenty of new things.
  7. Hallucinations have been reported (rarely) with Mucinex, but they can also be caused by some viruses and with fevers. My kids have had hallucinations when they have influenza. It's nerve wracking. There are several different Mucinex products. Does it have phenylephrine in it? I think phenylephrine is more likely to cause problems than the guafenesin. Let us know what the doctor says. :grouphug:
  8. I want dd to take online Latin classes beginning next year, for 8th grade, and to continue through 4 years of HS. We did Latin for Children A,B, and part of C, but it's been a couple years and I don't think she remembers all that much. What are our options? I know about the Memoria Press courses, but what else is available? Secular is preferable, but not absolutely required. I can't help her much, so it needs to be something that does not need much parental involvement. Thanks.
  9. I want dd to take online Latin classes beginning next year, for 8th grade, and to continue through 4 years of HS. We did Latin for Children A,B, and part of C, but it's been a couple years and I don't think she remembers all that much. What are our options? I know about the Memoria Press courses, but what else is available? Secular is preferable, but not absolutely required. I can't help her much, so it needs to be something that does not need much parental involvement. Thanks.
  10. I checked all except allergens. I should have checked other, because I also avoid fish and shellfish likely to have high levels of heavy metals. I also avoid many foods because I'm opposed to the methods of production, even though the food itself might not be "toxic" - CAFO's, veal, fish farming, etc.
  11. Oh, I forgot you were doing a poll. I guess that wouldn't really be helpful for a poll. I was thinking maybe you were going to write a blog post or research paper or something. Sorry.
  12. Great list! I think I might start with two categories first: Intentional and unintentional toxins, and then further categorize. Although there would be some gray area- I'm not sure where you would put pesticides. Just a thought.
  13. Ds had one on the end of his nose. It was mostly gone by age 7 or 8, completely gone by 10. His cousin had a large one on her cheek, but I don't remember when it disappeared. She's 12 now and it has been several years. When friends asked, we explained that it was a tangle of blood cells, it was harmless, and it would disappear on its own. When nosy strangers asked we smiled and told them it was an angel kiss. Now it's a distant memory.
  14. My kids love their Nana's green bean casserole (the famous recipe on the can of fried onions), so I grudgingly make it for them on Thanksgiving. I can't stand the stuff.
  15. Lots of things can cause hip pain. Sort of sounds like iliotubal band syndrome (can cause hip or knee pain), bursitis, or snapping hip syndrome. You need a good exam to know what's going on though.
  16. I called several times about my dog. Twice they told me what she'd eaten was safe and not going to harm her. (Once it was terro ant bait, and once it was some type of plant.) The third time, when she'd eaten a couple 4th of July sparklers, they told me they were quite toxic and to call the vet. So my understanding is that they can tell you whether or not something is poisonous, but if it is, they refer you to the vet. They were always very helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly.
  17. Isn't there a free poison control line? I've called ours before about my dog. I didn't know there was a separate animal poison control.
  18. Our state law requires front seat occupants wear safety belts, but it's not required of anyone else.
  19. Yes, definitely! My dh is 5 years younger, so I'm a little concerned that it will make the age difference even more obvious. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. :tongue_smilie: I'm 51, and the last year or two I've really started to notice my appearance changing. I don't much like it. But my current color is starting to feel very fake and artificial. I wish I could know what it would look like if I let it go natural. If it looked like Doran's, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I think it's going to be very kinky, wiry, dark steel gray. Yuk.
  20. Thanks for all the suggestions. I have an appointment for color next week and I'll talk to my stylist about it. I think I know what she's going to say.;)
  21. Here are the rules for the Iowa drivers permit. So are other passengers allowed in the car, like friends or sibs? My dd was supposed to get a ride home from dance with a friend's dad last night. Instead, he let the 14 yo dd drive. She has had her permit for one month. This is not okay with me. I didn't think it was even legal to have anyone in the car except the supervisor, but now that I look at it, it's kind of ambiguous. How do you interpret it? Do you let your novice drivers have passengers while they're learning to drive?
  22. :iagree:Great site. We built a cage similar to this from instructions at the website. Ours had to be covered to keep the cats out, but it isn't necessary. Those small cages you get at the pet store just aren't big enough. We had two but one was a bully and they fought, so they had to be separated. We fed them dry food, lots of veggies, and timothy. Ours both lived over 5 years.
  23. I've found it very easy to use, and my kids can use it without difficulty. It's very straightforward and includes all the trees you'd normally find on a hike. I don't think it includes ornamental type trees. It's small and easy to take with you, and it's cheap. I found one at half price books for $2. It doesn't have any information about the trees though, it's strictly for identification.
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