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Everything posted by Perry

  1. My dh and I are so science oriented that inquiry has just always been incorporated into everything we do. We question everything. We talk about how we know what we know, and how would we would figure something out if we wanted to know it. We discuss how we we would design an experiment, and what the results would, and would not, tell us. Have you ever listened to John Tesh on the radio? He's constantly talking about "studies" that have shown one thing or another. His conclusions are often erroneous, and we study those (and other media science "reporting") as examples. As far as content, we just read tons of science-y books when they were little, and did lots of nature studies. They're all pretty good scientific thinkers.
  2. There was a recent study that showed that when kids were given paracetamol (Tylenol) after vaccination, they had less of an immune response. IOW, it interfered with the immune response and they produced fewer antibodies. BBC article I don't generally give it for infectious illnesses unless the kids are really feeling awful. I'm more liberal with it for things like muscle aches and pains.
  3. Thank you. I didn't have a good feeling about those but she was determined. They might just disappear...
  4. The honey is working well here too. My dd just started using Biore pore strips today. I think it takes a few weeks before you see any results. I'll let you know if it works, but it might be awhile. :)
  5. My homeschooled 9th grader makes similar mistakes. It's not because of lack of effort.
  6. Here is some information that may help put things in perspective. There have been a couple recent studies that measured how much radiation patients receive from CT scans, and then use mathematical modeling to predict how many additional cases of cancer would result. Current lifetime risk of cancer (all causes) is about 40%. IOW, about 40% of Americans will develop cancer sometime during their life. So of those 270 women, you would expect about 108 (270*.4 = 108) cases of cancer to occur anyway. So one additional case isn’t much, compared to the background rate. (I haven’t read the original study, so I don’t know what kinds of cancer they predicted as a result of the heart scan. If they limited it to chest and abdominal cancers, you’d expect less than 108.) Lifetime risk of brain cancer is about .6%. or 6/1000. So in a population of 8,100 women, you would expect about 49 of them to develop brain cancer at some time in their life (8100*.006=48.6). This study would predict one additional case beyond the background cases due to the CT scan radiation, or 50 instead of 49. I am not trying to minimize the risks. The scans can, and absolutely should, be made safer. I wouldn’t get a CT unless I felt it was absolutely medically necessary. BUT, the absolute risk to any individual is very, very small, and when compared to the background rates will account for only a very small proportion of cases. HTH
  7. Sorry, I wasn't clear about that. Here, dual enrollment means part time homeschooling. She will go to ps for most of her classes but will do math (and maybe a couple other classes) at home. We homeschooled for 5 years, but she went back to ps this year for 7th grade. Beginning next year, she wants to do math at home. My main question is that after Alg 2, our ps requires 2 years of math before starting Calculus. I was under the impression that most homeschoolers do one year of precalc, then calculus. I was hoping to hear if anyone is doing this sequence Functions, Statistics, and Trig. Pre-Calculus and Discrete Math Advanced Placement Calculus (AB and BC) instead of one year of precalculus, then calculus. Our ps uses UCSMP, which neither of us likes. I like the idea of taking two years before starting calculus, because I don't really want her to finish calc in 10th grade, but I don't know if there are any other curricula that do this sequence. For those that do AP calc, can you take it after one year of precalc, or would you do a year of regular calc then a year of AP calc? What do your kids do for math if they finish calculus early?
  8. What do you do after Algebra 2? My dd will dual enroll for HS math, and I need a plan. What are some of your favorite curricula? We used Foerster for Algebra 1 and will use it for Algebra 2 next year. She is in Geometry (UCSMP) at school this year, and hates it. This is the sequence our local district uses. Is this standard? Functions, Statistics, and Trig. Pre-Calculus and Discrete Math Advanced Placement Calculus (AB and BC) Statistics is an elective.
  9. :iagree: This is what we would do too. There will be plenty more competitions.
  10. Lots of people are asking, and answering, those questions. Although as Jen pointed out, rates are decreasing, not increasing, for many diseases.
  11. Before my kids went back to ps, I was led to believe that all you need is a pulse to get an A. That has not been our experience. My dd is very bright, but she isn't getting As. It is entirely due to lack of effort. But As are not just handed out on a platter here. I think the parents of the non-A students just aren't quite so vocal about their kids grades.
  12. We're getting ready to go to Des Moines for the boys' basketball semifinals. If we win today, we're going back tomorrow for finals. The opposing team (assuming we both win today) has Harrison Barnes, who many consider the nation's best high school player. Should be fun to watch. Sunday we go to the Wisconsin Dells for a few days. Busy weekend.
  13. I'm sorry, I don't understand why this is snarky. Was it not true? I know my hands were full when my 3 were all 3 and under. I appreciated that people recognized it was hard.
  14. Did she really say that? To me, that suggests it's okay to be rude as long as you didn't do it first. I'd rather give someone the benefit of the doubt, because usually they aren't rude on purpose. If someone is deliberately rude, I just walk away. Or put them back on ignore. ;)
  15. What is the diagnosis? I would want to be sure I knew what was wrong and what the treatment options are before I even started thinking abut euthanasia.
  16. My babies got them at 7 or 8 months, because I didn't restrict or delay foods, as recommended. Effects of Early Nutritional Interventions on the Development of Atopic Disease in Infants and Children: The Role of Maternal Dietary Restriction, Breastfeeding, Timing of Introduction of Complementary Foods, and Hydrolyzed Formulas I thought it was obvious that the PP was concerned about the presence of "chicken embryos", not the timing of vaccines. Of course, there aren't any chicken embryos in the influenza vaccine, just some residual egg proteins left over from incubation.
  17. It's awfully one sided. He might be a thief, but that doesn't invalidate the study. He's not even first author; he's fourth out of seven, which means he didn't contribute much to the study, and wouldn't be in a position to manipulate the data. Most researchers are honest, but there are bound to be some crooks. I don't know if Thorsen is a crook or not. But even if he is (possible), and even if the study turns out to be flawed (unlikely) there are numerous other studies that find no association between autism and vaccines. There are NO studies that show an association other than Wakefield's, which has been retracted.
  18. You're right that chicken pox vaccine virus can be transmitted to others- I forgot to include that one. There are no reported cases of severe illness related to secondary transmission. For the other live virus vaccines-measles, mumps, rubella and flumist, illness from secondary transmission is either rare or nonexistent.
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